# Chapter 12 Generics

Developers who are familiar with object-oriented programming know the benefits it offers. One of the big benefits that make developers extremely productive is code reuse, which is the ability to derive a class that inherits all of the capabilities of a base class. The derived class can simply override virtual methods or add some new methods to customize the behavior of the base class to meet the developer’s needs. Generics is another mechanism offered by the common language runtime (CLR) and programming languages that provides one more form of code reuse: algorithm reuse.

Basically, one developer defines an algorithm such as sorting, searching, swapping, comparing, or converting. However, the developer defining the algorithm doesn’t specify what data type(s) the algorithm operates on; the algorithm can be generically applied to objects of different types. Another developer can then use this existing algorithm as long as he or she indicates the specific data type(s) the algorithm should operate on, for example, a sorting algorithm that operates on Int32s, Strings, etc., or a comparing algorithm that operates on DateTimes, Versions, etc.

Most algorithms are encapsulated in a type, and the CLR allows the creation of generic reference types as well as generic value types, but it does not allow the creation of generic enumerated types. In addition, the CLR allows the creation of generic interfaces and generic delegates. Occasionally, a single method can encapsulate a useful algorithm, and therefore, the CLR allows the creation of generic methods that are defined in a reference type, value type, or interface.

Let’s look at a quick example. The Framework Class Library (FCL) defines a generic list algorithm that knows how to manage a set of objects; the data type of these objects is not specified by the generic algorithm. Someone wanting to use the generic list algorithm can specify the exact data type to use with it later.

The FCL class that encapsulates the generic list algorithm is called List (pronounced List of Tee), and this class is defined in the System.Collections.Generic namespace. Here is what this class definition looks like (the code is severely abbreviated).

public class List<T> : IList<T>, ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>, 
 IList, ICollection, IEnumerable { 
 public List(); 
 public void Add(T item); 
 public Int32 BinarySearch(T item); 
 public void Clear(); 
 public Boolean Contains(T item); 
 public Int32 IndexOf(T item); 
 public Boolean Remove(T item); 
 public void Sort(); 
 public void Sort(IComparer<T> comparer); 
 public void Sort(Comparison<T> comparison); 
 public T[] ToArray(); 
 public Int32 Count { get; } 
 public T this[Int32 index] { get; set; } 

The programmer who defined the generic List class indicates that it works with an unspecified data type by placing the immediately after the class name. When defining a generic type or method, any variables it specifies for types (such as T) are called type parameters. T is a variable name that can be used in source code anywhere a data type can be used. For example, in the List class definition, you see T being used for method parameters (the Add method accepts a parameter of type T) and return types (the ToArray method returns a single-dimension array of type T). Another example is the indexer method (called this in C#). The indexer has a get accessor method that returns a value of type T and a set accessor method that accepts a parameter of type T. Because the T variable can be used anywhere that a data type can be specified, it is also possible to use T when defining local variables inside a method or when defining fields inside a type.

💡注意:根据 Microsoft 的设计原则,泛型参数变量要么称为 T ,要么至少以大写 T 开头 (如 TKeyTValue )。大写 T 代表类型 (Type),就像大写 I 代表接口 (interface) 一样,比如 IComparable

Now that the generic List type has been defined, other developers can use this generic algorithm by specifying the exact data type they would like the algorithm to operate on. When using a generic type or method, the specified data types are referred to as type arguments. For example, a developer might want to work with the List algorithm by specifying a DateTime type argument.

Here is some code that shows this.

private static void SomeMethod() { 
 // Construct a List that operates on DateTime objects 
 List<DateTime> dtList = new List<DateTime>(); 
 // Add a DateTime object to the list 
 dtList.Add(DateTime.Now); // No boxing 
 // Add another DateTime object to the list 
 dtList.Add(DateTime.MinValue); // No boxing 
 // Attempt to add a String object to the list 
 dtList.Add("1/1/2004"); // Compile-time error 
 // Extract a DateTime object out of the list 
 DateTime dt = dtList[0]; // No cast required 

Generics provide the following big benefits to developers as exhibited by the code just shown:

  • Source code protection The developer using a generic algorithm doesn’t need to have access to the algorithm’s source code. With C++ templates, however, the algorithm’s source code must be available to the developer who is using the algorithm.

