# Chapter 17 Delegates

# A First Look at Delegates

The C runtime’s qsort function takes a pointer to a callback function to sort elements within an array. In Windows, callback functions are required for window procedures, hook procedures, asynchronous procedure calls, and more. In the .NET Framework, callback methods are used for a whole slew of things. For example, you can register callback methods to get a variety of notifications such as unhandled exceptions, window state changes, menu item selections, file system changes, form control events, and completed asynchronous operations.

In unmanaged C/C++, the address of a non-member function is just a memory address. This address doesn’t carry any additional information such as the number of parameters the function expects, the types of these parameters, the function’s return value type, and the function’s calling convention. In short, unmanaged C/C++ callback functions are not type-safe (although they are a very lightweight mechanism).

In the .NET Framework, callback functions are just as useful and pervasive as in unmanaged Windows programming. However, the .NET Framework provides a type-safe mechanism called delegates. I’ll start off the discussion of delegates by showing you how to use them. The following code demonstrates how to declare, create, and use delegates.

using System; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using System.IO; 
// Declare a delegate type; instances refer to a method that 
// takes an Int32 parameter and returns void. 
internal delegate void Feedback(Int32 value); 
public sealed class Program { 
 public static void Main() { 
 ChainDelegateDemo1(new Program()); 
 ChainDelegateDemo2(new Program()); 
 private static void StaticDelegateDemo() { 
 Console.WriteLine("----- Static Delegate Demo -----"); 
 Counter(1, 3, null); 
 Counter(1, 3, new Feedback(Program.FeedbackToConsole)); 
 Counter(1, 3, new Feedback(FeedbackToMsgBox)); // "Program." is optional 
 private static void InstanceDelegateDemo() { 
 Console.WriteLine("----- Instance Delegate Demo -----"); 
 Program p = new Program(); 
 Counter(1, 3, new Feedback(p.FeedbackToFile)); 
 private static void ChainDelegateDemo1(Program p) { 
 Console.WriteLine("----- Chain Delegate Demo 1 -----"); 
 Feedback fb1 = new Feedback(FeedbackToConsole); 
 Feedback fb2 = new Feedback(FeedbackToMsgBox); 
 Feedback fb3 = new Feedback(p.FeedbackToFile); 
 Feedback fbChain = null; 
 fbChain = (Feedback) Delegate.Combine(fbChain, fb1); 
 fbChain = (Feedback) Delegate.Combine(fbChain, fb2); 
 fbChain = (Feedback) Delegate.Combine(fbChain, fb3); 
 Counter(1, 2, fbChain); 
 fbChain = (Feedback) 
 Delegate.Remove(fbChain, new Feedback(FeedbackToMsgBox)); 
 Counter(1, 2, fbChain); 
 private static void ChainDelegateDemo2(Program p) { 
 Console.WriteLine("----- Chain Delegate Demo 2 -----"); 
 Feedback fb1 = new Feedback(FeedbackToConsole); 
 Feedback fb2 = new Feedback(FeedbackToMsgBox); 
 Feedback fb3 = new Feedback(p.FeedbackToFile); 
 Feedback fbChain = null; 
 fbChain += fb1; 
 fbChain += fb2; 
 fbChain += fb3; 
 Counter(1, 2, fbChain); 
 fbChain -= new Feedback(FeedbackToMsgBox); 
 Counter(1, 2, fbChain); 
 private static void Counter(Int32 from, Int32 to, Feedback fb) { 
 for (Int32 val = from; val <= to; val++) { 
 // If any callbacks are specified, call them 
 if (fb != null) 
 private static void FeedbackToConsole(Int32 value) { 
 Console.WriteLine("Item=" + value); 
 private static void FeedbackToMsgBox(Int32 value) { 
 MessageBox.Show("Item=" + value); 
 private void FeedbackToFile(Int32 value) { 
 using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("Status", true)) { 
 sw.WriteLine("Item=" + value); 

Now I’ll describe what this code is doing. At the top, notice the declaration of the internal delegate, Feedback. A delegate indicates the signature of a callback method. In this example, a Feedback delegate identifies a method that takes one parameter (an Int32) and returns void. In a way, a delegate is very much like an unmanaged C/C++ typedef that represents the address of a function.

The Program class defines a private, static method named Counter. This method counts integers from the from argument to the to argument. The Counter method also takes an fb, which is a reference to a Feedback delegate object. Counter iterates through all of the integers, and for each integer, if the fb variable is not null, the callback method (specified by the fb variable) is called. This callback method is passed the value of the item being processed, the item number. The callback method can be designed and implemented to process each item in any manner deemed appropriate.

💡小结:在非托管 C/C 中,非成员函数的地址只是一个内存地址。这个地址不携带任何额外的信息,比如函数期望收到的参数个数、参数类型、函数返回值类型以及函数的调用协定。简单地说,非托管 C/C 回调函数不是类型安全的(不过它们确实是一种非常轻量级的机制)。.NET Framework 的回调函数和非托管 Windows 编程环境的回调函数一样有用,一样普遍。但是,.NET Framework 提供了称为委托的类型安全机制。在某种程度上,委托和非托管 C/C++ 中代表函数地址的 typedef 很相似。

# Using Delegates to Call Back Static Methods

Now that you understand how the Counter method is designed and how it works, let’s see how to use delegates to call back static methods. The StaticDelegateDemo method that appears in the previous code sample is the focus of this section.

The StaticDelegateDemo method calls the Counter method, passing null in the third parameter, which corresponds to Counter’s fb parameter. Because Counter’s fb parameter receives null, each item is processed without calling any callback method.

Next, the StaticDelegateDemo method calls Counter a second time, passing a newly constructed Feedback delegate object in the third parameter of the method call. This delegate object is a wrapper around a method, allowing the method to be called back indirectly via the wrapper. In this example, the name of the static method, Program.FeedbackToConsole, is passed to the Feedback type’s constructor, indicating that it is the method to be wrapped. The reference returned from the new operator is passed to Counter as its third parameter. Now when Counter executes, it will call the Program type’s static FeedbackToConsole method for each item in the series. FeedbackToConsole simply writes a string to the console indicating the item being processed.

💡注意: FeedbackToConsole 方法被定义成 Program 类型内部的私有方法,但 Counter 方法能调用 Program 的私有方法,这明显没有问题,因为 CounterFeedbackToConsole 在同一个类型中定义。但即使 Counter 方法在另一个类型中定义,也不会出问题!简单地说,在一个类型中通过委托来调用另一个类型的私有成员,只要委托对象是由具有足够安全性 / 可访问性的代码创建的,便没有问题。

The third call to Counter in the StaticDelegateDemo method is almost identical to the second call. The only difference is that the Feedback delegate object wraps the static Program.FeedbackToMsgBox method. FeedbackToMsgBox builds a string indicating the item being processed. This string is then displayed in a message box.

Everything in this example is type-safe. For instance, when constructing a Feedback delegate object, the compiler ensures that the signatures of Program’s FeedbackToConsole and FeedbackToMsgBox methods are compatible with the signature defined by the Feedback delegate. Specifically, both methods must take one argument (an Int32), and both methods must have the same return type (void). If FeedbackToConsole had been defined like this:

private static Boolean FeedbackToConsole(String value) { 

the C# compiler wouldn’t compile the code and would issue the following error: error CS0123: No overload for 'FeedbackToConsole' matches delegate 'Feedback'.

