# Chapter 28 IO-Bound Asynchronous Operations

# How Windows Performs I/O Operations

Let’s begin by discussing how Windows performs synchronous I/O operations. Figure 28-1 represents a computer system with several hardware devices connected to it. Each of these hardware devices has its own circuit board, each of which contains a small, special-purpose computer that knows how to control its hardware device. For example, the hard disk drive has a circuit board that knows how to spin up the drive, seek the head to the right track, read or write data from or to the disk, and transfer the data to or from your computer’s memory.


In your program, you open a disk file by constructing a FileStream object. Then you call the Read method to read data from the file. When you call FileStream’s Read method, your thread transitions from managed code to native/user-mode code and Read internally calls the Win32 ReadFile function (#1). ReadFile then allocates a small data structure called an I/O Request Packet (IRP) (#2). The IRP structure is initialized to contain the handle to the file, an offset within the file where bytes will start to be read from, the address of a Byte[] that should be filled with the bytes being read, the number of bytes to transfer, and some other less interesting stuff.

ReadFile then calls into the Windows kernel by having your thread transition from native/usermode code to native/kernel-mode code, passing the IRP data structure to the kernel (#3). From the device handle in the IRP, the Windows kernel knows which hardware device the I/O operation is destined for, and Windows delivers the IRP to the appropriate device driver’s IRP queue (#4). Each device driver maintains its own IRP queue that contains I/O requests from all processes running on the machine. As IRP packets show up, the device driver passes the IRP information to the circuit board associated with the actual hardware device. The hardware device now performs the requested I/O operation (#5).

But here is the important part: While the hardware device is performing the I/O operation, your thread that issued the I/O request has nothing to do, so Windows puts your thread to sleep so that it is not wasting CPU time (#6). This is great, but although your thread is not wasting time, it is wasting space (memory), as its user-mode stack, kernel-mode stack, thread environment block (TEB), and other data structures are sitting in memory but are not being accessed at all. In addition, for GUI applications, the UI can’t respond to user input while the thread is blocked. All of this is bad.

Ultimately, the hardware device will complete the I/O operation, and then Windows will wake up your thread, schedule it to a CPU, and let it return from kernel mode to user mode, and then back to managed code (#7, #8, and #9). FileStream’s Read method now returns an Int32, indicating the actual number of bytes read from the file so that you know how many bytes you can examine in the Byte[] that you passed to Read.

Let’s imagine that you are implementing a web application and as each client request comes in to your server, you need to make a database request. When a client request comes in, a thread pool thread will call into your code. If you now issue a database request synchronously, the thread will block for an indefinite amount of time waiting for the database to respond with the result. If during this time another client request comes in, the thread pool will have to create another thread and again this thread will block when it makes another database request. As more and more client requests come in, more and more threads are created, and all these threads block waiting for the database to respond. The result is that your web server is allocating lots of system resources (threads and their memory) that are barely even used!

And to make matters worse, when the database does reply with the various results, threads become unblocked and they all start executing. But because you might have lots of threads running and relatively few CPU cores, Windows has to perform frequent context switches, which hurts performance even more. This is no way to implement a scalable application.

Now, let’s discuss how Windows performs asynchronous I/O operations. In Figure 28-2, I have removed all the hardware devices except the hard disk from the picture, I introduce the common language runtime’s (CLR’s) thread pool, and I’ve modified the code slightly. I still open the disk file by constructing a FileStream object, but now I pass in the FileOptions.Asynchronous flag. This flag tells Windows that I want my read and write operations against the file to be performed asynchronously.

To read data from the file, I now call ReadAsync instead of Read. ReadAsync internally allocates a Task object to represent the pending completion of the read operation. Then, ReadAsync calls Win32’s ReadFile function (#1). ReadFile allocates its IRP, initializes it just like it did in the synchronous scenario (#2), and then passes it down to the Windows kernel (#3). Windows adds the IRP to the hard disk driver’s IRP queue (#4), but now, instead of blocking your thread, your thread is allowed to return to your code; your thread immediately returns from its call to ReadAsync (#5, #6, and #7). Now, of course, the IRP has not necessarily been processed yet, so you cannot have code after ReadAsync that attempts to access the bytes in the passed-in Byte[].

Now you might ask, when and how do you process the data that will ultimately be read? Well, when you call ReadAsync, it returns to you a Task object. Using this object, you can call ContinueWith to register a callback method that should execute when the task completes and then process the data in this callback method. Or, alternatively, you can use C#’s asynchronous function feature to simplify your code by allowing you to write it sequentially (as you would if you were performing synchronous I/O).


When the hardware device completes processing the IRP (a), it will queue the completed IRP into the CLR’s thread pool (b). Sometime in the future, a thread pool thread will extract the completed IRP and execute code that completes the task by setting an exception (if an error occurred) or the result (in this case, an Int32 indicating the number of bytes successfully read) (c).1 So now the Task object knows when the operation has completed and this, in turn, lets your code run so it can safely access the data inside the Byte[].

Now that you understand the basics, let’s put it all into perspective. Let’s say that a client request comes in, and our server makes an asynchronous database request. As a result, our thread won’t block, and it will be allowed to return to the thread pool so that it can handle more incoming client requests. So now we have just one thread handling all incoming client requests. When the database server responds, its response is also queued into the thread pool, so our thread pool thread will just process it at some point and ultimately send the necessary data back to the client. At this point, we have just one thread processing all client requests and all database responses. Our server is using very few system resources and it is still running as fast as it can, especially because there are no context switches!

If items appear in the thread pool quicker than our one thread can process them all, then the thread pool might create additional threads. The thread pool will quickly create one thread per CPU on the machine. So, on a quad-processor machine, four client requests/database responses (in any combination) are running on four threads without any context switching.

However, if any of these threads voluntarily block (by invoking a synchronous I/O operation, calling Thread.Sleep, or waiting to acquire a thread synchronization lock), then Windows notifies the thread pool that one of its threads has stopped running. The thread pool now realizes that the CPUs are undersaturated and creates a new thread to replace the blocked thread. This, of course, is not ideal because creating a new thread is very expensive in terms of both time and memory.

What’s worse is that the blocked thread might wake up and now the CPUs are oversaturated again and context switching must occur, decreasing performance. However, the thread pool is smart here. As threads complete their processing and return to the pool, the thread pool won’t let them process new work items until the CPUs become exactly saturated again, thereby reducing context switches and improving performance. And if the thread pool later determines that it has more threads in it than it needs, it lets the extra threads kill themselves, thereby reclaiming the resources that these threads were using.

Internally, the CLR’s thread pool uses a Windows resource called an I/O Completion Port to elicit the behavior that I’ve just described. The CLR creates an I/O Completion Port when it initializes and, as you open hardware devices, these devices can be bound to the I/O Completion Port so that device drivers know where to queue the completed IRPs. If you want to understand more about this mechanism, I recommend the book, Windows via C/C++, Fifth Edition, by myself and Christophe Nasarre (Microsoft Press, 2007).

In addition to minimal resource usage and reduced context switches, we get many other benefits when performing I/O operations asynchronously. Whenever a garbage collection starts, the CLR must suspend all the threads in the process. Therefore, the fewer threads we have, the faster the garbage collector runs. In addition, when a garbage collection occurs, the CLR must walk all the threads’ stacks looking for roots. Again, the fewer threads there are, the fewer stacks there are, and this also makes the garbage collection faster. But, in addition, if our threads don’t block while processing work items, the threads tend to spend most of their time waiting in the thread pool. So when a garbage collection occurs, the threads are at the top of their stack, and walking each thread’s stack for roots takes very little time.

Also, when you debug an application, Windows suspends all threads in the debuggee when you hit a breakpoint. Then, when you continue executing the debuggee, Windows has to resume all its threads, so if you have a lot of threads in an application, single-stepping through the code in a debugger can be excruciatingly slow. Using asynchronous I/O allows you to have just a few threads, improving your debugging performance.

And, here’s yet another benefit: let’s say that your application wants to download 10 images from various websites, and that it takes 5 seconds to download each image. If you perform this work synchronously (downloading one image after another), then it takes you 50 seconds to get the 10 images. However, if you use just one thread to initiate 10 asynchronous download operations, then all 10 are being performed concurrently and all 10 images will come back in just 5 seconds! That is, when performing multiple synchronous I/O operations, the time it takes to get all the results is the sum of the times required for each individual result. However, when performing multiple asynchronous I/O operations, the time it takes to get all the results is the time required to get the single worst-performing operation.

For GUI applications, asynchronous operations offer yet another advantage: the application’s user interface doesn’t hang and remains responsive to the end user. In fact, if you are building a Microsoft Silverlight or Windows Store application, you must perform all I/O operations asynchronously, because the class libraries available to you for performing I/O operations only expose these operations asynchronously; the equivalent synchronous methods simply do not exist in the library. This was done purposely ensuring that these applications can never issue a synchronous I/O operation, thereby blocking the GUI thread making the application nonresponsive to the end user. This forces developers to build responsive applications providing end users a better experience.