  • Type safety When a generic algorithm is used with a specific type, the compiler and the CLR understand this and ensure that only objects compatible with the specified data type are used with the algorithm. Attempting to use an object of an incompatible type will result in either a compiler error or a run-time exception being thrown. In the example, attempting to pass a String object to the Add method results in the compiler issuing an error.

  • Cleaner code Because the compiler enforces type safety, fewer casts are required in your source code, meaning that your code is easier to write and maintain. In the last line of SomeMethod, a developer doesn’t need to use a (DateTime) cast to put the result of the indexer (querying element at index 0) into the dt variable.

  • Better performance Before generics, the way to define a generalized algorithm was to define all of its members to work with the Object data type. If you wanted to use the algorithm with value type instances, the CLR had to box the value type instance prior to calling the members of the algorithm. As discussed in Chapter 5, “Primitive, Reference, and Value Types,” boxing causes memory allocations on the managed heap, which causes more frequent garbage collections, which, in turn, hurt an application’s performance. Because a generic algorithm can now be created to work with a specific value type, the instances of the value type can be passed by value, and the CLR no longer has to do any boxing. In addition, because casts are not necessary (see the previous bullet), the CLR doesn’t have to check the type safety of the attempted cast, and this results in faster code too.

To drive home the performance benefits of generics, I wrote a program that tests the performance of the generic List algorithm against the FCL’s non-generic ArrayList algorithm. In fact, I tested the performance of these two algorithms by using both value type objects and reference type objects. Here is the program itself.

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
public static class Program { 
 public static void Main() { 
 private static void ValueTypePerfTest() { 
 const Int32 count = 100000000; 
 using (new OperationTimer("List<Int32>")) { 
 List<Int32> l = new List<Int32>(); 
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < count; n++) { 
 l.Add(n); // No boxing
 Int32 x = l[n]; // No unboxing
 l = null; // Make sure this gets garbage collected 
 using (new OperationTimer("ArrayList of Int32")) { 
 ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); 
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < count; n++) { 
 a.Add(n); // Boxing
 Int32 x = (Int32) a[n]; // Unboxing
 a = null; // Make sure this gets garbage collected 
 private static void ReferenceTypePerfTest() { 
 const Int32 count = 100000000; 
 using (new OperationTimer("List<String>")) { 
 List<String> l = new List<String>(); 
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < count; n++) { 
 l.Add("X"); // Reference copy
 String x = l[n]; // Reference copy
 l = null; // Make sure this gets garbage collected 
 using (new OperationTimer("ArrayList of String")) { 
 ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); 
 for (Int32 n = 0; n < count; n++) { 
 a.Add("X"); // Reference copy
 String x = (String) a[n]; // Cast check & reference copy
 a = null; // Make sure this gets garbage collected 
// This class is useful for doing operation performance timing 
internal sealed class OperationTimer : IDisposable { 
 private Stopwatch m_stopwatch;
 private String m_text; 
 private Int32 m_collectionCount; 
 public OperationTimer(String text) { 
 m_text = text; 
 m_collectionCount = GC.CollectionCount(0); 
 // This should be the last statement in this 
 // method to keep timing as accurate as possible 
 m_stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); 
 public void Dispose() { 
 Console.WriteLine("{0} (GCs={1,3}) {2}", (m_stopwatch.Elapsed),
 GC.CollectionCount(0) - m_collectionCount, m_text);
 private static void PrepareForOperation() { 

When I compile and run a release build (with optimizations turned on) of this program on my computer, I get the following output.

00:00:01.6246959 (GCs= 6) List<Int32>
00:00:10.8555008 (GCs=390) ArrayList of Int32
00:00:02.5427847 (GCs= 4) List<String>
00:00:02.7944831 (GCs= 7) ArrayList of String

The output here shows that using the generic List algorithm with the Int32 type is much faster than using the non-generic ArrayList algorithm with Int32. In fact, the difference is phenomenal: 1.6 seconds versus almost 11 seconds. That’s ~7 times faster! In addition, using a value type (Int32) with ArrayList causes a lot of boxing operations to occur, which results in 390 garbage collections. Meanwhile, the List algorithm required 6 garbage collections.

The result of the test using reference types is not as momentous. Here we see that the times and number of garbage collections are about the same. So it doesn’t appear that the generic List algorithm is of any benefit here. However, keep in mind that when using a generic algorithm, you also get cleaner code and compile-time type safety. So although the performance improvement is not huge, the other benefits you get when using a generic algorithm are usually an improvement.