Both C# and the CLR allow for covariance and contra-variance of reference types when binding a method to a delegate. Covariance means that a method can return a type that is derived from the delegate’s return type. Contra-variance means that a method can take a parameter that is a base of the delegate’s parameter type. For example, given a delegate defined like this:

delegate Object MyCallback(FileStream s);

it is possible to construct an instance of this delegate type bound to a method that is prototyped like this.

String SomeMethod(Stream s);

Here, SomeMethod’s return type (String) is a type that is derived from the delegate’s return type (Object); this covariance is allowed. SomeMethod’s parameter type (Stream) is a type that is a base class of the delegate’s parameter type (FileStream); this contra-variance is allowed.

Note that covariance and contra-variance are supported only for reference types, not for value types or for void. So, for example, I cannot bind the following method to the MyCallback delegate.

Int32 SomeOtherMethod(Stream s);

Even though SomeOtherMethod’s return type (Int32) is derived from MyCallback’s return type (Object), this form of covariance is not allowed because Int32 is a value type. Obviously, the reason why value types and void cannot be used for covariance and contra-variance is because the memory structure for these things varies, whereas the memory structure for reference types is always a pointer. Fortunately, the C# compiler will produce an error if you attempt to do something that is not supported.

💡小结:委托对象是方法的包装器(wrapper),使方法能通过包装器来间接回调。将方法绑定到委托时,C# 和 CLR 都允许引用类型的协变性(covariance)和逆变性(contravariance)。协变性是指方法能返回从委托的返回值派生的一个类型。逆变性是指方法获取的参数可以是委托的参数类型的基类。注意,只有引用类型才支持协变性和逆变性,值类型或 void 不支持。显然,值类型和 void 之所以不支持,是因为它们的存储结构是变化的,而引用类型的存储结构始终是一个指针。幸好,试图执行不支持的操作,C# 编译器会报错。

# Using Delegates to Call Back Instance Methods

I just explained how delegates can be used to call static methods, but they can also be used to call instance methods for a specific object. To understand how calling back an instance method works, look at the InstanceDelegateDemo method that appears in the code shown at the beginning of this chapter.

Notice that a Program object named p is constructed in the InstanceDelegateDemo method. This Program object doesn’t have any instance fields or properties associated with it; I created it merely for demonstration purposes. When the new Feedback delegate object is constructed in the call to the Counter method, its constructor is passed p.FeedbackToFile. This causes the delegate to wrap a reference to the FeedbackToFile method, which is an instance method (not a static method). When Counter calls the callback method identified by its fb argument, the FeedbackToFile instance method is called, and the address of the recently constructed object p will be passed as the implicit this argument to the instance method.

The FeedbackToFile method works as the FeedbackToConsole and FeedbackToMsgBox methods, except that it opens a file and appends the string to the end of the file. (The Status file that the method creates can be found in the application’s AppBase directory.)

Again, the purpose of this example is to demonstrate that delegates can wrap calls to instance methods as well as static methods. For instance methods, the delegate needs to know the instance of the object the method is going to operate on. Wrapping an instance method is useful because code inside the object can access the object’s instance members. This means that the object can have some state that can be used while the callback method is doing its processing.


# Demystifying Delegates

On the surface, delegates seem easy to use: you define them by using C#’s delegate keyword, you construct instances of them by using the familiar new operator, and you invoke the callback by using the familiar method-call syntax (except instead of a method name, you use the variable that refers to the delegate object).

However, what’s really going on is quite a bit more complex than what the earlier examples illustrate. The compilers and the CLR do a lot of behind-the-scenes processing to hide the complexity. In this section, I’ll focus on how the compiler and the CLR work together to implement delegates. Having this knowledge will improve your understanding of delegates and will teach you how to use them efficiently and effectively. I’ll also touch on some additional features delegates make available.

Let’s start by reexamining this line of code.

internal delegate void Feedback(Int32 value);

When the compiler sees this line, it actually defines a complete class that looks something like this.

internal class Feedback : System.MulticastDelegate { 
 // Constructor 
 public Feedback(Object @object, IntPtr method); 
 // Method with same prototype as specified by the source code 
 public virtual void Invoke(Int32 value); 
 // Methods allowing the callback to be called asynchronously 
 public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(Int32 value, 
 AsyncCallback callback, Object @object); 
 public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); 

The class defined by the compiler has four methods: a constructor, Invoke, BeginInvoke, and EndInvoke. In this chapter, I’ll concentrate on the constructor and Invoke methods. The BeginInvoke and EndInvoke methods are related to the .NET Framework's Asynchronous Programming Model which is now considered obsolete and has been replaced by tasks that I discuss in Chapter 27, “Compute-Bound Asynchronous Operations.”

In fact, you can verify that the compiler did indeed generate this class automatically by examining the resulting assembly with ILDasm.exe, as shown in Figure 17-1.


In this example, the compiler has defined a class called Feedback that is derived from the System.MulticastDelegate type defined in the Framework Class Library (FCL). (All delegate types are derived from MulticastDelegate.)

💡重要提示: System.MulticastDelegate 派生自 System.Delegate ,后者又派生自 System.Object 。是历史原因造成有两个委托类。这实在是令人遗憾 ———— FCL 本该只有一个委托类。没有办法,我们对这两个类都要有所了解。即使创建的所有委托类型都将 MulticastDelegate 作为基类,个别情况下仍会使用 Delegate 类 (而非 MulticastDelegate 类) 定义的方法处理自己的委托类型。例如, Delegate 类的两个静态方法 CombineRemove (后文将解释其用途) 的签名都指出要获取 Delegate 参数。由于你创建的委托类型派生自 MulticastDelegate ,后者又派生自 Delegate ,所以你的委托类型的实例是可以传给这两个方法的。

The class has private visibility because the delegate is declared as internal in the source code. If the source code had indicated public visibility, the Feedback class the compiler generated would also be public. You should be aware that delegate types can be defined within a type (nested within another type) or at global scope. Basically, because delegates are classes, a delegate can be defined anywhere a class can be defined.

Because all delegate types are derived from MulticastDelegate, they inherit MulticastDelegate’s fields, properties, and methods. Of all of these members, three non-public fields are probably most significant. Table 17-1 describes these significant fields.


Notice that all delegates have a constructor that takes two parameters: a reference to an object and an integer that refers to the callback method. However, if you examine the source code, you’ll see that I’m passing in values such as Program.FeedbackToConsole or p.FeedbackToFile. Everything you’ve learned about programming tells you that this code shouldn’t compile!

However, the C# compiler knows that a delegate is being constructed and parses the source code to determine which object and method are being referred to. A reference to the object is passed for the constructor’s object parameter, and a special IntPtr value (obtained from a MethodDef or MemberRef metadata token) that identifies the method is passed for the method parameter. For static methods, null is passed for the object parameter. Inside the constructor, these two arguments are saved in the _target and _methodPtr private fields, respectively. In addition, the constructor sets the _invocationList field to null. I’ll postpone discussing this _invocationList field until the next section, “Using Delegates to Call Back Many Methods (Chaining).”