💡小结:Windows 执行同步 I/O 操作时,首先通过构造一个 FileStream 对象来打开磁盘文件,然后调用 Read 方法从文件中读取数据。调用 FileStreamRead 方法时,线程会从托管代码转变为本机 / 用户模式代码, Read 内部调用 Win32 ReadFile 函数。 ReadFile 分配一个小的数据结构,称为 I/O 请求包(I/O Request Packet,IRP)。IRP 结构初始化后包含的内容有:文件句柄,文件中的偏移量(从这个位置开始读取字节),一个 Byte[] 数组的地址(数组用读取的字节来填充),要传输的字节数以及其他常规性内容。然后, ReadFile 将线程从本机 / 用户模式代码转变成本机 / 内核模式代码,向内核传递 IRP 数据结构,从而调用 Windows 内核。根据 IRP 中的设备句柄,Windows 内核知道 I/O 操作要传送给哪个硬件设备。因此,Windows 将 IRP 传送给恰当的设备驱动的 IRP 队列。每个设备驱动程序都维护着自己的 IRP 队列,其中包含了机器上运行的所有进程发出的 I/O 请求。IRP 数据包到达时,设备驱动程序将 IRP 信息传给物理硬件设备上安装的电路板。现在,硬件设备将执行请求的 I/O 操作。在硬件设备执行 I/O 操作期间,发出了 I/O 请求的线程将无事可做,所以 Windows 将线程变成睡眠状态,防止它浪费 CPU 时间。这当然很好。但是,虽然线程不浪费时间,但它仍然浪费了空间 (内存),因为它的用户模式栈、内核模式栈、线程环境块 (thread environment block,TEB) 和其他数据结构都还在内存中,而且完全没有谁去访问这些东西。这当然就不好了。最终,硬件设备会完成 I/O 操作。然后,Windows 会唤醒你的线程,把它调度给一个 CPU,使它从内核模式返回用户模式,再返回至托管代码。 FileStreamRead 方法现在返回一个 Int32 ,指明从文件中读取的实际字节数,使你知道在传给 ReadByte[] 中,实际能检索到多少个字节。现在讨论一下 Windows 如何执行异步 I/O 操作,打开磁盘文件的方式仍然是通过构造一个 FileStream 对象,但现在传递了一个 FileOptions.Asynchronous 标志,告诉 Windows 我希望文件的读 / 写操作以异步方式执行。现在调用 ReadAsync 而不是 Read 从文件中读取数据。 ReadAsync 内部分配一个 Task<Int32> 对象来代表用于完成读取操作的代码。然后, ReadAsync 调用 Win32 ReadFile 函数。 ReadFile 分配 IRP,和前面的同步操作一样初始化它,然后把它传给 Windows 内核。Windows 把 IRP 添加到硬盘驱动程序的 IRP 队列中。但线程不再阻塞,而是允许返回至你的代码。所以,线程能立即从 ReadAsync 调用中返回。当然,此时 IRP 可能尚未出处理好,所以不能够在 ReadAsync 之后的代码中访问传递的 Byte[] 中的字节。注意,调用 ReadAsync 返回的是一个 Task<Int32> 对象。可在该对象上调用 ContinueWith 来登记任务完成时执行的回调方法,然后在回调方法中处理数据。当然,也可利用 C# 的异步函数功能简化编码,以顺序方式写代码 (感觉就像是执行同步 I/O)。硬件设备处理好 IRP 后,会将完成的 IRP 放到 CLR 的线程池队列中。将来某个时候,一个线程池线程会提取完成的 IRP 并执行完成任务的代码,最终要么设置异常 (如果发生错误),要么返回结果 (本例是代表成功读取的字节数的一个 Int32 )。这样一来, Task 对象就知道操作在什么时候完成,代码可以开始运行并安全地访问 Byte[] 中的数据。假定在传入一个客户端请求之后,服务器发出的是一个异步数据库请求。此时线程不会阻塞,它可返回线程池以处理传入的更多客户端请求。所以,现在用一个线程就能处理所有传入的客户端请求。数据库服务器响应之后,它的响应也会进入线程池队列,使线程池线程能在某个时间处理它,最后将需要的数据发送回客户端。在这种情况下,只用一个线程就处理了所有客户端请求和所有数据库响应。服务器只需使用极少的系统资源,同时运行速度也得到了保证。如果工作项被送入线程池的速度比一个线程处理它们的速度还要快,线程池就可能创建额外的线程。线程池很快会为机器上的每个 CPU 都创建一个线程。例如,在 4 核机器上,4 个客户端请求 / 数据库响应 (任意组合) 可以在 4 个线程上同时运行,而且还不会发生上下文切换。然而,如果其中任何一个线程主动阻塞 (通过调用同步 I/O 操作,调用 Thread.Sleep 或者等待获取线程同步锁),Windows 就会通知线程池它的一个线程停止了运行。随后,线程池意识到 CPU 处于欠饱和状态,所以会创建一个新线程来替换阻塞的线程。更糟的是,阻塞的线程可能醒来,CPU 又变得过饱和了,所以必须发生上下文切换,这会影响到性能。然而,线程池在这个时候是比较聪明的。线程完成处理并回到池中时,除非 CPU 再度变得饱和,否则线程池不让它们处理新的工作项。这样就减少了上下文切换并提升了性能。如果线程池以后判断它的线程数超过需要的数量,会允许多余的线程终止自身,回收这些线程使用的资源。在内部,CLR 的线程池使用名为 “I/O 完成端口”(I/O Completion Port) 的 Windows 资源来引出我刚才描述的行为。CLR 在初始化时创建一个 I/O 完成端口。当你打开硬件设备时,这些设备可以和 I/O 完成端口关联,使设备驱动程序知道将完成的 IRP 送到哪儿。 除了将资源利用率降到最低,并减少上下文切换,以异步方式执行 I/O 操作还有其他许多好处。每开始一次垃圾回收,CLR 都必须挂起进程中的所有线程。所以,线程越少,垃圾回收器运行的速度越快。此外,一次垃圾回收发生时,CLR 必须遍历所有线程的栈来查找根。同样,线程越少,栈的数量越少,使垃圾回收速度变得更快。另外,在调试应用程序时,一旦遇到断点,Windows 会挂起被调试的应用程序中的所有线程。应用程序刚恢复继续运行时,Windows 必须恢复它的所有线程。所以,如果应用程序中的线程数太多,在调试器中单步调试代码会慢得令人难受。使用异步 I/O 可以将线程数控制在少数几个,可以增强调试性能。 还有一个好处值得一提:执行多个同步 I/O 操作,获得所有结果的时间是获得每个单独结果所需时间之和。但执行多个异步 I/O 操作,获得所有结果的时间是表现最差的那个操作所需的时间。 对于 GUI 应用程序,异步操作还有另一个好处,即用户界面不会挂起,一直都能灵敏地响应用户的操作。

# C#’s Asynchronous Functions

Performing asynchronous operations is the key to building scalable and responsive applications that allow you to use very few threads to execute lots of operations. And when coupled with the thread pool, asynchronous operations allow you to take advantage of all of the CPUs that are in the machine. Realizing the enormous potential here, Microsoft designed a programming model that would make it easy for developers to take advantage of this capability.3 This pattern leverages Tasks (as discussed in Chapter 27, “Compute-Bound Asynchronous Operations”) and a C# language feature called asynchronous functions (or async functions, for short). Here is an example of code that uses an async function to issue two asynchronous I/O operations.

private static async Task<String> IssueClientRequestAsync(String serverName, String message) {
 using (var pipe = new NamedPipeClientStream(serverName, "PipeName", PipeDirection.InOut, 
 PipeOptions.Asynchronous | PipeOptions.WriteThrough)) {
 pipe.Connect(); // Must Connect before setting ReadMode
 pipe.ReadMode = PipeTransmissionMode.Message;
 // Asynchronously send data to the server
 Byte[] request = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
 await pipe.WriteAsync(request, 0, request.Length);
 // Asynchronously read the server's response
 Byte[] response = new Byte[1000];
 Int32 bytesRead = await pipe.ReadAsync(response, 0, response.Length);
 return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response, 0, bytesRead);
 } // Close the pipe

In the preceding code, you can tell that IssueClientRequestAsync is an async function, because I specified async on the first line just after static. When you mark a method as async, the compiler basically transforms your method’s code into a type that implements a state machine (the details of which will be discussed in the next section). This allows a thread to execute some code in the state machine and then return without having the method execute all the way to completion. So, when a thread calls IssueClientRequestAsync, the thread constructs a NamedPipeClientStream, calls Connect, sets its ReadMode property, converts the passed-in message to a Byte[] and then calls WriteAsync. WriteAsync internally allocates a Task object and returns it back to IssueClientRequestAsync. At this point, the C# await operator effectively calls ContinueWith on the Task object passing in the method that resumes the state machine and then, the thread returns from IssueClientRequestAsync.

Sometime in the future, the network device driver will complete writing the data to the pipe and then, a thread pool thread will notify the Task object, which will then activate the ContinueWith callback method, causing a thread to resume the state machine. More specifically, a thread will re-enter the IssueClientRequestAsync method but at the point of the await operator. Our method now executes compiler-generated code that queries the status of the Task object. If the operation failed, an exception representing the failure is thrown. If the operation completes successfully, the await operator returns the result. In this case, WriteAsync returns a Task instead of a Task, so there is no return value.

Now, our method continues executing by allocating a Byte[] and then calls NamedPipeClientStream’s asynchronous ReadAsync method. Internally, ReadAsync creates a Task object and returns it. Again, the await operator effectively calls ContinueWith on the Task object passing in the method that resumes the state machine. And then, the thread returns from IssueClientRequestAsync again.

Sometime in the future, the server will send a response back to the client machine, the network device driver gets this response, and a thread pool thread notifies the Task object, which will then resume the state machine. The await operator causes the compiler to generate code that queries the Task object’s Result property (an Int32) and assigns the result to the bytesRead local variable or throws an exception if the operation failed. Then, the rest of the code in IssueClientRequestAsync executes, returning the result string and closing the pipe. At this point, the state machine has run to completion and the garbage collector will reclaim any memory it needed.

Because async functions return before their state machine has executed all the way to completion, the method calling IssueClientRequestAsync will continue its execution right after IssueClientRequestAsync executes its first await operator. But, how can the caller know when IssueClientRequestAsync has completed executing its state machine in its entirety? Well, when you mark a method as async, the compiler automatically generates code that creates a Task object when the state machine begins its execution; this Task object is completed automatically when the state machine runs to completion. You’ll notice that the IssueClientRequestAsync method’s return type is a Task. It actually returns the Task object that the compiler-generated code creates back to its caller, and the Task’s Result property is of type String in this case. Near the bottom of IssueClientRequestAsync, I return a string. This causes the compiler-generated code to complete the Task object it created and set its Result property to the returned string.

You should be aware of the following restrictions related to async functions:

  • You cannot turn your application’s Main method into an async function. In addition, constructors, property accessor methods and event accessor methods cannot be turned into async functions.