💡注意:应该意识到,首次为特定数据类型调用方法时,CLR 都会为这个方法生成本机代码。这会增大应用程序的工作集 (working set) 大小,从而损害性能。12.2 “泛型基础结构” 将进一步探讨这个问题。

💡小结:泛型(generic)是 CLR 和编程语言提供的一种特殊机制,它支持另一种形式的代码重用,即 “算法重用”。大多数算法都封装在一个类型中,CLR 允许创建泛型引用类型和泛型值类型,但不允许创建泛型枚举类型。此外,CLR 还允许创建泛型接口和泛型委托。定义泛型类型或方法时,为类型指定的任何变量(比如 T)都称为类型参数(type parameter)。T 是变量名,源代码使用数据类型的任何地方都能使用 T。使用泛型类型或方法时指定的具体数据类型称为类型实参(type argument)。泛型为开发人员提供了一些优势:源代码保护,使用泛型算法的开发人员不需要访问算法的源代码(使用 C++ 模板的泛型技术时,算法的源代码必须提供给准备使用算法的用户)。类型安全,将泛型算法应用与一个具体类型时,编译器和 CLR 能理解开发人员的意图,并保证只有与指定数据类型兼容的对象才能用于算法。更清晰的代码,由于编译器强制类型安全性,所以减少了源代码中必须进行强制类型转换次数,使代码更容易编写和维护。更佳的性能,由于现在能创建一个泛型算法来操作一种具体的值类型,所以值类型的实例能以传值方式传递,CLR 不在需要执行任何装箱操作。此外,由于不再需要进行强制类型转换,所以 CLR 无需验证这种转型是否类型安全,这同样提高了代码的运行速度。

# Generics in the Framework Class Library

Certainly, the most obvious use of generics is with collection classes, and the FCL defines several generic collection classes available for your use. Most of these classes can be found in the System. Collections.Generic namespace and the System.Collections.ObjectModel namespace. There are also thread-safe generic collection classes available in the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace. Microsoft recommends that programmers use the generic collection classes and now discourages use of the non-generic collection classes for several reasons. First, the non-generic collection classes are not generic, and so you don’t get the type safety, cleaner code, and better performance that you get when you use generic collection classes. Second, the generic classes have a better object model than the non-generic classes. For example, fewer methods are virtual, resulting in better performance, and new members have been added to the generic collections to provide new functionality.

The collection classes implement many interfaces, and the objects that you place into the collections can implement interfaces that the collection classes use for operations such as sorting and searching. The FCL ships with many generic interface definitions so that the benefits of generics can be realized when working with interfaces as well. The commonly used interfaces are contained in the System.Collections.Generic namespace.

The new generic interfaces are not a replacement for the old non-generic interfaces; in many scenarios, you will have to use both. The reason is backward compatibility. For example, if the List class implemented only the IList interface, no code could consider a List object an IList.

I should also point out that the System.Array class, the base class of all array types, offers many static generic methods, such as AsReadOnly, BinarySearch, ConvertAll, Exists, Find, FindAll, FindIndex, FindLast, FindLastIndex, ForEach, IndexOf, LastIndexOf, Resize, Sort, and TrueForAll. Here are examples showing what some of these methods look like.

public abstract class Array : ICloneable, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable,
 IStructuralComparable, IStructuralEquatable { 
 public static void Sort<T>(T[] array); 
 public static void Sort<T>(T[] array, IComparer<T> comparer); 
 public static Int32 BinarySearch<T>(T[] array, T value); 
 public static Int32 BinarySearch<T>(T[] array, T value, 
 IComparer<T> comparer); 

Here is code that demonstrates how to use some of these methods.

public static void Main() { 
 // Create & initialize a byte array 
 Byte[] byteArray = new Byte[] { 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 }; 
 // Call Byte[] sort algorithm 
 // Call Byte[] binary search algorithm 
 Int32 i = Array.BinarySearch<Byte>(byteArray, 1); 
 Console.WriteLine(i); // Displays "0" 

💡小结:Microsoft 建议使用泛型集合类,不建议使用非泛型集合类。这是出于几方面的考虑。首先,使用非泛型集合类,无法像使用泛型集合类那样获得类型安全性、更清晰的代码以及更佳的性能。其次,泛型类具有比非泛型更好的对象模型。例如,虚方法数量显著变少,性能更好。另外,泛型集合类增添了一些新成员,为开发人员提供了新的功能。集合类实现了许多接口,放入集合中的对象可实现接口来执行排序和搜索等操作。常用接口在 System.Collections.Generic 命名空间中提供。新的泛型接口不是为了替代旧的非泛型接口。许多时候两者都要使用(为了向后兼容)。

# Generics Infrastructure

Generics were added to version 2.0 of the CLR, and it was a major task that required many people working for quite some time. Specifically, to make generics work, Microsoft had to do the following:

  • Create new Intermediate Language (IL) instructions that are aware of type arguments.