So each delegate object is really a wrapper around a method and an object to be operated on when the method is called. So if I have two lines of code that look like this:

Feedback fbStatic = new Feedback(Program.FeedbackToConsole); 
Feedback fbInstance = new Feedback(new Program().FeedbackToFile);

the fbStatic and fbInstance variables refer to two separate Feedback delegate objects that are initialized, as shown in Figure 17-2.


Now that you know how delegate objects are constructed and what their internal structure looks like, let’s talk about how the callback method is invoked. For convenience, I’ve repeated the code for the Counter method here.

private static void Counter(Int32 from, Int32 to, Feedback fb) { 
 for (Int32 val = from; val <= to; val++) { 
 // If any callbacks are specified, call them 
 if (fb != null) 

Look at the line of code just below the comment. The if statement first checks to see if fb is not null. If fb is not null, on the next line, you see the code that invokes the callback method. The null check is required because fb is really just a variable that can refer to a Feedback delegate object; it could also be null. It might seem as if I’m calling a function named fb and passing it one parameter (val). However, there is no function called fb. Again, because it knows that fb is a variable that refers to a delegate object, the compiler generates code to call the delegate object’s Invoke method. In other words, the compiler sees the following.


But the compiler generates code as though the source code said the following.


You can verify that the compiler produces code to call the delegate type’s Invoke method by using ILDasm.exe to examine the Intermediate Language (IL) code created for the Counter method. Here is the IL for the Counter method. The instruction at IL_0009 in the figure indicates the call to Feedback’s Invoke method.

.method private hidebysig static void Counter(int32 from,
 int32 'to',
 class Feedback fb) cil managed
 // Code size 23 (0x17)
 .maxstack 2
 .locals init (int32 val)
 IL_0000: ldarg.0
 IL_0001: stloc.0
 IL_0002: br.s IL_0012
 IL_0004: ldarg.2
 IL_0005: brfalse.s IL_000e
 IL_0007: ldarg.2
 IL_0008: ldloc.0
 IL_0009: callvirt instance void Feedback::Invoke(int32)
 IL_000e: ldloc.0
 IL_000f: ldc.i4.1
 IL_0010: add
 IL_0011: stloc.0
 IL_0012: ldloc.0
 IL_0013: ldarg.1
 IL_0014: ble.s IL_0004
 IL_0016: ret
} // end of method Program::Counter

In fact, you could modify the Counter method to call Invoke explicitly, as shown here.

private static void Counter(Int32 from, Int32 to, Feedback fb) { 
 for (Int32 val = from; val <= to; val++) { 
 // If any callbacks are specified, call them 
 if (fb != null) 

You’ll recall that the compiler defined the Invoke method when it defined the Feedback class. When Invoke is called, it uses the private _target and _methodPtr fields to call the desired method on the specified object. Note that the signature of the Invoke method matches the signature of the delegate; because the Feedback delegate takes one Int32 parameter and returns void, the Invoke method (as produced by the compiler) takes one Int32 parameter and returns void.

💡小结:编译器和 CLR 在幕后做了大量工作来隐藏委托实现的复杂性。每声明一个委托,编译器会定义一个完整的类,这个类有 4 个方法:一个构造器、Invoke、BeginInvoke 和 EndInvoke。这个类派生自 FCL 定义的 System.MulticastDelegate 类型(所有委托类型都派生自 MulticastDelegate)。这个委托类的可访问性根据委托在源代码中的声明改变。要注意的是,委托类既可嵌套在一个类型中定义,也可在全局范围中定义。简单地说,由于委托是类,所以凡是能够定义类的地方,都能定义委托。 MulticastDelegate 有三个非公共字段是最重要的: _target_methodPtr_invocationList 。所有委托都有一个构造器,它获取两个参数:一个是对象引用,另一个是引用了回调方法的整数。C# 编译器知道要构造的是委托,所以会分析源代码来确定引用的是哪个对象和方法。对象引用被传给构造器的 object 参数,标识了方法的一个特殊 IntPtr 值(从 MethodDefMemberRef 元数据 token 获得)被传给构造器的 method 参数。对于静态方法,会为 object 参数传递 null 值。在构造器内部,这两个参数分别保存在 _target_methodPtr 私有字段中。除此之外,构造器还将 _invocationList 字段设为 null。当使用委托对象的变量触发回调时,会生成代码代码调用该委托对象的 Invoke 方法。在 Invoke 被调用时,它使用私有字段 _target_methodPtr 在指定对象上调用包装好的回调方法。注意, Invoke 方法的签名和委托的签名匹配。

# Using Delegates to Call Back Many Methods (Chaining)

By themselves, delegates are incredibly useful. But add in their support for chaining, and delegates become even more useful. Chaining is a set or collection of delegate objects, and it provides the ability to invoke, or call, all of the methods represented by the delegates in the set. To understand this, see the ChainDelegateDemo1 method that appears in the code shown at the beginning of this chapter. In this method, after the Console.WriteLine statement, I construct three delegate objects and have variables—fb1, fb2, and fb3—refer to each object, as shown in Figure 17-3.


The reference variable to a Feedback delegate object, fbChain, is intended to refer to a chain or set of delegate objects that wrap methods that can be called back. Initializing fbChain to null indicates that there currently are no methods to be called back. The Delegate class’s public, static Combine method is used to add a delegate to the chain.

fbChain = (Feedback) Delegate.Combine(fbChain, fb1);

When this line of code executes, the Combine method sees that we are trying to combine null and fb1. Internally, Combine will simply return the value in fb1, and the fbChain variable will be set to refer to the same delegate object referred to by the fb1 variable, as shown in Figure 17-4.


To add another delegate to the chain, the Combine method is called again.

fbChain = (Feedback) Delegate.Combine(fbChain, fb2);

Internally, the Combine method sees that fbChain already refers to a delegate object, so Combine will construct a new delegate object. This new delegate object initializes its private _target and _methodPtr fields to values that are not important for this discussion. However, what is important is that the _invocationList field is initialized to refer to an array of delegate objects. The first element of this array (index 0) will be initialized to refer to the delegate that wraps the FeedbackToConsole method (this is the delegate that fbChain currently refers to). The second element of the array (index 1) will be initialized to refer to the delegate that wraps the FeedbackToMsgBox method (this is the delegate that fb2 refers to). Finally, fbChain will be set to refer to the newly created delegate object, shown in Figure 17-5.

To add the third delegate to the chain, the Combine method is called once again.

fbChain = (Feedback) Delegate.Combine(fbChain, fb3);

Again, Combine sees that fbChain already refers to a delegate object, and this causes a new delegate object to be constructed, as shown in Figure 17-6. As before, this new delegate object initializes the private _target and _methodPtr fields to values unimportant to this discussion, and the _invocationList field is initialized to refer to an array of delegate objects. The first and second elements of this array (indexes 0 and 1) will be initialized to refer to the same delegates the previous delegate object referred to in its array. The third element of the array (index 2) will be initialized to refer to the delegate that wraps the FeedbackToFile method (this is the delegate that fb3 refers to). Finally, fbChain will be set to refer to this newly created delegate object. Note that the previously created delegate and the array referred to by its _invocationList field are now candidates for garbage collection.