  • You cannot have any out or ref parameters on an async function.

  • You cannot use the await operator inside a catch, finally, or unsafe block.

  • You cannot take a lock that supports thread ownership or recursion before an await operator and release it after the await operator. The reason is because one thread might execute the code before the await and a different thread might execute the code after the await. If you use await within a C# lock statement, the compiler issues an error. If you explicitly call Monitor’s Enter and Exit methods instead, then the code will compile but Monitor.Exit will throw a SynchronizationLockException at run time.4

  • Within a query expression, the await operator may only be used within the first collection expression of the initial from clause or within the collection expression of a join clause.

These restrictions are pretty minor. If you violate one, the compiler will let you know, and you can usually work around the problem with some small code modifications.

💡小结:执行异步操作是构建可伸缩的、响应灵敏的应用程序的关键,它允许使用少量线程执行大量操作。与线程池结合,异步操作允许利用机器中的所有 CPU。意识到其中的巨大潜力,Microsoft 设计了一个编程模型来帮助开发者利用这种能力。该模式利用了 Task 和称为异步函数的一个 C# 语言功能。注意,异步函数存在以下限制。1. 构造器、属性访问器方法和事件访问器方法不能转变成异步函数。2. 异步函数不能使用任何 outref 参数。3. 不能在 catch,finally 或 unsafe 块中使用 await 操作符。4. 不能在 await 操作符之前获得一个支持线程所有权或递归的锁,并在 await 操作符之后释放它。这是因为 await 之前的代码由一个线程执行,之后的代码则可能由另一个线程执行。在 C# lock 语句中使用 await ,编译器会报错。如果显式调用 MonitorEnterExit 方法,那么代码虽然能编译,但 Monitor.Exit 会在运行时抛出一个 SynchronizationLockException 。5. 在查询表达式中, await 操作符只能在初始 from 子句的第一个集合表达式中使用,或者在 join 子句的集合表达式中使用。

# How the Compiler Transforms an Async Function into a State Machine

When working with async functions, you will be more productive with them if you have an understanding and appreciation for the code transform that the compiler is doing for you. And, I think the easiest and best way for you to learn that is by going through an example. So, let’s start off by defining some simple type definitions and some simple methods.

internal sealed class Type1 { }
internal sealed class Type2 { }
private static async Task<Type1> Method1Async() {
 /* Does some async thing that returns a Type1 object */ 
private static async Task<Type2> Method2Async() { 
 /* Does some async thing that returns a Type2 object */ 

Now, let me show you an async function that consumes these simple types and methods.

private static async Task<String> MyMethodAsync(Int32 argument) {
 Int32 local = argument;
 try {
 Type1 result1 = await Method1Async();
 for (Int32 x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
 Type2 result2 = await Method2Async();
 catch (Exception) {
 finally {
 return "Done";

Although MyMethodAsync seems rather contrived, it demonstrates some key things. First, it is an async function itself that returns a Task but the code’s body ultimately returns a String. Second, it calls other functions that execute operations asynchronously, one stand-alone and the other from within a for loop. Finally, it also contains exception handling code. When compiling MyMethodAsync, the compiler transforms the code in this method to a state machine structure that is capable of being suspended and resumed.

I took the preceding code, compiled it, and then reverse engineered the IL code back into C# source code. I then simplified the code and added a lot of comments to it so you can understand what the compiler is doing to make async functions work. The following is the essence of the code created by the compiler’s transformation. I show the transformed MyMethodAsync method as well as the state machine structure it now depends on.

// AsyncStateMachine attribute indicates an async method (good for tools using reflection); 
// the type indicates which structure implements the state machine
[DebuggerStepThrough, AsyncStateMachine(typeof(StateMachine))]
private static Task<String> MyMethodAsync(Int32 argument) {
 // Create state machine instance & initialize it
 StateMachine stateMachine = new StateMachine() {
 // Create builder returning Task<String> from this stub method
 // State machine accesses builder to set Task completion/exception
 m_builder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<String>.Create(), 
 m_state = -1, // Initialize state machine location
 m_argument = argument // Copy arguments to state machine fields
 // Start executing the state machine
 stateMachine.m_builder.Start(ref stateMachine);
 return stateMachine.m_builder.Task; // Return state machine's Task
// This is the state machine structure
[CompilerGenerated, StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto)]
private struct StateMachine : IAsyncStateMachine {
 // Fields for state machine's builder (Task) & its location
 public AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<String> m_builder;
 public Int32 m_state;
 // Argument and local variables are fields now:
 public Int32 m_argument, m_local, m_x;
 public Type1 m_resultType1;
 public Type2 m_resultType2;
 // There is 1 field per awaiter type.
 // Only 1 of these fields is important at any time. That field refers 
 // to the most recently executed await that is completing asynchronously:
 private TaskAwaiter<Type1> m_awaiterType1;
 private TaskAwaiter<Type2> m_awaiterType2;
 // This is the state machine method itself
 void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext() {
 String result = null; // Task's result value
 // Compiler-inserted try block ensures the state machine’s task completes
 try {
 Boolean executeFinally = true; // Assume we're logically leaving the 'try' block
 if (m_state == -1) { // If 1st time in state machine method,
 m_local = m_argument; // execute start of original method
 // Try block that we had in our original code
 try {
 TaskAwaiter<Type1> awaiterType1;
 TaskAwaiter<Type2> awaiterType2;
 switch (m_state) {
 case -1: // Start execution of code in 'try'
 // Call Method1Async and get its awaiter
 awaiterType1 = Method1Async().GetAwaiter();
 if (!awaiterType1.IsCompleted) {
 m_state = 0; // 'Method1Async' is completing 
 // asynchronously
 m_awaiterType1 = awaiterType1; // Save the awaiter for when we come back
 // Tell awaiter to call MoveNext when operation completes
 m_builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref awaiterType1, ref this);
 // The line above invokes awaiterType1's OnCompleted which approximately 
 // calls ContinueWith(t => MoveNext()) on the Task being awaited.
 // When the Task completes, the ContinueWith task calls MoveNext
 executeFinally = false; // We're not logically leaving the 'try' 
 // block
 return; // Thread returns to caller
 // 'Method1Async' completed synchronously
 case 0: // 'Method1Async' completed asynchronously
 awaiterType1 = m_awaiterType1; // Restore most-recent awaiter
 case 1: // 'Method2Async' completed asynchronously
 awaiterType2 = m_awaiterType2; // Restore most-recent awaiter
 goto ForLoopEpilog;
 // After the first await, we capture the result & start the 'for' loop
 m_resultType1 = awaiterType1.GetResult(); // Get awaiter's result
 m_x = 0; // 'for' loop initialization
 goto ForLoopBody; // Skip to 'for' loop body
 m_resultType2 = awaiterType2.GetResult();
 m_x++; // Increment x after each loop iteration
 // Fall into the 'for' loop’s body
 if (m_x < 3) { // 'for' loop test
 // Call Method2Async and get its awaiter
 awaiterType2 = Method2Async().GetAwaiter();
 if (!awaiterType2.IsCompleted) {
 m_state = 1; // 'Method2Async' is completing asynchronously
 m_awaiterType2 = awaiterType2; // Save the awaiter for when we come back
 // Tell awaiter to call MoveNext when operation completes 
 m_builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref awaiterType2, ref this);
 executeFinally = false; // We're not logically leaving the 'try' block
 return; // Thread returns to caller
 // 'Method2Async' completed synchronously
 goto ForLoopEpilog; // Completed synchronously, loop around
 catch (Exception) {
 finally {
 // Whenever a thread physically leaves a 'try', the 'finally' executes
 // We only want to execute this code when the thread logically leaves the 'try'
 if (executeFinally) {
 result = "Done"; // What we ultimately want to return from the async function
 catch (Exception exception) {
 // Unhandled exception: complete state machine's Task with exception
 // No exception: complete state machine's Task with result

If you spend the time to walk through the preceding code and read all the comments, I think you’ll be able to fully digest what the compiler does for you. However, there is a piece of glue that attaches the object being awaited to the state machine and I think it would be helpful if I explained how this piece of glue worked. Whenever you use the await operator in your code, the compiler takes the specified operand and attempts to call a GetAwaiter method on it. This method can be either an instance method or an extension method. The object returned from calling the GetAwaiter method is referred to as an awaiter. An awaiter is the glue I was referring to.

After the state machine obtains an awaiter, it queries its IsCompleted property. If the operation completed synchronously, true is returned and, as an optimization, the state machine simply continues executing. At this point, it calls the awaiter’s GetResult method, which either throws an exception if the operation failed or returns the result if the operation was successful. The state machine continues running from here to process the result.

If the operation completes asynchronously, IsCompleted returns false. In this case, the state machine calls the awaiter’s OnCompleted method passing it a delegate to the state machine’s MoveNext method. And now, the state machine allows its thread to return back to where it came from so that it can execute other code. In the future, the awaiter, which wraps the underlying Task, knows when it completes and invokes the delegate causing MoveNext to execute. The fields within the state machine are used to figure out how to get to the right point in the code, giving the illusion that the method is continuing from where it left off. At this point, the code calls the awaiter’s GetResult method and execution continues running from here to process the result.

That is how async functions work and the whole purpose is to simplify the coding effort normally involved when writing non-blocking code.