  • Modify the format of existing metadata tables so that type names and methods with generic parameters could be expressed.

  • Modify the various programming languages (C#, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, etc.) to support the new syntax, allowing developers to define and reference generic types and methods.

  • Modify the compilers to emit the new IL instructions and the modified metadata format.

  • Modify the just-in-time (JIT) compiler to process the new type-argument–aware IL instructions that produce the correct native code.

  • Create new reflection members so that developers can query types and members to determine if they have generic parameters. Also, new reflection emit members had to be defined so that developers could create generic type and method definitions at run time.

  • Modify the debugger to show and manipulate generic types, members, fields, and local variables.

  • Modify the Microsoft Visual Studio IntelliSense feature to show specific member prototypes when using a generic type or a method with a specific data type.

Now let’s spend some time discussing how the CLR handles generics internally. This information could impact how you architect and design a generic algorithm. It could also impact your decision to use an existing generic algorithm or not.

# Open and Closed Types

In various chapters throughout this book, I have discussed how the CLR creates an internal data structure for each and every type in use by an application. These data structures are called type objects. Well, a type with generic type parameters is still considered a type, and the CLR will create an internal type object for each of these. This applies to reference types (classes), value types (structs), interface types, and delegate types. However, a type with generic type parameters is called an open type, and the CLR does not allow any instance of an open type to be constructed (similar to how the CLR prevents an instance of an interface type from being constructed).

When code references a generic type, it can specify a set of generic type arguments. If actual data types are passed in for all of the type arguments, the type is called a closed type, and the CLR does allow instances of a closed type to be constructed. However, it is possible for code referencing a generic type to leave some generic type arguments unspecified. This creates a new open type object in the CLR, and instances of this type cannot be created. The following code should make this clear.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
// A partially specified open type 
internal sealed class DictionaryStringKey<TValue> : 
 Dictionary<String, TValue> { 
public static class Program { 
 public static void Main() { 
 Object o = null; 
 // Dictionary<,> is an open type having 2 type parameters 
 Type t = typeof(Dictionary<,>); 
 // Try to create an instance of this type (fails) 
 o = CreateInstance(t); 
 // DictionaryStringKey<> is an open type having 1 type parameter 
 t = typeof(DictionaryStringKey<>); 
 // Try to create an instance of this type (fails) 
 o = CreateInstance(t); 
 // DictionaryStringKey<Guid> is a closed type 
 t = typeof(DictionaryStringKey<Guid>); 
 // Try to create an instance of this type (succeeds) 
 o = CreateInstance(t); 
 // Prove it actually worked 
 Console.WriteLine("Object type=" + o.GetType()); 
 private static Object CreateInstance(Type t) { 
 Object o = null; 
 try { 
 o = Activator.CreateInstance(t); 
 Console.Write("Created instance of {0}", t.ToString()); 
 catch (ArgumentException e) { 
 return o; 

When I compile the preceding code and run it, I get the following output.

Cannot create an instance of System.Collections.Generic. 
Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] because Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true. 

Cannot create an instance of DictionaryStringKey`1[TValue] because 
Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true. 

Created instance of DictionaryStringKey`1[System.Guid] 
Object type=DictionaryStringKey`1[System.Guid]

As you can see, Activator’s CreateInstance method throws an ArgumentException when you ask it to construct an instance of an open type. In fact, the exception’s string message indicates that the type still contains some generic parameters.

In the output, you’ll notice that the type names end with a backtick (`) followed by a number. The number indicates the type’s arity, which indicates the number of type parameters required by the type. For example, the Dictionary class has an arity of 2 because it requires that types be specified for TKey and TValue. The DictionaryStringKey class has an arity of 1 because it requires just one type to be specified for TValue.