After all of the code has executed to set up the chain, the fbChain variable is then passed to the Counter method.

Counter(1, 2, fbChain);

Inside the Counter method is the code that implicitly calls the Invoke method on the Feedback delegate object as I detailed earlier. When Invoke is called on the delegate referred to by fbChain, the delegate sees that the private _invocationList field is not null, causing it to execute a loop that iterates through all of the elements in the array, calling the method wrapped by each delegate. In this example, FeedbackToConsole will get called first, followed by FeedbackToMsgBox, followed by FeedbackToFile.

Feedback’s Invoke method is essentially implemented something like the following (in pseudocode).

public void Invoke(Int32 value) { 
 Delegate[] delegateSet = _invocationList as Delegate[]; 
 if (delegateSet != null) { 
 // This delegate's array indicates the delegates that should be called 
 foreach (Feedback d in delegateSet) 
 d(value); // Call each delegate 
 } else { 
 // This delegate identifies a single method to be called back 
 // Call the callback method on the specified target object. 
 _methodPtr.Invoke(_target, value); 
 // The preceding line is an approximation of the actual code. 
 // What really happens cannot be expressed in C#. 

Note that it is also possible to remove a delegate from a chain by calling Delegate’s public, static Remove method. This is demonstrated toward the end of the ChainDelegateDemo1 method.

fbChain = (Feedback) Delegate.Remove(fbChain, new Feedback(FeedbackToMsgBox));

When Remove is called, it scans the delegate array (from the end toward index 0) maintained inside the delegate object referred to by the first parameter (fbChain, in my example). Remove is looking for a delegate entry whose _target and _methodPtr fields match those in the second argument (the new Feedback delegate, in my example). If a match is found and there is only one item left in the array, that array item is returned. If a match is found and there are multiple items left in the array, a new delegate object is constructed—the _invocationList array created and initialized will refer to all items in the original array except for the item being removed, of course—and a reference to this new delegate object is returned. If you are removing the only element in the chain, Remove returns null. Note that each call to Remove removes just one delegate from the chain; it does not remove all delegates that have matching _target and _methodPtr fields.

So far, I’ve shown examples in which my delegate type, Feedback, is defined as having a void return value. However, I could have defined my Feedback delegate as follows.

public delegate Int32 Feedback(Int32 value);

If I had, its Invoke method would have internally looked like the following (again, in pseudocode).

public Int32 Invoke(Int32 value) { 
 Int32 result; 
 Delegate[] delegateSet = _invocationList as Delegate[]; 
 if (delegateSet != null) { 
 // This delegate's array indicates the delegates that should be called 
 foreach (Feedback d in delegateSet) 
 result = d(value); // Call each delegate 
 } else { 
 // This delegate identifies a single method to be called back 
 // Call the callback method on the specified target object. 
 result = _methodPtr.Invoke(_target, value); 
 // The preceding line is an approximation of the actual code. 
 // What really happens cannot be expressed in C#. 
 return result; 

As each delegate in the array is called, its return value is saved in the result variable. When the loop is complete, the result variable will contain only the result of the last delegate called (previous return values are discarded); this value is returned to the code that called Invoke.

# C#’s Support for Delegate Chains

To make things easier for C# developers, the C# compiler automatically provides overloads of the += and -= operators for instances of delegate types. These operators call Delegate.Combine and Delegate.Remove, respectively. Using these operators simplifies the building of delegate chains. The ChainDelegateDemo1 and ChainDelegateDemo2 methods in the source code shown at the beginning of this chapter produce absolutely identical IL code. The only difference between the methods is that the ChainDelegateDemo2 method simplifies the source code by taking advantage of C#’s += and -= operators.

If you require proof that the resulting IL code is identical for the two methods, you can build the code and look at its IL for both methods by using ILDasm.exe. This will confirm that the C# compiler did in fact replace all += and -= operators with calls to the Delegate type’s public static Combine and Remove methods, respectively.

# Having More Control over Delegate Chain Invocation

At this point, you understand how to build a chain of delegate objects and how to invoke all of the objects in that chain. All items in the chain are invoked because the delegate type’s Invoke method includes code to iterate through all of the items in the array, invoking each item. This is obviously a very simple algorithm. And although this simple algorithm is good enough for a lot of scenarios, it has many limitations. For example, the return values of the callback methods are all discarded except for the last one. Using this simple algorithm, there’s no way to get the return values for all of the callback methods called. But this isn’t the only limitation. What happens if one of the invoked delegates throws an exception or blocks for a very long time? Because the algorithm invoked each delegate in the chain serially, a “problem” with one of the delegate objects stops all of the subsequent delegates in the chain from being called. Clearly, this algorithm isn’t robust.

For those scenarios in which this algorithm is insufficient, the MulticastDelegate class offers an instance method, GetInvocationList, that you can use to call each delegate in a chain explicitly, using any algorithm that meets your needs.

public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate { 
 // Creates a delegate array where each element refers 
 // to a delegate in the chain. 
 public sealed override Delegate[] GetInvocationList(); 

The GetInvocationList method operates on a MulticastDelegate-derived object and returns an array of Delegate references where each reference points to one of the chain’s delegate objects. Internally, GetInvocationList constructs an array and initializes it with each element referring to a delegate in the chain; a reference to the array is then returned. If the _invocationList field is null, the returned array contains one element that references the only delegate in the chain: the delegate instance itself.

You can easily write an algorithm that explicitly calls each object in the array. The following code demonstrates.

using System;
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Text; 
// Define a Light component. 
internal sealed class Light { 
 // This method returns the light's status. 
 public String SwitchPosition() { 
 return "The light is off"; 
// Define a Fan component. 
internal sealed class Fan { 
 // This method returns the fan's status. 
 public String Speed() { 
 throw new InvalidOperationException("The fan broke due to overheating"); 
// Define a Speaker component. 
internal sealed class Speaker { 
 // This method returns the speaker's status. 
 public String Volume() { 
 return "The volume is loud"; 
public sealed class Program { 
 // Definition of delegate that allows querying a component's status. 
 private delegate String GetStatus(); 
 public static void Main() { 
 // Declare an empty delegate chain. 
 GetStatus getStatus = null; 
 // Construct the three components, and add their status methods 
 // to the delegate chain. 
 getStatus += new GetStatus(new Light().SwitchPosition); 
 getStatus += new GetStatus(new Fan().Speed); 
 getStatus += new GetStatus(new Speaker().Volume); 
 // Show consolidated status report reflecting 
 // the condition of the three components. 
 // Method that queries several components and returns a status report 
 private static String GetComponentStatusReport(GetStatus status) { 
 // If the chain is empty, there is nothing to do. 
 if (status == null) return null; 
 // Use this to build the status report. 
 StringBuilder report = new StringBuilder(); 
 // Get an array where each element is a delegate from the chain. 
 Delegate[] arrayOfDelegates = status.GetInvocationList(); 
 // Iterate over each delegate in the array. 
 foreach (GetStatus getStatus in arrayOfDelegates) { 
 try { 
 // Get a component's status string, and append it to the report. 
 report.AppendFormat("{0}{1}{1}", getStatus(), Environment.NewLine); 
 catch (InvalidOperationException e) { 
 // Generate an error entry in the report for this component. 
 Object component = getStatus.Target; 
 "Failed to get status from {1}{2}{0} Error: {3}{0}{0}", 
 ((component == null) ? "" : component.GetType() + "."), 
 // Return the consolidated report to the caller. 
 return report.ToString(); 

When you build and run this code, the following output appears.