💡小结:编译 MyMethodAsync 时,编译器将该方法中的代码转换成一个状态机结构。这种结构能挂起和恢复。花些时间梳理上述代码并读完所有注释,我猜你就能完全地领会编译器为你做的事情了。但是,如果将被等待的对象与状态机粘合起来还需着重解释一下。任何时候使用 await 操作符,编译器都会获取操作数,并尝试在它上面调用 GetAwaiter 方法。这可能是实例方法或扩展方法。调用 GetAwaiter 方法所返回的对象称为 awaiter (等待者),正是它将被等待的对象与状态机粘合起来。状态机获得 awaiter 后,会查询其 IsCompleted 属性。如果操作已经以同步方式完成了,属性将返回 true ,而作为一项优化措施,状态机将继续执行并调用 awaiter 的 GetResult 方法。该方法要么抛出异常 (操作失败),要么返回结果 (操作成功)。状态机继续执行以处理结果。如果操作以异步方式完成, IsCompleted 将返回 false 。状态机调用 awaiter 的 OnCompleted 方法并向它传递一个委托 (引用状态机的 MoveNext 方法)。现在,状态机允许它的线程回到原地以执行其他代码。将来某个时候,封装了底层任务的 awaiter 会在完成时调用委托以执行 MoveNext 。可根据状态机中的正确位置,使方法能从它当初离开时的位置继续。这时,代码调用 awaiter 的 GetResult 方法。执行将从这里继续,以便对结果进行处理。这便是异步函数的工作原理,开发人员可用它轻松地写出不阻塞的代码。

# Async Function Extensibility

As for extensibility, if you can wrap a Task object around an operation that completes in the future, you can use the await operator to await that operation. Having a single type (Task) to represent all kinds of asynchronous operations is phenomenally useful because it allows you to implement combinators (like Task’s WhenAll and WhenAny methods) and other helpful operations. Later in this chapter, I demonstrate doing this by wrapping a CancellationToken with a Task so I can await an asynchronous operation while also exposing timeout and cancellation.

I’d also like to share with you another example. The following is my TaskLogger class, which you can use to show you asynchronous operations that haven’t yet completed. This is very useful in debugging scenarios especially when your application appears hung due to a bad request or a nonresponding server.

public static class TaskLogger {
 public enum TaskLogLevel { None, Pending }
 public static TaskLogLevel LogLevel { get; set; }
 public sealed class TaskLogEntry {
 public Task Task { get; internal set; }
 public String Tag { get; internal set; }
 public DateTime LogTime { get; internal set; }
 public String CallerMemberName { get; internal set; }
 public String CallerFilePath { get; internal set; }
 public Int32 CallerLineNumber { get; internal set; }
 public override string ToString() {
 return String.Format("LogTime={0}, Tag={1}, Member={2}, File={3}({4})",
 LogTime, Tag ?? "(none)", CallerMemberName, CallerFilePath, CallerLineNumber);
 private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Task, TaskLogEntry> s_log = 
 new ConcurrentDictionary<Task, TaskLogEntry>();
 public static IEnumerable<TaskLogEntry> GetLogEntries() { return s_log.Values; }
 public static Task<TResult> Log<TResult>(this Task<TResult> task, String tag = null,
 [CallerMemberName] String callerMemberName = null,
 [CallerFilePath] String callerFilePath = null,
 [CallerLineNumber] Int32 callerLineNumber = -1) {
 return (Task<TResult>)
 Log((Task)task, tag, callerMemberName, callerFilePath, callerLineNumber);
 public static Task Log(this Task task, String tag = null,
 [CallerMemberName] String callerMemberName = null,
 [CallerFilePath] String callerFilePath = null,
 [CallerLineNumber] Int32 callerLineNumber = -1) {
 if (LogLevel == TaskLogLevel.None) return task;
 var logEntry = new TaskLogEntry {
 Task = task,
 LogTime = DateTime.Now,
 Tag = tag,
 CallerMemberName = callerMemberName,
 CallerFilePath = callerFilePath,
 CallerLineNumber = callerLineNumber
 s_log[task] = logEntry;
 task.ContinueWith(t => { TaskLogEntry entry; s_log.TryRemove(t, out entry); },
 return task;

And here is some code that demonstrates the use of the class.

public static async Task Go() {
 // Using TaskLogger incurs a memory and performance hit; so turn it on in debug builds
 TaskLogger.LogLevel = TaskLogger.TaskLogLevel.Pending;
 // Initiate 3 task; for testing the TaskLogger, we control their duration explicitly
 var tasks = new List<Task> {
 Task.Delay(2000).Log("2s op"),
 Task.Delay(5000).Log("5s op"),
 Task.Delay(6000).Log("6s op")
 try {
 // Wait for all tasks but cancel after 3 seconds; only 1 task should complete in time
 // Note: WithCancellation is my extension method described later in this chapter
 await Task.WhenAll(tasks).
 WithCancellation(new CancellationTokenSource(3000).Token);
 catch (OperationCanceledException) { }
 // Ask the logger which tasks have not yet completed and sort
 // them in order from the one that’s been waiting the longest
 foreach (var op in TaskLogger.GetLogEntries().OrderBy(tle => tle.LogTime))

When I build and run this code, I get the following output.

LogTime=7/16/2012 6:44:31 AM, Tag=6s op, Member=Go, File=C:\CLR via C#\Code\Ch28-1-IOOps.cs(332)
LogTime=7/16/2012 6:44:31 AM, Tag=5s op, Member=Go, File=C:\CLR via C#\Code\Ch28-1-IOOps.cs(331)

In addition to all the flexibility you have with using Task, async functions have another extensibility point: the compiler calls GetAwaiter on whatever operand is used with await. So, the operand doesn’t have to be a Task object at all; it can be of any type as long as it has a GetAwaiter method available to call. Here is an example of my own awaiter that is the glue between an async method’s state machine and an event being raised.

public sealed class EventAwaiter<TEventArgs> : INotifyCompletion {
 private ConcurrentQueue<TEventArgs> m_events = new ConcurrentQueue<TEventArgs>();
 private Action m_continuation;
 #region Members invoked by the state machine
 // The state machine will call this first to get our awaiter; we return ourself
 public EventAwaiter<TEventArgs> GetAwaiter() { return this; }
 // Tell state machine if any events have happened yet
 public Boolean IsCompleted { get { return m_events.Count > 0; } }
 // The state machine tells us what method to invoke later; we save it
 public void OnCompleted(Action continuation) { 
 Volatile.Write(ref m_continuation, continuation); 
 // The state machine queries the result; this is the await operator's result
 public TEventArgs GetResult() { 
 TEventArgs e; 
 m_events.TryDequeue(out e); 
 return e; 
 // Potentially invoked by multiple threads simultaneously when each raises the event
 public void EventRaised(Object sender, TEventArgs eventArgs) {
 m_events.Enqueue(eventArgs); // Save EventArgs to return it from GetResult/await
 // If there is a pending continuation, this thread takes it
 Action continuation = Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_continuation, null);
 if (continuation != null) continuation(); // Resume the state machine

And here is a method that uses my EventAwaiter class to return from an await operator whenever an event is raised. In this case, the state machine continues whenever any thread in the AppDomain throws an exception

private static async void ShowExceptions() {
 var eventAwaiter = new EventAwaiter<FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs>();
 AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += eventAwaiter.EventRaised;
 while (true) {
 Console.WriteLine("AppDomain exception: {0}",
 (await eventAwaiter).Exception.GetType());

And finally, here is some code that demonstrates it all working.

public static void Go() {
 for (Int32 x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
 try {
 switch (x) {
 case 0: throw new InvalidOperationException();
 case 1: throw new ObjectDisposedException("");
 case 2: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
 catch { }

💡小结:在扩展性方面,能用 Task 对象包装一个将来完成的操作,就可以用 await 操作符来等待该操作。用一个类型 ( Task ) 来表示各种异步操作对编码有利,因为可以实现组合操作 (比如 TaskWhenAllWhenAny 方法) 和其他有用的操作。除了增强使用 Task 时的灵活性,异步函数另一个对扩展性有利的地方在于编译器可以在 await 的任何操作数上调用 GetAwaiter 。所以操作数不一定是 Task 对象。可以是任意类型,只要提供了一个可以调用的 GetAwaiter 方法。

# Async Functions and Event Handlers

Async functions usually have a return type of either Task or Task to represent the completion of the function’s state machine. However, it is also possible to define an async function with a void return type. This is a special case that the C# compiler allows to simplify the very common scenario where you want to implement an asynchronous event handler.

Almost all event handler methods adhere to a method signature similar to this.

void EventHandlerCallback(Object sender, EventArgs e);

But, it is common to want to perform I/O operations inside an event handler, for example, when a user clicks a UI element to open a file and read from it. To keep the UI responsive, this I/O should be done asynchronously. Allowing you to write this code in an event handler method that has a void return type requires that the C# compiler allows async functions to have a void return type so you can use the await operator to perform non-blocking I/O operations. When an async function has a void return type, the compiler still generates code to create the state machine but it does not create a Task object because there is no way that one could be used. Because of this, there is no way to know when the state machine of a void-returning async function has run to completion.

💡小结:异步函数的返回类型一般是 TaskTask<TResult> ,它们代表函数的状态机完成。但异步函数是可以返回 void 的。实现异步事件处理程序时,C# 编译器允许你利用这个特殊情况简化编码。但经常需要在事件处理方法中执行 I/O 操作,比如在用户点击 UI 元素来打开并读取文件时。为了保持 UI 的可响应性,这个 I/O 应该以异步函数返回 void 的事件处理方法中写这样的代码,C# 编译器就要允许异步函数返回 void ,这样才能利用 await 操作符执行不阻塞的 I/O 操作。编译器仍然为返回 void 的异步函数创建状态机,但不再创建 Task 对象,因为创建了也没法使用。所以,没有办法知道返回 void 的异步函数的状态机在什么时候运行完毕。

# Async Functions in the Framework Class Library

Personally, I love async functions because they are relatively easy to learn, simple to use, and they are supported by many types in the FCL. It is easy to identify async functions because, by convention, Async is suffixed onto the method’s name. In the Framework Class Library (FCL), many of the types that offer I/O operations offer XxxAsync methods.6 Here are some examples.

  • All the System.IO.Stream-derived classes offer ReadAsync, WriteAsync, FlushAsync, and CopyToAsync methods.

  • All the System.IO.TextReader-derived classed offer ReadAsync, ReadLineAsync, ReadToEndAsync, and ReadBlockAsync methods. And the System.IO.TextWriter-derived classes offer WriteAsync, WriteLineAsync, and FlushAsync methods.

  • The System.Net.Http.HttpClient class offers GetAsync, GetStreamAsync, GetByteArrayAsync, PostAsync, PutAsync, DeleteAsync, and many more.