I should also point out that the CLR allocates a type’s static fields inside the type object (as discussed in Chapter 4, “Type Fundamentals”). So each closed type has its own static fields. In other words, if List defined any static fields, these fields are not shared between a List and a List; each closed type object has its own static fields. Also, if a generic type defines a static constructor (discussed in Chapter 8, “Methods”), this constructor will execute once per closed type. Sometimes people define a static constructor on a generic type to ensure that the type arguments will meet certain criteria. For example, if you wanted to define a generic type that can be used only with enumerated types, you could do the following.

internal sealed class GenericTypeThatRequiresAnEnum<T> { 
 static GenericTypeThatRequiresAnEnum() { 
 if (!typeof(T).IsEnum) { 
 throw new ArgumentException("T must be an enumerated type"); 

The CLR has a feature called constraints that offers a better way for you to define a generic type indicating what type arguments are valid for it. I’ll discuss constraints later in this chapter. Unfortunately, constraints do not support the ability to limit a type argument to enumerated types only, which is why the previous example requires a static constructor to ensure that the type is an enumerated type.

# Generic Types and Inheritance

A generic type is a type, and as such, it can be derived from any other type. When you use a generic type and specify type arguments, you are defining a new type object in the CLR, and the new type object is derived from whatever type the generic type was derived from. In other words, because List is derived from Object, List and List are also derived from Object. Similarly, because DictionaryStringKey is derived from Dictionary, DictionaryStringKey is also derived from Dictionary. Understanding that specifying type arguments doesn’t have anything to do with inheritance hierarchies will help you to recognize what kind of casting you can and can’t do.

For example, if a linked-list node class is defined like this:

internal sealed class Node<T> { 
 public T m_data; 
 public Node<T> m_next; 
 public Node(T data) : this(data, null) { 
 public Node(T data, Node<T> next) { 
 m_data = data; m_next = next; 
 public override String ToString() { 
 return m_data.ToString() + 
 ((m_next != null) ? m_next.ToString() : String.Empty); 

then I can write some code to build up a linked list that would look something like the following.

private static void SameDataLinkedList() { 
 Node<Char> head = new Node<Char>('C'); 
 head = new Node<Char>('B', head); 
 head = new Node<Char>('A', head); 
 Console.WriteLine(head.ToString()); // Displays "ABC"

In the Node class just shown, the m_next field must refer to another node that has the same kind of data type in its m_data field. This means that the linked list must contain nodes in which all data items are of the same type (or derived type). For example, I can’t use the Node class to create a linked list in which one element contains a Char, another element contains a DateTime, and another element contains a String. Well, I could if I use Node everywhere, but then I would lose compile-time type safety, and value types would get boxed.

So a better way to go would be to define a non-generic Node base class and then define a generic TypedNode class (using the Node class as a base class). Now, I can have a linked list in which each node can be of a specific data type (not Object), get compile-time type safety, and avoid the boxing of value types. Here are the new class definitions.

internal class Node { 
 protected Node m_next; 
 public Node(Node next) { 
 m_next = next; 
internal sealed class TypedNode<T> : Node { 
 public T m_data; 
 public TypedNode(T data) : this(data, null) { 
 public TypedNode(T data, Node next) : base(next) { 
 m_data = data; 
 public override String ToString() { 
 return m_data.ToString() + 
 ((m_next != null) ? m_next.ToString() : String.Empty); 

I can now write code to create a linked list in which each node is a different data type. The code could look something like the following.

private static void DifferentDataLinkedList() { 
 Node head = new TypedNode<Char>('.'); 
 head = new TypedNode<DateTime>(DateTime.Now, head); 
 head = new TypedNode<String>("Today is ", head); 

# Generic Type Identity

Sometimes generic syntax confuses developers. After all, there can be a lot of less-than (<) and greater-than (>) signs sprinkled throughout your source code, and this hurts readability. To improve syntax, some developers define a new non-generic class type that is derived from a generic type and that specifies all of the type arguments. For example, to simplify code like this:

List<DateTime> dtl = new List<DateTime>();

some developers might first define a class like the following.

internal sealed class DateTimeList : List<DateTime> { 
 // No need to put any code in here! 

Now, the code that creates a list can be rewritten more simply (without less-than and greater-than signs) like the following.

DateTimeList dtl = new DateTimeList();

Although this seems like a convenience, especially if you use the new type for parameters, local variables, and fields, you should never define a new class explicitly for the purpose of making your source code easier to read. The reason is because you lose type identity and equivalence, as you can see in the following code.