The light is off 
Failed to get status from Fan.Speed 
 Error: The fan broke due to overheating 
The volume is loud

💡小结: Combine 方法发现在引用两个委托对象及以上时会构造一个新的委托对象。新委托对象对它的私有字段 _target_methodPtr 进行初始化, _invocationList 字段被初始化为引用一个委托对象数组。在继续往委托链上引用新的委托时,之前新建的委托及其 _invocationList 字段引用的数组现在可以进行垃圾回收。还可调用 Delegate 的公共静态方法 Remove 从链中删除委托。 Remove 方法被调用时,它扫描第一个实参所引用的那个委托对象内部维护的委托数组(从末尾向索引 0 扫描)。 Remove 查找的是其 _target_methodPtr 字段与第二个实参中的字段匹配的委托。如果找到匹配的委托,并且(在删除之后)数组中只剩余一个数据项,就返回那个数据项。如果找到匹配的位图噢,并且数组中还剩余多个数据项,就新建一个委托对象 —— 其中创建并初始化的 invocationList 数组将引用原始数组中的所有数据项,当然被删除的数据项除外 —— 并返回对这个新建委托对象的引用。如果从链中删除了仅有的一个元素, Remove 会返回 null。注意,每次 Remove 方法调用只能从链中删除一个委托,它不会删除有匹配的 _target_methodPtr 字段的所有委托。如果委托存在返回值,在委托链的调用过程中只包含调用的最后一个委托的结果(前面的返回值会被丢弃),该值返回给调用 Invoke 的代码。这个简单的算法顺序调用链中的每一个委托,所以一个委托对象出现问题,链中后续的所有对象都调用不了。由于这个算法有的时候不胜其任,所以 MulticastDelegate 类提供了一个实例方法 GetInvocationList ,用于显式调用链中的每一个委托,并允许你使用需要的任何算法。

# Enough with the Delegate Definitions Already (Generic Delegates)

Many years ago, when the .NET Framework was just starting to be developed, Microsoft introduced the notion of delegates. As programmers were adding classes to the FCL, they would define new delegate types any place they introduced a callback method. Over time, many, many delegates got defined. In fact, in MSCorLib.dll alone, close to 50 delegate types are now defined. Let’s just look at a few of them.

public delegate void TryCode(Object userData);
public delegate void WaitCallback(Object state);
public delegate void TimerCallback(Object state);
public delegate void ContextCallback(Object state);
public delegate void SendOrPostCallback(Object state);
public delegate void ParameterizedThreadStart(Object obj);

Do you notice anything similar about the few delegate definitions that I selected? They are really all the same: a variable of any of these delegate types must refer to a method that takes an Object and returns void. There is really no reason to have all of these delegate types defined; there really just needs to be one.

In fact, now that the .NET Framework supports generics, we really just need a few generic delegates (defined in the System namespace) that represent methods that take up to 16 arguments.

public delegate void Action(); // OK, this one is not generic
public delegate void Action<T>(T obj); 
public delegate void Action<T1, T2>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2); 
public delegate void Action<T1, T2, T3>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3); 
public delegate void Action<T1, ..., T16>(T1 arg1, ..., T16 arg16);

So the .NET Framework now ships with 17 Action delegates that range from having no arguments to having 16 arguments. If you ever need to call a method that has more than 16 arguments, you will be forced to define your own delegate type, but this is very unlikely.

In addition to the Action delegates, the .NET Framework ships with 17 Func delegates, which allow the callback method to return a value

public delegate TResult Func<TResult>();
public delegate TResult Func<T, TResult>(T arg);
public delegate TResult Func<T1, T2, TResult>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2);
public delegate TResult Func<T1, T2, T3, TResult>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3);
public delegate TResult Func<T1,..., T16, TResult>(T1 arg1, ..., T16 arg16);

It is now recommended that these delegate types be used wherever possible instead of developers defining even more delegate types in their code. This reduces the number of types in the system and also simplifies coding. However, you might have to define your own delegate if you need to pass an argument by reference using the ref or out keyword.

delegate void Bar(ref Int32 z);

You may also have to do this if you want your delegate to take a variable number of arguments via C#’s params keyword, if you want to specify any default values for any of your delegate’s arguments, or if you need to constrain a delegate’s generic type argument.

When using delegates that take generic arguments and return values, contra-variance and covariance come into play, and it is recommended that you always take advantage of these features because they have no ill effects and enable your delegates to be used in more scenarios. For more information about this, see the “Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments” section in Chapter 12, “Generics.”

💡小结:.NET Framework 现在支持泛型,所以实际只需几个泛型委托(在 System 命名空间中定义)。.NET Framework 就提供了 17 个 Action 委托,它们从无参数到最多 16 个参数。除了 Action 委托,.NET Framework 还提供了 17 个 Func 函数,允许回调方法返回值。建议尽量使用这些委托类型,而不是在代码中定义更多的委托类型。这样可减少系统中的类型数量,同时简化编码。然而,如需使用 ref 或 out 关键字以传引用的方式传递参数,就可能不得不定义自己的委托。如果委托要通过 C# 的 params 关键字获取数量可变的参数,要为委托的任何类型指定默认值,或者要对委托的泛型类型参数进行约束,也必须定义自己的委托类型。获取泛型实参并返回值的委托支持逆变和协变,而且建议总是利用这些功能,因为它们没有副作用,而且使你的委托适用于更多情形。

# C#’s Syntactical Sugar for Delegates

Most programmers find working with delegates to be cumbersome because the syntax is so strange. For example, take this line of code.

button1.Click += new EventHandler(button1_Click);

where button1_Click is a method that looks something like this.

void button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) { 
 // Do something, the button was clicked... 

The idea behind the first line of code is to register the address of the button1_Click method with a button control so that when the button is clicked, the method will be called. To most programmers, it feels quite unnatural to construct an EventHandler delegate object just to specify the address of the button1_Click method. However, constructing the EventHandler delegate object is required for the CLR because this object provides a wrapper that ensures that the method can be called only in a type-safe fashion. The wrapper also allows the calling of instance methods and chaining. Unfortunately, most programmers don’t want to think about these details. Programmers would prefer to write the preceding code as follows.

button1.Click += button1_Click;

Fortunately, Microsoft’s C# compiler offers programmers some syntax shortcuts when working with delegates. I’ll explain all of these shortcuts in this section. One last point before we begin: what I’m about to describe really boils down to C# syntactical sugar; these new syntax shortcuts are really just giving programmers an easier way to produce the IL that must be generated so that the CLR and other programming languages can work with delegates. This also means that what I’m about to describe is specific to C#; other compilers might not offer the additional delegate syntax shortcuts.