  • All System.Net.WebRequest-derived classes (including FileWebRequest, FtpWebRequest, and HttpWebRequest) offer GetRequestStreamAsync and GetResponseAsync methods.

  • The System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand class offers ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync, ExecuteNonQueryAsync, ExecuteReaderAsync, ExecuteScalarAsync, and ExecuteXmlReaderAsync methods.

  • Tools (such as SvcUtil.exe) that produce web service proxy types also generate XxxAsync methods.

For anyone who has been working with earlier versions of the .NET Framework, you may be familiar with some other asynchronous programming models that it offered. There is the programming model that used BeginXxx and EndXxx methods along with an IAsyncResult interface. And there is the event-based programming model that also had XxxAsync methods (that did not return Task objects) and invoked event handler methods when an asynchronous operation completed. These two asynchronous programming models are now considered obsolete and the new model using Task objects is the preferred model.

While looking through the FCL, you might notice some classes that are lacking XxxAsync methods and instead only offer BeginXxx and EndXxx methods. This is mostly due to Microsoft not having the time to update these classes with the new methods. In the future, Microsoft should be enhancing these classes so that they fully support the new model. However, until they do, there is a helper method that you can use to adapt the old BeginXxx and EndXxx model to the new Task-based model.

Earlier I showed the code for a client application that makes a request over a named pipe. Let me show the server side of this code now.

private static async void StartServer() {
 while (true) {
 var pipe = new NamedPipeServerStream(c_pipeName, PipeDirection.InOut, -1,
 PipeTransmissionMode.Message, PipeOptions.Asynchronous | PipeOptions.WriteThrough);
 // Asynchronously accept a client connection
 // NOTE: NamedPipServerStream uses the old Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) 
 // I convert the old APM to the new Task model via TaskFactory's FromAsync method
 await Task.Factory.FromAsync(pipe.BeginWaitForConnection, pipe.EndWaitForConnection, 
 // Start servicing the client, which returns immediately because it is asynchronous

The NamedPipeServerStream class has BeginWaitForConnection and EndWaitForConnection methods defined, but it does not yet have a WaitForConnectionAsync method defined. Hopefully this method will be added in a future version of the FCL. However, all is not lost, because, as you see in the preceding code, I call TaskScheduler’s FromAsync method, passing into it the names of the BeginXxx and EndXxx methods, and then FromAsync internally creates a Task object that wraps these methods. Now I can use the Task object with the await operator.

For the old event-based programming model, the FCL does not include any helper methods to adapt this model into the new Task-based model. So you have to hand-code it. Here is code demonstrating how to wrap a WebClient (which uses the event-based programming model) with a TaskCompletionSource so it can be awaited on in an async function.

private static async Task<String> AwaitWebClient(Uri uri) {
 // The System.Net.WebClient class supports the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern
 var wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
 // Create the TaskCompletionSource and its underlying Task object
 var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<String>();
 // When a string completes downloading, the WebClient object raises the
 // DownloadStringCompleted event, which completes the TaskCompletionSource
 wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, e) => {
 if (e.Cancelled) tcs.SetCanceled();
 else if (e.Error != null) tcs.SetException(e.Error);
 else tcs.SetResult(e.Result);
 // Start the asynchronous operation
 // Now, we can the TaskCompletionSource’s Task and process the result as usual
 String result = await tcs.Task;
 // Process the resulting string (if desired)...
 return result;

💡小结:异步函数很容易分辨,因为规范要求为方法名附加 Async 后缀。在 FCL 中,支持 I/O 操作的许多类型都提供了 XxxAsync 方法。用过早起版本的 .NET Framework 的开发人员应该熟悉它提供的其他异步编程模型。有一个编程模型使用 BeginXxx/EndXxx 方法和 IAsyncResult 接口。还有一个基于事件的编程模型,它也提供了 XxxAsync 方法 (不返回 Task 对象),能在异步操作完成时调用事件处理程序。现在这两个异步编程模型已经过时,使用 Task 的新模型才是你的首要选择。当前,FCL 的一些类缺乏 XxxAsync 方法,只提供了 BeginXxxEndXxx 方法。这主要是由于 Microsoft 没有时间用新方法更新这些类。Microsoft 将来会增强这些类,使其完全支持新模型。但在此之前,有一个辅助方法可将旧的 BeginXxxEndXxx 方法转变成新的、基于 Task 的模型。调用 TaskFactoryFromAsync 方法,向它传递 BeginXxxEndXxx 方法的名称。然后, FromAsync 内部创建一个 Task 对象来包装这些方法。现在就可以随同 await 操作符使用 Task 对象了。FCL 没有提供任何辅助方法将旧的、基于事件的编程模型改编成新的、基于 Task 的模型。所以只能采用硬编码的方式。

# Async Functions and Exception Handling

When a Windows device driver is processing an asynchronous I/O request, it is possible for something to go wrong, and Windows will need to inform your application of this. For example, while sending bytes or waiting for bytes to come in over the network, a timeout could expire. If the data does not come in time, the device driver will want to tell you that the asynchronous operation completed with an error. To accomplish this, the device driver posts the completed IRP to the CLR’s thread pool and a thread pool thread will complete the Task object with an exception. When your state machine method is resumed, the await operator sees that the operation failed and throws this exception.

In Chapter 27, I discussed how Task objects normally throw an AggregateException, and then you’d query this exception’s InnerExceptions property to see the real exception(s) that occurred. However, when using await with a Task, the first inner exception is thrown instead of an AggregateException.8 This was done to give you the programming experience you expect. Also, without this, you’d have to catch AggregateException throughout your code, check the inner exception and either handle the exception or re-throw it. This would be very cumbersome.

If your state machine method experiences an unhandled exception, then the Task object representing your async function completes due to the unhandled exception. Any code waiting for this Task object to complete will see the exception. However, it is also possible for an async function to have a void return type. In this case, there is no way for a caller to discover the unhandled exception. So, when a void-returning async function throws an unhandled exception, the compiler-generated code catches it and causes it to be rethrown using the caller’s synchronization context (discussed later). If the caller executed via a GUI thread, the GUI thread will eventually rethrow the exception. If the caller executed via a non-GUI thread, some thread pool thread will eventually rethrow the exception. Usually, rethrowing these exceptions causes the whole process to terminate.

💡小结:一个线程池线程会完成 Task 对象并设置异常。你的状态机方法恢复时, await 操作符发现操作失败并引发该异常。 Task 对象通常抛出一个 AggregateException ,可查询该异常的 InnerExceptions 属性来查看真正发生了什么异常。但将 await 用于 Task 时,抛出的是第一个内部异常而不是 AggregateException 。如果状态机出现未处理的异常,那么代表异步函数的 Task 对象会因为未处理的异常而完成。然后,正在等待该 Task 的代码会看到异常。但异步函数也可能使用了 void 返回类型,这时调用者就没有办法发现未处理的异常。所以,当返回 void 的异步函数抛出未处理的异常时,编译器生成的代码将捕捉它,并使用调用者的同步上下文 (稍后讨论) 重新抛出它。如果调用者通过 GUI 线程执行, GUI 线程最终将重新抛出异常。重新抛出这种异常通常造成整个进程终止。

# Other Async Function Features

In this section, I’d like to share with you some additional features related to async functions. Microsoft Visual Studio has great support for debugging async functions. When the debugger is stopped on an await operator, stepping over (F10) will actually break into the debugger when the next statement is reached after the operation completes. This code might even execute on a different thread than the one that initiated the operation! This is incredibly useful and simplifies debugging substantially.

Also, if you accidentally step into (F11), an async function, you can step out (Shift+F11) of the function to get back to the caller; you must do this while on the opening brace of the async function. After you pass the open brace, step out (Shift+F11) won’t break until the async function runs all the way to completion. If you need to debug the calling method before the state machine runs to completion, put a breakpoint in the calling method and just run (F5) to it.

Some asynchronous operations execute quickly and therefore complete almost instantaneously. When this happens, it is inefficient to suspend the state machine and then have another thread immediately resume the state machine; it is much more efficient to have the state machine just continue its execution. Fortunately, the await operator’s compiler-generated code does check for this. If an asynchronous operation completes just before the thread would return, the thread does not return and instead, it just executes the next line of code.

This is all fine and good but occasionally, you might have an async function that performs an intensive amount of processing before initiating an asynchronous operation. If you invoke the function via your app’s GUI thread, your user interface will become non-responsive to the user. And, if the asynchronous operation completes synchronously, then your user-interface will be non-responsive even longer. So, if you want to initiate an async function from a thread other than the thread that calls it, you can use Task’s static Run method as follows.

// Task.Run is called on the GUI thread
Task.Run(async () => {
 // This code runs on a thread pool thread
 // TODO: Do intensive compute-bound processing here...
 await XxxAsync(); // Initiate asynchronous operation
 // Do more processing here...

This code demonstrates another C# feature: async lambda expressions. You see, you can’t just put an await operator inside the body of a regular lambda expression, because the compiler wouldn’t know how to turn the method into a state machine. But placing async just before the lambda expression causes the compiler to turn the lambda expression into a state machine method that returns a Task or Task, which can then be assigned to any Func delegate variable whose return type is Task or Task.

When writing code, it is very easy to invoke an async function, forgetting to use the await operator; the following code demonstrates.

static async Task OuterAsyncFunction() {
 InnerAsyncFunction(); // Oops, forgot to put the await operator on this line!
 // Code here continues to execute while InnerAsyncFunction also continues to execute...
static async Task InnerAsyncFunction() { /* Code in here not important */ }

Fortunately, when you do this, the C# compiler issues the following warning: Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed. Consider applying the 'await' operator to the result of the call. This is nice but on rare occasions, you actually don’t care when InnerAsyncFunction completes, and you do want to write the preceding code and not have the compiler issue a warning.

To quiet the compiler warning, you can simply assign the Task returned from InnerAsyncFunction to a variable and then ignore the variable.

static async Task OuterAsyncFunction() {
 var noWarning = InnerAsyncFunction(); // I intend not to put the await operator on this line.
 // Code here continues to execute while InnerAsyncFunction also continues to execute...