Boolean sameType = (typeof(List<DateTime>) == typeof(DateTimeList));

When the preceding code runs, sameType will be initialized to false because you are comparing two different type objects. This also means that a method prototyped as accepting a DateTimeList will not be able to have a List passed to it. However, a method prototyped as accepting a List can have a DateTimeList passed to it because DateTimeList is derived from List. Programmers may become easily confused by all of this.

Fortunately, C# does offer a way to use simplified syntax to refer to a generic closed type while not affecting type equivalence at all; you can use the good-old using directive at the top of your source code file. Here is an example.

using DateTimeList = System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>;

Here, the using directive is really just defining a symbol called DateTimeList. As the code compiles, the compiler substitutes all occurrences of DateTimeList with System.Collections. Generic.List. This just allows developers to use a simplified syntax without affecting the actual meaning of the code, and therefore, type identity and equivalence are maintained. So now, when the following line executes, sameType will be initialized to true.

Boolean sameType = (typeof(List<DateTime>) == typeof(DateTimeList));

As another convenience, you can use C#’s implicitly typed local variable feature, where the compiler infers the type of a method’s local variable from the type of the expression you are assigning to it.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
internal sealed class SomeType {
 private static void SomeMethod () { 
 // Compiler infers that dtl is of type
 // System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
 var dtl = new List<DateTime>();

# Code Explosion

When a method that uses generic type parameters is JIT-compiled, the CLR takes the method’s IL, substitutes the specified type arguments, and then creates native code that is specific to that method operating on the specified data types. This is exactly what you want and is one of the main features of generics. However, there is a downside to this: the CLR keeps generating native code for every method/type combination. This is referred to as code explosion. This can end up increasing the application’s working set substantially, thereby hurting performance.

Fortunately, the CLR has some optimizations built into it to reduce code explosion. First, if a method is called for a particular type argument, and later, the method is called again using the same type argument, the CLR will compile the code for this method/type combination just once. So if one assembly uses List, and a completely different assembly (loaded in the same AppDomain) also uses List, the CLR will compile the methods for List just once. This reduces code explosion substantially.

The CLR has another optimization: the CLR considers all reference type arguments to be identical, and so again, the code can be shared. For example, the code compiled by the CLR for List’s methods can be used for List’s methods, because String and Stream are both reference types. In fact, for any reference type, the same code will be used. The CLR can perform this optimization because all reference type arguments or variables are really just pointers (all 32 bits on a 32-bit Windows system and 64 bits on a 64-bit Windows system) to objects on the heap, and object pointers are all manipulated in the same way.

But if any type argument is a value type, the CLR must produce native code specifically for that value type. The reason is because value types can vary in size. And even if two value types are the same size (such as Int32 and UInt32, which are both 32 bits), the CLR still can’t share the code because different native CPU instructions can be used to manipulate these values.

💡小结:泛型在 CLR2.0 中加入。为了使泛型能够工作,Microsoft 做了大量的工作。例如,创建新的 IL 指令,使之能够识别类型实参;修改现有元数据表的格式,以便表示具有泛型参数的类型名称和方法;修改编译器和 JIT 编译器;创建新的反射成员等等。具有反射类型参数的类型仍然是类型,CLR 同样会为它创建内部的类型对象。这一点适合引用类型(类)、值类型(结构)、接口类型和委托类型。然而,具有泛型类型参数的类型称为开放类型,CLR 禁止构造开放类型的任何实例。这类似于 CLR 禁止构造接口类型的实例。代码引用泛型类型时可指定一组泛型类型实参。为所有类型参数都传递了实际的数据类型,类型就成为封闭类型。CLR 允许构造封闭类型的实例。然而,代码引用泛型类型的时候,可能留下一些泛型类型实参未指定。这会在 CLR 中创建新的开放类型对象,而且不能创建该类型的实例。若开放类型中定义了静态字段,那么每个封闭类型都有自己的静态字段。另外,假如泛型类型定义了静态构造器,那么针对每个封闭类型,这个构造器都会执行一次。泛型类型定义静态构造器的目的是保证传递的类型实参满足特定条件。CLR 提供了名为约束的功能,可以更好地指定有效的类型实参。遗憾的是,约束无法将类型实参限制为 “仅枚举类型”。正是因为这个原因,所以上例需要用静态构造器来保证类型是一个枚举类型。指定类型实参不影响继承层次结构 —— 理解这一点,有助于你判断哪些强制类型转换是允许的,哪些不允许。泛型语法有时会将开发人员弄糊涂,因为源代码中可能散布着大量 “<” 和 “>” 符号,这有损可读性。C# 允许使用简化的语法来引用泛型封闭类型,同时不会影响类型的相等性。这个语法要求在源文件顶部使用传统的 using 指令。使用泛型类型参数的方法在进行 JIT 编译时,CLR 获取方法的 IL,用指定的类型实参替换,然后创建恰当的本机代码。但这样做有一个缺点:CLR 要为每种不同的方法 / 类型组合生成本机代码。我们将这种现象称为代码爆炸。它可能造成应用程序的工作集显著增大,从而损害性能。幸好,CLR 内建了一些优化措施能缓解代码爆炸。首先,加入为特定的类型实参调用了一个方法,以后再用相同的类型实参调用这个方法,CLR 只会为这个方法 / 类型组合编译一次代码。CLR 还有另一个优化,它认为所有引用类型实参都完全相同,所以代码能够共享。事实上,对于任何引用类型,都会使用相同的代码。CLR 之所以能执行这个优化,是因为所有引用类型的实参或变量实际只是指向堆上对象的指针(32 位 Windows 系统上是 32 位指针;64 位 Windows 系统上就是 64 位指针),而所有对象都以相同方式操纵。但是,假如某个类型实参是值类型,CLR 就必须专门为那个值类型生成本机代码。