# Syntactical Shortcut #1: No Need to Construct a Delegate Object

As demonstrated already, C# allows you to specify the name of a callback method without having to construct a delegate object wrapper. Here is another example.

internal sealed class AClass { 
 public static void CallbackWithoutNewingADelegateObject() { 
 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(SomeAsyncTask, 5); 
 private static void SomeAsyncTask(Object o) { 

Here, the ThreadPool class’s static QueueUserWorkItem method expects a reference to a WaitCallback delegate object that contains a reference to the SomeAsyncTask method. Because the C# compiler is capable of inferring this on its own, it allows me to omit code that constructs the WaitCallback delegate object, making the code much more readable and understandable. Of course, when the code is compiled, the C# compiler does produce IL that does, in fact, new up the WaitCallback delegate object—we just got a syntactical shortcut.

# Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions)

In the preceding code, the name of the callback method, SomeAsyncTask, is passed to the ThreadPool’s QueueUserWorkItem method. C# allows you to write the code for the callback method inline so it doesn’t have to be written inside its very own method. For example, the preceding code could be rewritten as follows.

internal sealed class AClass { 
 public static void CallbackWithoutNewingADelegateObject() { 
 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( obj => Console.WriteLine(obj), 5); 

Notice that the first “argument” to the QueueUserWorkItem method is code (which I italicized)! More formally, the italicized code is called a C# lambda expression, and it is easy to detect due to the use of C#'s lambda expression operator: =>. You may use a lambda expression in your code where the compiler would normally expect to see a delegate. And, when the compiler sees the use of this lambda expression, the compiler automatically defines a new private method in the class (AClass, in this example). This new method is called an anonymous function because the compiler creates the name of the method for you automatically, and normally, you wouldn’t know its name. However, you could use a tool such as ILDasm.exe to examine the compiler-generated code. After I wrote the preceding code and compiled it, I was able to see, by using ILDasm.exe, that the C# compiler decided to name this method b__0 and ensured that this method took a single Object argument and returned void.

The compiler chose to start the method name with a < sign because in C#, an identifier cannot contain a < sign; this ensures that you will not accidentally define a method that coincides with the name the compiler has chosen for you. Incidentally, while C# forbids identifiers to contain a < sign, the CLR allows it, and that is why this works. Also, note that although you could access the method via reflection by passing the method name as a string, the C# language specification states that there is no guarantee of how the compiler generates the name. For example, each time you compile the code, the compiler could produce a different name for the method.

Using ILDasm.exe, you might also notice that the C# compiler applies the System.Runtime. CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute attribute to this method to indicate to various tools and utilities that this method was produced by a compiler as opposed to a programmer. The code to the right of the => operator is then placed in this compiler-generated method.

💡注意:写 lambda 表达式时没有办法向编译器生成的方法应用定制特性。此外,不能向方法应用任何方法修饰符 (比如 unsafe )。但这一般不会有什么问题,因为编译器生成的匿名函数总是私有方法,而且方法要么是静态的,要么是非静态的,具体取决于方法是否访问了任何实例成员。所以,没必要向方法应用 publicprotectedinternalvirtualsealedoverrideabstract 之类的修饰符。

Finally, if you write the preceding code and compile it, it’s as if the C# compiler rewrote your code to look like the following (comments inserted by me).

internal sealed class AClass { 
 // This private field is created to cache the delegate object. 
 // Pro: CallbackWithoutNewingADelegateObject will not create 
 // a new object each time it is called. 
 // Con: The cached object never gets garbage collected 
 private static WaitCallback <>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate1; 
 public static void CallbackWithoutNewingADelegateObject() { 
 if (<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate1 == null) { 
 // First time called, create the delegate object and cache it. 
 <>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate1 = 
 new WaitCallback(<CallbackWithoutNewingADelegateObject>b__0); 
 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate1, 5); 
 private static void <CallbackWithoutNewingADelegateObject>b__0(Object obj) { 

The lambda expression must match that of the WaitCallback delegate: it returns void and takes an Object parameter. However, I specified the name of the parameter by simply putting obj to the left of the => operator. On the right of the => operator, Console.WriteLine happens to return void. However, if I had placed an expression that did not return void, the compiler-generated code would just ignore the return value because the method that the compiler generates must have a void return type to satisfy the WaitCallback delegate.

It is also worth noting that the anonymous function is marked as private; this forbids any code not defined within the type from accessing the method (although reflection will reveal that the method does exist). Also, note that the anonymous method is marked as static; this is because the code doesn’t access any instance members (which it can’t because CallbackWithoutNewingADelegateObject is itself a static method. However, the code can reference any static fields or static methods defined within the class. Here is an example.

internal sealed class AClass { 
 private static String sm_name; // A static field 
 public static void CallbackWithoutNewingADelegateObject() { 
 // The callback code can reference static members. 
 obj =>Console.WriteLine(sm_name + ": " + obj), 

If the CallbackWithoutNewingADelegateObject method had not been static, the anonymous method’s code could contain references to instance members. If it doesn’t contain references to instance members, the compiler will still produce a static anonymous method because this is more efficient than an instance method because the additional this parameter is not necessary. But, if the anonymous method’s code does reference an instance member, the compiler will produce a nonstatic anonymous method.

internal sealed class AClass { 
 private String m_name; // An instance field 
 // An instance method 
 public void CallbackWithoutNewingADelegateObject() { 
 // The callback code can reference instance members. 
 obj => Console.WriteLine(m_name + ": " + obj), 

On the left side of the => operator is where you specify the names of any arguments that are to be passed to the lambda expression. There are some rules you must follow here. See the following examples.

// If the delegate takes no arguments, use ()
Func<String> f = () => "Jeff";
// If the delegate takes 1+ arguments, you can explicitly specify the types
Func<Int32, String> f2 = (Int32 n) => n.ToString();
Func<Int32, Int32, String> f3 = (Int32 n1, Int32 n2) => (n1 + n2).ToString();
// If the delegate takes 1+ arguments, the compiler can infer the types
Func<Int32, String> f4 = (n) => n.ToString();
Func<Int32, Int32, String> f5 = (n1, n2) => (n1 + n2).ToString();
// If the delegate takes 1 argument, you can omit the ()s
Func<Int32, String> f6 = n => n.ToString();
// If the delegate has ref/out arguments, you must explicitly specify ref/out and the type
Bar b = (out Int32 n) => n = 5;

For the last example, assume that Bar is defined as follows.

delegate void Bar(out Int32 z);

On the right side of the => operator is where you specify the anonymous function body. It is very common for the body to consist of a simple or complex expression that ultimately returns a nonvoid value. In the preceding code, I was assigning lambda expressions that returned Strings to all the Func delegate variables. It is also quite common for the body to consist of a single statement. An example of this is when I called ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem, passing it a lambda expression that called Console.WriteLine (which returns void).

If you want the body to consist of two or more statements, then you must enclose it in curly braces. And if the delegate expects a return value, then you must have a return statement inside the body. Here is an example.