Or, I prefer to define an extension method that looks like this.

[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] // Causes compiler to optimize the call away
public static void NoWarning(this Task task) { /* No code goes in here */ }

And then I can use it like this.

static async Task OuterAsyncFunction() {
 InnerAsyncFunction().NoWarning(); // I intend not to put the await operator on this line.
 // Code here continues to execute while InnerAsyncFunction also continues to execute...

One of the truly great features of performing asynchronous I/O operations is that you can initiate many of them concurrently so that they are all executing in parallel. This can give your application a phenomenal performance boost. I never showed you the code that started my named pipe server and then made a bunch of client requests to it. Let me show that code now.

public static async Task Go() {
 // Start the server, which returns immediately because 
 // it asynchronously waits for client requests
 StartServer(); // This returns void, so compiler warning to deal with
 // Make lots of async client requests; save each client's Task<String>
 List<Task<String>> requests = new List<Task<String>>(10000);
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < requests.Capacity; n++)
 requests.Add(IssueClientRequestAsync("localhost", "Request #" + n));
 // Asynchronously wait until all client requests have completed
 // NOTE: If 1+ tasks throws, WhenAll rethrows the last-throw exception
 String[] responses = await Task.WhenAll(requests);
 // Process all the responses
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < responses.Length; n++)

This code starts the named pipe server so that it is listening for client requests and then, in a for loop, it initiates 10,000 client requests as fast as it possibly can. Each time IssueClientRequestAsync is called, it returns a Task object, which I then add to a collection. Now, the named pipe server is processing these client requests as fast as it possibly can using thread pool threads that will try to keep all the CPUs on the machine busy.10 As the server completes processing each request; each request’s Task object completes with the string response returned from the server.

In the preceding code, I want to wait until all the client requests have gotten their response before processing their results. I accomplish this by calling Task’s static WhenAll method. Internally, this method creates a Task object that completes after all of the List’s Task objects have completed. I then await the Task object so that the state machine continues execution after all of the tasks have completed. After all the tasks have completed, I loop through all the responses at once and process them (call Console.WriteLine).

Perhaps you’d prefer to process each response as it happens rather than waiting for all of them to complete. Accomplishing this is almost as easy by way of Task’s static WhenAny method. The revised code looks like this.

public static async Task Go() {
 // Start the server, which returns immediately because 
 // it asynchronously waits for client requests
 // Make lots of async client requests; save each client's Task<String>
 List<Task<String>> requests = new List<Task<String>>(10000);
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < requests.Capacity; n++)
 requests.Add(IssueClientRequestAsync("localhost", "Request #" + n));
 // Continue AS EACH task completes
 while (requests.Count > 0) {
 // Process each completed response sequentially
 Task<String> response = await Task.WhenAny(requests);
 requests.Remove(response); // Remove the completed task from the collection
 // Process a single client's response

Here, I create a while loop that iterates once per client request. Inside the loop I await Task’s WhenAny method, which returns one Task object at a time, indicating a client request that has been responded to by the server. After I get this Task object, I remove it from the collection, and then I query its result in order to process it (pass it to Console.WriteLine).

💡小结:有的异步操作执行速度很快,几乎瞬间就能完成。在这种情况下,挂起状态机并让另一个线程立即恢复状态机就显得不太划算。更有效的做法是让状态机继续执行。幸好,编译器为 await 操作符生成的代码能检测到这个问题。如果异步操作在线程返回前完成,就阻止线程返回,直接由它执行下一行代码。到目前为止一切都很完美,但有时异步函数需要先执行密集的、计算限制的处理,再发起异步操作。如果通过应用程序的 GUI 线程来调用函数,UI 就会突然失去响应,好长时间才能恢复。另外,如果操作以同步方式完成,那么 UI 失去响应的时间还会变得更长。在这种情况下,可利用 Task 的静态 Run 方法从非调用线程的其他线程中执行异步函数。 C# 的异步 lambda 表达式不能只在普通的 lambda 表达式主体中添加 await 操作符完事,因为编译器不知道如何将方法转换成状态机。但同时在 lambda 表达式前面添加 async ,编译器就能将 lambda 表达式转换成状态机方法来返回一个 TaskTask<TResult> ,并可赋给返回类型为 TaskTask<TResult> 的任何 Func 委托变量。异步 I/O 操作最好的一个地方是可以同时发起许多这样的操作,让它们并行执行,从而显著提升应用程序的性能。

# Applications and Their Threading Models

The .NET Framework supports several different kinds of application models, and each application model can impose its own threading model. Console applications and Windows Services (which are really console applications; you just don’t see the console) do not impose any kind of threading model; that is, any thread can do whatever it wants when it wants.

However, GUI applications, including Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Silverlight, and Windows Store apps impose a threading model where the thread that created a UI element is the only thread allowed to update that UI element. It is common for the GUI thread to spawn off an asynchronous operation so that the GUI thread doesn’t block and stop responding to user input like mouse, keystroke, pen, and touch events. However, when the asynchronous operation completes, a thread pool thread completes the Task object resuming the state machine.

For some application models, this is OK and even desired because it’s efficient. But for some other application models, like GUI applications, this is a problem, because your code will throw an exception if it tries to update UI elements via a thread pool thread. Somehow, the thread pool thread must have the GUI thread update the UI elements.

ASP.NET applications allow any thread to do whatever it wants. When a thread pool thread starts to process a client’s request, it can assume the client’s culture (System.Globalization.CultureInfo), allowing the web server to return culture-specific formatting for numbers, dates, and times.11 In addition, the web server can assume the client’s identity (System.Security.Principal. IPrincipal), so that the server can access only the resources that the client is allowed to access. When a thread pool thread spawns an asynchronous operation, it may be completed by another thread pool thread, which will be processing the result of an asynchronous operation. While this work is being performed on behalf of the original client request, the culture and identity needs to “flow” to the new thread pool thread so any additional work done on behalf of the client is performed using the client’s culture and identity information.

Fortunately, the FCL defines a base class, called System.Threading.SynchronizationContext, which solves all these problems. Simply stated, a SynchronizationContext-derived object connects an application model to its threading model. The FCL defines several classes derived from SynchronizationContext, but usually you will not deal directly with these classes; in fact, many of them are not publicly exposed or documented.

For the most part, application developers do not need to know anything about the SynchronizationContext class. When you await a Task, the calling thread’s SynchronizationContext object is obtained. When a thread pool thread completes the Task, the SynchronizationContext object is used, ensuring the right threading model for your application model. So, when a GUI thread awaits a Task, the code following the await operator is guaranteed to execute on the GUI thread as well, allowing that code to update UI elements. For an ASP.NET application, the code following the await operator is guaranteed to execute on a thread pool thread that has the client’s culture and principal information associated with it.

Most of the time, having a state machine resume using the application model’s threading model is phenomenally useful and convenient. But, on some occasions, this can get you into trouble. Here is an example that causes a WPF application to deadlock.

private sealed class MyWpfWindow : Window {
 public MyWpfWindow() { Title = "WPF Window"; }
 protected override void OnActivated(EventArgs e) {
 // Querying the Result property prevents the GUI thread from returning; 
 // the thread blocks waiting for the result
 String http = GetHttp().Result; // Get the string synchronously!
 private async Task<String> GetHttp() {
 // Issue the HTTP request and let the thread return from GetHttp
 HttpResponseMessage msg = await new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://Wintellect.com/");
 // We never get here: The GUI thread is waiting for this method to finish but this method 
 // can't finish because the GUI thread is waiting for it to finish --> DEADLOCK!
 return await msg.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

Developers creating class libraries definitely need to be aware of the SynchronizationContext class so they can write high-performance code that works with all application models. Because a lot of class library code is application model agnostic, we want to avoid the additional overhead involved in using a SynchronizationContext object. In addition, class library developers should do everything in their power to help application developers avoid deadlock situations. To solve both of these problems, both the Task and Task classes offer a method called ConfigureAwait whose signature looks like this.

// Task defines this method:
public ConfiguredTaskAwaitable ConfigureAwait(Boolean continueOnCapturedContext);
// Task<TResult> defines this method:
public ConfiguredTaskAwaitable<TResult> ConfigureAwait(Boolean continueOnCapturedContext);

Passing true to this method gives you the same behavior as not calling the method at all. But, if you pass false, the await operator does not query the calling thread’s SynchronizationContext object and, when a thread pool thread completes the Task, it simply completes it and the code after the await operator executes via the thread pool thread.

Even though my GetHttp method is not class library code, the deadlock problem goes away if I add calls to ConfigureAwait. Here is the modified version of my GetHttp method.

private async Task<String> GetHttp() {
 // Issue the HTTP request and let the thread return from GetHttp
 HttpResponseMessage msg = await new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://Wintellect.com/")
 // We DO get here now because a thread pool can execute this code 
 // as opposed to forcing the GUI thread to execute it. 
 return await msg.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

As the preceding code shows, ConfigureAwait(false) must be applied to every Task object you await. This is because asynchronous operations may complete synchronously and, when this happens, the calling thread simply continues executing without returning to its caller; you never know which operation requires ignoring the SynchronizationContext object, so you have to tell all of them to ignore it. This also means that your class library code should be application model agnostic.

Alternatively, I could re-write my GetHttp method as follows so that the whole thing executes via a thread pool thread.

private Task<String> GetHttp() {
 return Task.Run(async () => {
 // We run on a thread pool thread now that has no SynchronizationContext on it
 HttpResponseMessage msg = await new HttpClient().GetAsync("http://Wintellect.com/");
 // We DO get here because some thread pool can execute this code 
 return await msg.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

In this version of the code, notice that my GetHttp method is not an async function; I removed the async keyword from the method signature, because the method no longer has an await operator in it. On the other hand, the lambda expression I pass to Task.Run is an async function.