Func<Int32, Int32, String> f7 = (n1, n2) => { Int32 sum = n1 + n2; return sum.ToString(); };

💡重要提示:lambda 表达式的主要优势在于,它从你的源代码中移除了一个 “间接层”(a level of indirection),或者说避免了迂回。正常情况下,必须写一个单独的方法,命名该方法,再在需要委托的地方传递这个方法名。方法名提供了引用代码主体的一种方式,如果要在多个地方引用同一个代码主体,单独写一个方法并命名确实是理想的方案。但如果只需在代码中引用这个主体一次,那么 lambda 表达式允许直接内联那些代码,不必为它分配名称,从而提高了编程效率。

💡注意:C# 2.0 问世时引入了一个称为匿名方法的功能。和 C# 3.0 引入的 lambda 表达式相似,匿名方法描述的也是创建匿名函数的语法。新规范 (C# 语言规范 7.14 节) 建议开发人员使用新的 lambda 表达式语法,而不是使用旧的匿名方法语法,因为 lambda 表达式语法更简洁,代码更容易写、读和维护。当然,Microsoft C# 编译器仍然支持用这两种语法创建匿名函数,以兼容当年为 C# 2.0 写的代码。在本书中,我只解释并使用 lambda 表达式语法。

# Syntactical Shortcut #3: No Need to Wrap Local Variables in a Class Manually to Pass Them to a Callback Method

I’ve already shown how the callback code can reference other members defined in the class. However, sometimes, you might like the callback code to reference local parameters or variables that exist in the defining method. Here’s an interesting example.

internal sealed class AClass { 
 public static void UsingLocalVariablesInTheCallbackCode(Int32 numToDo) { 
 // Some local variables 
 Int32[] squares = new Int32[numToDo]; 
 AutoResetEvent done = new AutoResetEvent(false); 
 // Do a bunch of tasks on other threads 
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < squares.Length; n++) { 
 obj => { 
 Int32 num = (Int32) obj; 
 // This task would normally be more time consuming 
 squares[num] = num * num; 
 // If last task, let main thread continue running 
 if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref numToDo) == 0) 
 // Wait for all the other threads to finish 
 // Show the results 
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < squares.Length; n++) 
 Console.WriteLine("Index {0}, Square={1}", n, squares[n]); 

This example really shows off how easy C# makes implementing what used to be a pretty complex task. The preceding method defines one parameter, numToDo, and two local variables, squares and done. And the body of the lambda expression refers to these variables.

Now imagine that the code in the body of the lambda expression is placed in a separate method (as is required by the CLR). How would the values of the variables be passed to the separate method? The only way to do this is to define a new helper class that also defines a field for each value that you want passed to the callback code. In addition, the callback code would have to be defined as an instance method in this helper class. Then, the UsingLocalVariablesInTheCallbackCode method would have to construct an instance of the helper class, initialize the fields from the values in its local variables, and then construct the delegate object bound to the helper object/instance method.

💡注意:当 lambda 表达式造成编译器生成一个类,而且参数 / 局部变量被转变成该类的字段后,变量引用的对象的生存期被延长了。正常情况下,在方法找中最后一次使用 / 局部变量之后,这个参数 / 局部变量就会 “离开作用域”,结束其生命期。但是,将变量转变成字段后,只要包含字段的那个对象不 “死”,字段引用的对象也不会 “死”。这在大多数应用程序中不是大问题,但有时要注意一下。

This is very tedious and error-prone work, and, of course, the C# compiler does all this for you automatically. When you write the preceding code, it’s as if the C# compiler rewrites your code so that it looks something like the following (comments inserted by me).

internal sealed class AClass { 
 public static void UsingLocalVariablesInTheCallbackCode(Int32 numToDo) { 
 // Some local variables 
 WaitCallback callback1 = null; 
 // Construct an instance of the helper class 
 <>c__DisplayClass2 class1 = new <>c__DisplayClass2(); 
 // Initialize the helper class's fields 
 class1.numToDo = numToDo; 
 class1.squares = new Int32[class1.numToDo]; 
 class1.done = new AutoResetEvent(false); 
 // Do a bunch of tasks on other threads 
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < class1.squares.Length; n++) { 
 if (callback1 == null) { 
 // New up delegate object bound to the helper object and 
 // its anonymous instance method 
 callback1 = new WaitCallback( 
 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(callback1, n); 
 // Wait for all the other threads to finish 
 // Show the results 
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < class1.squares.Length; n++) 
 Console.WriteLine("Index {0}, Square={1}", n, class1.squares[n]); 
 // The helper class is given a strange name to avoid potential 
 // conflicts and is private to forbid access from outside AClass 
 private sealed class <>c__DisplayClass2 : Object { 
 // One public field per local variable used in the callback code 
 public Int32[] squares; 
 public Int32 numToDo; 
 public AutoResetEvent done; 
 // public parameterless constructor 
 public <>c__DisplayClass2 { } 
 // Public instance method containing the callback code 
 public void <UsingLocalVariablesInTheCallbackCode>b__0(Object obj) { 
 Int32 num = (Int32) obj; 
 squares[num] = num * num; 
 if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref numToDo) == 0) 

💡重要提示 毫无疑问,C# 的 lambda 表达式功能很容易被程序员滥用。我开始使用 lambda 表达式时,绝对是花了一些时间来熟悉它的。毕竟,你在一个方法中写的代码实际不在这个方法中。除了有违直觉,还使调试和单步执行变得比较有挑战性。但事实上,Visual Studio 调试器还是非常不错的。我对自己源代码中的 lambda 表达式进行单步测试时,它处理得相当好。

我为自己设定了一个规则:如果需要在回到方法中包含 3 行以上的代码,就不使用 lambda 表达式。相反,我会手动写一个方法,并为其分配自己的名称。但如果使用得当,匿名方法确实能显著提高开发人员的效率和代码的可维护性。在以下代码中,使用 lambda 表达式感觉非常自然。没有它们,这样的代码会很难写、读和维护。

// Create and initialize a String array 
String[] names = { "Jeff", "Kristin", "Aidan", "Grant" }; 
// Get just the names that have a lowercase 'a' in them. 
Char charToFind = 'a'; 
names = Array.FindAll(names, name => name.IndexOf(charToFind) >= 0); 
// Convert each string's characters to uppercase 
names = Array.ConvertAll(names, name => name.ToUpper()); 
// Display the results 
Array.ForEach(names, Console.WriteLine);

💡小结:Microsoft C# 编译器为程序员提供了用于处理委托的一些简化语法。这些基本上只是 C# 的语法糖,这些简化语法为程序员提供了一种更简单的方式生成 CLR 和其他编程语言处理委托时所必需的 IL 代码。简化语法 1:C# 允许指定回调方法的名称,不必去构造委托对象包装器,编译器能自己进行推断,使代码的可读性更佳,也更容易理解。简易语法 2:不需要定义回调方法(lambda 表达式)。编译器看到 lambda 表达式之后,会在类中自动定义一个新的私有方法。这个新方法称为匿名函数,因为方法名称由编译器自动创建,而且你一般不知道这个名称。编译器选择的方法名以 < 符号开头,这是因为在 C# 中,标识符是不能包含 < 符号的;这就确保了你不会碰巧定义一个编译器自动选择的名称。虽然 C# 禁止标识符包含 < 符号,但 CLR 允许,这是为什么不会出错的原因。虽然可将方法名作为字符串来传递,通过反射来访问方法,但 C# 语言规范指出,编译器生成名称的方式是没有任何保证的。例如,每次编译代码,编译器都可能为方法生成一个不同的名称。编译器向方法应用了 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute 特性,指出该方法由编译器生成,而非程序员写的。=> 操作符右侧的代码被放入编译器生成的方法中。另外还要注意,匿名函数被标记为 private ,禁止非类型内定义的代码访问(尽管反射能揭示出方法确实存在)。另外,匿名函数如果没有访问任何实例成员会被标记为 static ,因为它的效率比实例方法高。之所以更高效,是因为不需要额外的 this 参数。但是,如果匿名函数的代码确实引用了实例成员,编译器就会生成非静态匿名函数。=> 操作符右侧供指定匿名函数主体,如果主体由两个或多个语句构成,必须用大括号将语句封闭。在用了大括号的情况下,如果委托期待返回值,还必须在主体中添加 return 语句。简化语法 3:局部变量不需要手动包装到类中即可传给回调方法。Lambda 表达式所引用的外部变量称为捕获变量。含有捕获变量的表达式称为闭包。捕获变量会在真正调用委托时赋值,而不是在捕获时赋值。捕获变量的生命周期延伸到了和委托的声明周期一致。

# Delegates and Reflection

So far in this chapter, the use of delegates has required the developer to know up front the prototype of the method that is to be called back. For example, if fb is a variable that references a Feedback delegate (see this chapter’s first program listing), to invoke the delegate, the code would look like the following.

fb(item); // item is defined as Int32

As you can see, the developer must know when coding how many parameters the callback method requires and the types of those parameters. Fortunately, the developer almost always has this information, so writing code like the preceding code isn’t a problem.

In some rare circumstances, however, the developer doesn’t have this information at compile time. I showed an example of this in Chapter 11, “Events,” when I discussed the EventSet type. In this example, a dictionary maintained a set of different delegate types. At run time, to raise an event, one of the delegates was looked up in the dictionary and invoked. At compile time, it wasn’t possible to know exactly which delegate would be called and which parameters were necessary to pass to the delegate’s callback method.

Fortunately, System.Reflection.MethodInfo offers a CreateDelegate method that allows you to create a delegate when you just don’t have all the necessary information about the delegate at compile time. Here are the method overloads that MethodInfo defines.

public abstract class MethodInfo : MethodBase { 
 // Construct a delegate wrapping a static method. 
 public virtual Delegate CreateDelegate(Type delegateType); 
 // Construct a delegate wrapping an instance method; target refers to the ‘this’ argument. 
 public virtual Delegate CreateDelegate(Type delegateType, Object target);

After you’ve created the delegate, you can call it by using Delegate’s DynamicInvoke method, which looks like the following.

public abstract class Delegate { 
 // Invoke a delegate passing it parameters 
 public Object DynamicInvoke(params Object[] args); 

Using reflection APIs (discussed in Chapter 23, “Assembly Loading and Reflection”), you must first acquire a MethodInfo object referring to the method you want to create a delegate to. Then, you call the CreateDelegate method to have it construct a new object of a Delegate-derived type identified by the first parameter, delegateType. If the delegate wraps an instance method, you will also pass to CreateDelegate a target parameter indicating the object that should be passed as the this parameter to the instance method.

System.Delegate’s DynamicInvoke method allows you to invoke a delegate object’s callback method, passing a set of parameters that you determine at run time. When you call DynamicInvoke, it internally ensures that the parameters you pass are compatible with the parameters the callback method expects. If they’re compatible, the callback method is called. If they’re not, an ArgumentException is thrown. DynamicInvoke returns the object the callback method returned.

The following code shows how to use the CreateDelegate and DynamicInvoke methods.

using System; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.IO; 
// Here are some different delegate definitions 
internal delegate Object TwoInt32s(Int32 n1, Int32 n2); 
internal delegate Object OneString(String s1); 
public static class DelegateReflection { 
 public static void Main(String[] args) { 
 if (args.Length < 2) {
 String usage =
 @"Usage:" +
 "{0} delType methodName [Arg1] [Arg2]" +
 "{0} where delType must be TwoInt32s or OneString" +
 "{0} if delType is TwoInt32s, methodName must be Add or Subtract" +
 "{0} if delType is OneString, methodName must be NumChars or Reverse" +
 "{0}" +
 "{0}Examples:" +
 "{0} TwoInt32s Add 123 321" +
 "{0} TwoInt32s Subtract 123 321" +
 "{0} OneString NumChars \"Hello there\"" +
 "{0} OneString Reverse \"Hello there\"";
 Console.WriteLine(usage, Environment.NewLine);
 // Convert the delType argument to a delegate type
 Type delType = Type.GetType(args[0]);
 if (delType == null) {
 Console.WriteLine("Invalid delType argument: " + args[0]);
 Delegate d;
 try {
 // Convert the Arg1 argument to a method
 MethodInfo mi = typeof(DelegateReflection).GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredMethod(args[1]);
 // Create a delegate object that wraps the static method
 d = mi.CreateDelegate(delType);
 catch (ArgumentException) {
 Console.WriteLine("Invalid methodName argument: " + args[1]);
 // Create an array that that will contain just the arguments
 // to pass to the method via the delegate object
 Object[] callbackArgs = new Object[args.Length - 2];
 if (d.GetType() == typeof(TwoInt32s)) {
 try {
 // Convert the String arguments to Int32 arguments
 for (Int32 a = 2; a < args.Length; a++)
 callbackArgs[a - 2] = Int32.Parse(args[a]);
 catch (FormatException) {
 Console.WriteLine("Parameters must be integers.");
 if (d.GetType() == typeof(OneString)) {
 // Just copy the String argument
 Array.Copy(args, 2, callbackArgs, 0, callbackArgs.Length);
 try {
 // Invoke the delegate and show the result
 Object result = d.DynamicInvoke(callbackArgs);
 Console.WriteLine("Result = " + result);
 catch (TargetParameterCountException) {
 Console.WriteLine("Incorrect number of parameters specified.");
 // This callback method takes 2 Int32 arguments 
 private static Object Add(Int32 n1, Int32 n2) { 
 return n1 + n2; 
 // This callback method takes 2 Int32 arguments 
 private static Object Subtract(Int32 n1, Int32 n2) { 
 return n1 - n2; 
 // This callback method takes 1 String argument 
 private static Object NumChars(String s1) { 
 return s1.Length; 
 // This callback method takes 1 String argument 
 private static Object Reverse(String s1) { 
 return new String(s1.Reverse().ToArray());

💡小结: System.Delegate.MethodInfo 提供了一个 CreateDelegate 方法,允许在编译时不知道委托的所有必要信息的前提下创建委托。使用反射 API,首先必须获取引用了回调方法的一个 MethodInfo 对象。然后,调用 CreateDelegate 方法来构造由第一个参数 delegateType 所标识的 Delegate 派生类型的对象。如果委托包装了实例方法,还要向 CreateDelegate 传递一个 target 参数,指定作为 this 参数传给实例方法的都西昂。 System.DelegateDynamicInvoke 方法允许调用委托对象的回调方法,传递一组在运行时确定的参数。调用 DynamicInvoke 方法使,它会在内部保证传递的参数与回调方法期望的参数兼容。如果兼容,就调用回调方法;否则抛出 ArgumentException 异常。 DynamicInvoke 返回回调方法所返回的对象。