💡小结:.NET Framework 支持几种不同的应用程序模型,而每种模型都可能引入了它自己的线程处理模型。控制台应用程序和 Windows 服务 (实际也是控制台应用程序;只是看不见控制台而已) 没有引入任何线程处理模型;换言之,任何线程可在任何时候做它想做的任何事情。但 GUI 应用程序 (包括 Windows 窗体、WPF、Silverlight 和 Windows Store 应用程序) 引入了一个线程处理模型。在这个模型中,UI 元素只能由创建它的线程更新。在 GUI 线程中,经常都需要生成一个异步操作,使 GUI 线程不至于阻塞并停止响应用户输入 (比如鼠标、按键、手写笔和触控事件)。但当异步操作完成时,是由一个线程池线程完成 Task 对象并恢复状态机。线程池线程生成一个异步操作后,它可能由另一个线程池线程完成,该线程将处理异步操作的结果。代表原始客户端执行工作时,语言文化和身份标识信息需要 “流向” 新的线程池线程。这样一来,代表客户端执行的任何额外的工作才能使用客户端的语言文化和身份标识信息。幸好 FCL 定义了一个名 System.Threading.SynchronizationContext 的基类,它解决了所有这些问题。简单地说, SynchronizationContext 派生对象将应用程序模型连接到它的线程处理模型。应用程序开发人员通常不需要了解关于 SynchronizationContext 类的任何事情。等待一个 Task 时会获取调用线程的 SynchronizationContext 对象。线程池线程完成 Task 后,会使用该 SynchronizationContext 对象,确保为应用程序模型使用正确的线程处理模型。所以,当 GUI 线程等待一个 Task 时, await 操作符后面的代码保证在 GUI 线程上执行,使代码能更新 UI 元素。对于 ASP.NET 应用程序, await 后面的代码保证在关联了客户端语言文化和身份标识信息的线程池线程上执行。类库开发人员为了写高性能的代码来应对各种应用程序模型,尤其需要注意 SynchronizationContext 类。由于许多类库代码都要求不依赖于特定的应用程序模型,所以要避免因为使用 SynchronizationContext 对象而产生的额外开销。此外,类库开发人员要竭尽全力帮助应用程序开发人员防止死锁。为了解决这两方面的问题, TaskTask<TResult> 类提供了一个 ConfigureAwait 方法。向方法传递 true 相当于根本没有调用方法。但如果传递 falseawait 操作符就不查询调用线程的 SynchronizationContext 对象。当线程池线程结束 Task 时会直接完成它, await 操作符后面的代码通过线程池线程执行。

# Implementing a Server Asynchronously

From talking to many developers over the years, I’ve discovered that very few of them are aware that the .NET Framework has built-in support allowing you to build asynchronous servers that scale really well. In this book, I can’t explain how to do this for every kind of server, but I can list what you should look for in the MSDN documentation.

  • To build asynchronous ASP.NET Web Forms: in your .aspx file, add “Async=true” to your page directive and look up the System.Web.UI.Page’s RegisterAsyncTask method.

  • To build an asynchronous ASP.NET MVC controller: derive your controller class from System.Web.Mvc.AsyncController and simply have your action method return a Task.

  • To build an asynchronous ASP.NET handler: derive your class from System.Web.HttpTaskAsyncHandler and then override its abstract ProcessRequestAsync method.

  • To build an asynchronous WCF service: implement your service as an async function and have it return Task or Task.

💡小结:.NET Framework 其实内建了对伸缩性很好的一些异步服务器的支持。要构建异步 ASP.NET Web 窗体,在 .aspx 文件中添加 Async="true" 网页指令,并参考 System.Web.UI.PageRegisterAsyncTask 方法。要构建异步 ASP.NET MVC 控制器,使你的控制器类从 System.Web.Mvc.AsyncController 派生,让操作方法返回一个 Task<ActionResult> 即可。要构建异步 ASP.NET 处理程序,使你的类从 System.Web.HttpTaskAsyncHandler 派生,重写其抽象 ProcessRequestAsync 方法。要构建异步 WCF 服务,将服务作为异步函数实现,让它返回 TaskTask<TResult>

# Canceling I/O Operations

In general, Windows doesn’t give you a way to cancel an outstanding I/O operation. This is a feature that many developers would like, but it is actually quite hard to implement. After all, if you make a request from a server and then you decide you don’t want the response anymore, there is no way to tell the server to abandon your original request. The way to deal with this is just to let the bytes come back to the client machine and then throw them away. In addition, there is a race condition here— your request to cancel the request could come just as the server is sending the response. Now what should your application do? You’d need to handle this potential race condition occurring in your own code and decide whether to throw the data away or act on it.

To assist with this, I recommend you implement a WithCancellation extension method that extends Task (you need a similar overload that extends Task too) as follows.

private struct Void { } // Because there isn't a non-generic TaskCompletionSource class.
private static async Task<TResult> WithCancellation<TResult>(this Task<TResult> originalTask,
 CancellationToken ct) {
 // Create a Task that completes when the CancellationToken is canceled
 var cancelTask = new TaskCompletionSource<Void>();
 // When the CancellationToken is canceled, complete the Task
 using (ct.Register(
 t => ((TaskCompletionSource<Void>)t).TrySetResult(new Void()), cancelTask)) {
 // Create a Task that completes when either the original or 
 // CancellationToken Task completes
 Task any = await Task.WhenAny(originalTask, cancelTask.Task);
 // If any Task completes due to CancellationToken, throw OperationCanceledException
 if (any == cancelTask.Task) ct.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
 // await original task (synchronously); if it failed, awaiting it 
 // throws 1st inner exception instead of AggregateException
 return await originalTask;

Now, you can call this extension method as follows.

public static async Task Go() {
 // Create a CancellationTokenSource that cancels itself after # milliseconds
 var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(5000); // To cancel sooner, call cts.Cancel()
 var ct = cts.Token;
 try {
 // I used Task.Delay for testing; replace this with another method that returns a Task
 await Task.Delay(10000).WithCancellation(ct);
 Console.WriteLine("Task completed");
 catch (OperationCanceledException) {
 Console.WriteLine("Task cancelled");

💡小结:Windows 一般没有提供取消未完成 I/O 操作的途径。这是许多开发人员都想要的功能,实现起来却很困难。毕竟,如果向服务器请求了 1000 个字节,然后决定不再需要这些字节,那么其实没有办法告诉服务器忘掉你的请求。在这种情况下,只能让字节照常返回,再将它们丢弃。此外,这里还会发生竞态条件 ———— 取消请求的请求可能正好在服务器发送响应的时候到来。这时应该怎么办?所以,要在代码中处理这种潜在的竞态条件,决定是丢弃还是使用数据。为此,作者建议实现一个 WithCancellation 扩展方法来扩展 Task<TResult> (需要类似的重载版本来扩展 Task )。

# Some I/O Operations Must Be Done Synchronously

The Win32 API offers many functions that execute I/O operations. Unfortunately, some of these methods do not let you perform the I/O asynchronously. For example, the Win32 CreateFile method (called by FileStream’s constructor) always executes synchronously. If you’re trying to create or open a file on a network server, it could take several seconds before CreateFile returns—the calling thread is idle all the while. An application designed for optimum responsiveness and scalability would ideally call a Win32 function that lets you create or open a file asynchronously so that your thread is not sitting and waiting for the server to reply. Unfortunately, Win32 has no CreateFile-like function to let you do this, and therefore the FCL cannot offer an efficient way to open a file asynchronously. Windows also doesn’t offer functions to asynchronously access the registry, access the event log, get a directory’s files/subdirectories, or change a file’s/directory’s attributes, to name just a few.

Here is an example where this is a real problem. Imagine writing a simple UI control that allows the user to type a file path and provides automatic completion (similar to the common File Open dialog box). The control must use separate threads to enumerate directories looking for files because Windows doesn’t offer any functions to enumerate files asynchronously. As the user continues to type in the UI control, you have to use more threads and ignore the results from any previously spawned threads. With Windows Vista, Microsoft introduced a new Win32 function called CancelSynchronousIO. This function allows one thread to cancel a synchronous I/O operation that is being performed by another thread. This function is not exposed by the FCL, but you can also P/Invoke to t if you want to take advantage of it from a desktop application implemented with managed code. I show the P/Invoke signature near the end of this chapter.

The point I want you to take away though is that many people think that synchronous APIs are easier to work with, and in many cases this is true. But in some cases, synchronous APIs make things much harder.

Due to all the problems that exist when executing I/O operations synchronously, when designing the Windows Runtime, the Windows team decided to expose all methods that perform I/O asynchronously. So, now there is a Windows Runtime API to open files asynchronously; see Windows. Storage.StorageFile’s OpenAsync method. In fact, the Windows Runtime does not offer any APIs allowing you to perform an I/O operation synchronously. Fortunately, you can use the C#’s async function feature to simplify your coding when calling these APIs.

# FileStream-Specific Issues

When you create a FileStream object, you get to specify whether you want to communicate using synchronous or asynchronous operations via the FileOptions.Asynchronous flag (which is equivalent to calling the Win32 CreateFile function and passing into it the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag). If you do not specify this flag, Windows performs all operations against the file synchronously. Of course, you can still call FileStream’s ReadAsync method, and to your application, it looks as if the operation is being performed asynchronously, but internally, the FileStream class uses another thread to emulate asynchronous behavior; use of this thread is wasteful and hurts performance.

On the other hand, you can create a FileStream object by specifying the FileOptions.Asynchronous flag. Then you can call FileStream’s Read method to perform a synchronous operation. Internally, the FileStream class emulates this behavior by starting an asynchronous operation and then immediately puts the calling thread to sleep until the operation is complete. This is also inefficient, but it is not as inefficient as calling ReadAsync by using a FileStream constructed without the FileOptions.Asynchronous flag.

So, to summarize, when working with a FileStream, you must decide up front whether you intend to perform synchronous or asynchronous I/O against the file and indicate your choice by specifying the FileOptions.Asynchronous flag (or not). If you specify this flag, always call ReadAsync. If you do not specify this flag, always call Read. This will give you the best performance. If you intend to make some synchronous and some asynchronous operations against the FileStream, it is more efficient to construct it using the FileOptions.Asynchronous flag. Alternatively, you can create two FileStream objects over the same file; open one FileStream for asynchronous I/O and open the other FileStream for synchronous I/O. Note that the System.IO.File’s class offers helper methods (Create, Open, and OpenWrite) that create and return FileStream objects. Internally, none of these methods specify the FileOptions.Asynchronous flag, so you should avoid using these methods if you want to create a responsive or scalable application.

You should also be aware that the NTFS file system device driver performs some operations synchronously no matter how you open the file. For more information about this, see http:// support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B156932.

💡小结:Win32 API 提供了许多 I/O 函数。遗憾的是,有的方法不允许以异步方式执行 I/O。理想情况下,注重性能和伸缩性的应用程序应该调用一个允许以异步方式创建或打开文件的 Win32 函数,使线程不至于傻乎乎地等着服务器响应。遗憾的是,Win32 没有提供一个允许这样做且功能和 CreateFile 相同的函数。因此,FCL 不能以异步方式高效地打开文件。另外,Windows 也没有提供函数以异步方式访问注册表、访问事件日志、获取目录的文件 / 子目录或者更改文件 / 目录的属于等等。从 Windows Vista 起,Microsoft 引入了一个名为 CancelSynchronousIO 的 Win32 函数。它允许一个线程取消正在由另一个线程执行的同步 I/O 操作。FCL 没有公开该函数,但要在用托管代码实现的桌面应用程序中利用它,可以 P/Invoke 它。考虑到同步 I/O 操作的各种问题,在设计 Windows Runtime 的时候,Windows 团队决定公开以异步方式执行 I/O 的所有方法。所以,现在可以用一个 Windows Runtime API 来异步地打开文件了,详情参见 Windows.Storage.StorageFileOpenAsync 方法。事实上, Windows Runtime 没有提供以同步方式执行 I/O 操作的任何 API。幸好,可以使用 C# 的异步函数功能简化调用这些 API 时的编码。创建 FileStream 对象时,可通过 FileOptions.Asynchronous 标志指定以同步还是异步方式进行通信。这等价于调用 Win32 CreateFile 函数并传递 FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED 标志。如果不指定这个标志,Windows 以同步方式执行所有文件操作。当然,仍然可以调用 FileStreamReadAsync 方法。对于你的应用程序,操作表面上异步执行,但 FileStream 类是在内部用另一个线程模拟异步行为。这个额外的线程纯属浪费,而且会影响到性能。另一方面,可在创建 FileStream 对象时指定 FileOptions.Asynchronous 标志。然后,可以调用 FileStreamRead 方法执行一个同步操作。在内部, FileStream 类会开始一个异步操作,然后立即使调用线程进入睡眠状态,直至操作完成才会唤醒,从而模拟同步行为。这同样效率低下。但相较于不指定 FileOPtions.Asynchronous 标志来构建一个 FileStream 并调用 ReadAsync ,它的效率还是要高上那么一点点的。总之,使用 FileStream 时必须先想好是同步还是异步执行文件 I/O,并指定 (或不指定) FileOptions.Asynchronous 标志来指明自己的选择。如果指定了该标志,就总是调用 ReadAsync 。 如果没有指定这个标志,就总是调用 Read 。这样可以获得最佳的性能。如果想先对 FileStream 执行一些同步操作,再执行一些异步操作,那么更高效的做法是使用 FileOptions.Asynchronous 标志来构造它。另外,也可针对同一个文件创建两个 FileStream 对象;打开一个 FileStream 进行异步 I/O,打开另一个 FileStream 进行同步 I/O。注意, System.IO.File 类提供了辅助方法 ( CreateOpenOpenWrite ) 来创建并返回 FileStream 对象。但所有这些方法都没有在内部指定 FileOptions.Asynchronous 标志,所以为了实现响应灵敏的、可伸缩的应用程序,应避免使用这些方法。还要注意,NTFS 文件系统设备驱动程序总是以同步方式执行一些操作,不管具体如何打开文件。

# I/O Request Priorities

In Chapter 26, “Thread Basics,” I showed how setting thread priorities affects how threads are scheduled. However, threads also perform I/O requests to read and write data from various hardware devices. If a low-priority thread gets CPU time, it could easily queue hundreds or thousands of I/O requests in a very short time. Because I/O requests typically require time to process, it is possible that a low-priority thread could significantly affect the responsiveness of the system by suspending high-priority threads, which prevents them from getting their work done. Because of this, you can see a machine become less responsive when executing long-running low-priority services such as disk defragmenters, virus scanners, content indexers, and so on.

Windows allows a thread to specify a priority when making I/O requests. For more details about I/O priorities, refer to the white paper at http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/driver/priorityio.mspx. Unfortunately, the FCL does not include this functionality yet; hopefully, it will be added in a future version. However, you can still take advantage of this feature by P/Invoking out to native Win32 functions. Here is the P/Invoke code.

internal static class ThreadIO {
 public static BackgroundProcessingDisposer BeginBackgroundProcessing(
 Boolean process = false) {
 ChangeBackgroundProcessing(process, true);
 return new BackgroundProcessingDisposer(process);
 public static void EndBackgroundProcessing(Boolean process = false) {
 ChangeBackgroundProcessing(process, false);
 private static void ChangeBackgroundProcessing(Boolean process, Boolean start) {
 Boolean ok = process
 ? SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentWin32ProcessHandle(), 
 start ? ProcessBackgroundMode.Start : ProcessBackgroundMode.End)
 : SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentWin32ThreadHandle(), 
 start ? ThreadBackgroundgMode.Start : ThreadBackgroundgMode.End);
 if (!ok) throw new Win32Exception();
 // This struct lets C#'s using statement end the background processing mode
 public struct BackgroundProcessingDisposer : IDisposable {
 private readonly Boolean m_process;
 public BackgroundProcessingDisposer(Boolean process) { m_process = process; }
 public void Dispose() { EndBackgroundProcessing(m_process); }
internal static class ThreadIO {
 public static BackgroundProcessingDisposer BeginBackgroundProcessing(
 Boolean process = false) {
 ChangeBackgroundProcessing(process, true);
 return new BackgroundProcessingDisposer(process);
 public static void EndBackgroundProcessing(Boolean process = false) {
 ChangeBackgroundProcessing(process, false);
 private static void ChangeBackgroundProcessing(Boolean process, Boolean start) {
 Boolean ok = process
 ? SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentWin32ProcessHandle(), 
 start ? ProcessBackgroundMode.Start : ProcessBackgroundMode.End)
 : SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentWin32ThreadHandle(), 
 start ? ThreadBackgroundgMode.Start : ThreadBackgroundgMode.End);
 if (!ok) throw new Win32Exception();
 // This struct lets C#'s using statement end the background processing mode
 public struct BackgroundProcessingDisposer : IDisposable {
 private readonly Boolean m_process;
 public BackgroundProcessingDisposer(Boolean process) { m_process = process; }
 public void Dispose() { EndBackgroundProcessing(m_process); }

And here is code showing how to use it.

public static void Main () {
 using (ThreadIO.BeginBackgroundProcessing()) {
 // Issue low-priority I/O requests in here (eg: calls to ReadAsync/WriteAsync)

You tell Windows that you want your thread to issue low-priority I/O requests by calling ThreadIO’s BeginBackgroundProcessing method. Note that this also lowers the CPU scheduling priority of the thread. You can return the thread to making normal-priority I/O requests (and normal CPU scheduling priority) by calling EndBackgroundProcessing or by calling Dispose on the value returned by BeginBackgroundProcessing (as shown in the preceding code via C#’s using statement). A thread can only affect its own background processing mode; Windows doesn’t allow a thread to change the background processing mode of another thread.

If you want all threads in a process to make low-priority I/O requests and have low CPU scheduling, you can call BeginBackgroundProcessing, passing in true for the process parameter. A process can only affect its own background processing mode; Windows doesn’t allow a thread to change the background processing mode of another process.

💡重要提示:作为开发人员,是你的责任使用这些新的后台优先级增强前台应用程序的响应能力,从而避免优先级发生反转。在存在大量普通优先级 I/O 操作的情况下,以后台优先级运行运行的线程可能延迟数秒才能过得到它的 I/O 请求结果。如果一个低优先级线程获取了一个线程同步锁,造成普通优先级线程等待,普通优先级线程可能一直等待后台优先级线程,直至低优先级 I/O 请求完成为止。你的后台优先级线程甚至不需要提交自己的 I/O 请求,就可能造成上述问题。所以,应尽量避免 (甚至完全杜绝) 在普通优先级和后台优先级线程之间使用共享的同步对象,避免普通优先级的线程因为后台优先级线程拥有的锁而阻塞,从而发生优先级反转。

💡小结:第 26 章 “线程基础” 介绍了线程优先级对线程调度方式的影响。然而,线程还要执行 I/O 请求以便从各种硬件设备中读写数据。如果一个低优先级线程获得了 CPU 时间,它可以在非常短的时间里轻易地将成百上千的 I/O 请求放入队列。由于 I/O 请求一般需要时间来执行,所以一个低优先级线程可能挂起高优先级线程,使后者不能快速完成工作,从而严重影响系统的总体响应能力。正是由于这个原因,当系统执行一些耗时的低优先级服务时 (比如磁盘碎片整理程序、病毒扫描程序、内容索引程序等),机器的响应能力可能会变得非常差。Windows 允许线程在发出 I/O 请求时指定优先级。遗憾的是,FCL 还没有包含这个功能;但未来的版本有望添加。如果现在就想使用这个功能,可以采取 P/Invoke 本机 Win32 函数的方式。线程只能影响它自己的后台处理模式;Windows 不允许线程更改另一个线程的后台处理模式。如果希望一个进程中的所有线程都发出低优先级 I/O 请求和进行低优先级的 CPU 调度,可调用 BeginBackgroundProcessing ,为它的 process 参数传递 true 值。一个进程只能影响它自己的后台处理模式;Windows 不允许一个线程更改另一个进程的后台处理模式。