# Generic Interfaces

Obviously, the ability to define generic reference and value types was the main feature of generics. However, it was critical for the CLR to also allow generic interfaces. Without generic interfaces, any time you tried to manipulate a value type by using a non-generic interface (such as IComparable), boxing and a loss of compile-time type safety would happen again. This would severely limit the usefulness of generic types. And so the CLR does support generic interfaces. A reference or value type can implement a generic interface by specifying type arguments, or a type can implement a generic interface by leaving the type arguments unspecified. Let’s look at some examples.

Here is the definition of a generic interface that ships as part of the FCL (in the System.Collections.Generic namespace).

public interface IEnumerator<T> : IDisposable, IEnumerator { 
 T Current { get; } 

Here is an example of a type that implements this generic interface and that specifies type arguments. Notice that a Triangle object can enumerate a set of Point objects. Also note that the Current property is of the Point data type.

internal sealed class Triangle : IEnumerator<Point> { 
 private Point[] m_vertices; 
 // IEnumerator<Point>'s Current property is of type Point 
 public Point Current { get { ... } } 

Now let’s look at an example of a type that implements the same generic interface but with the type arguments left unspecified.

internal sealed class ArrayEnumerator<T> : IEnumerator<T> { 
 private T[] m_array; 
 // IEnumerator<T>'s Current property is of type T 
 public T Current { get { ... } } 

Notice that an ArrayEnumerator object can enumerate a set of T objects (where T is unspecified allowing code using the generic ArrayEnumerator type to specify a type for T later). Also note that the Current property is now of the unspecified data type T. Much more information about generic interfaces is presented in Chapter 13, “Interfaces.”

💡小结:显然,泛型的主要作用就是定义泛型的引用类型和值类型。然而,对泛型接口的支持对 CLR 来说也很重要。没有泛型接口,每次用非泛型接口(如 IComparable )来操纵值类型都会发生装箱,而且会失去编译时的类型安全性。这将严重制约泛型类型的应用范围。因此,CLR 提供了对泛型接口的支持。引用类型或值类型可指定类型实参实现泛型接口。也可保持类型实参的未指定状态来实现泛型接口。

# Generic Delegates

The CLR supports generic delegates to ensure that any type of object can be passed to a callback method in a type-safe way. Furthermore, generic delegates allow a value type instance to be passed to a callback method without any boxing. As discussed in Chapter 17, “Delegates,” a delegate is really just a class definition with four methods: a constructor, an Invoke method, a BeginInvoke method, and an EndInvoke method. When you define a delegate type that specifies type parameters, the compiler defines the delegate class’s methods, and the type parameters are applied to any methods having parameters/return types of the specified type parameter.

For example, if you define a generic delegate like this:

public delegate TReturn CallMe<TReturn, TKey, TValue>(TKey key, TValue value);

the compiler turns that into a class that logically looks like the following.

public sealed class CallMe<TReturn, TKey, TValue> : MulticastDelegate { 
 public CallMe(Object object, IntPtr method); 
 public virtual TReturn Invoke(TKey key, TValue value); 
 public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(TKey key, TValue value, 
 AsyncCallback callback, Object object); 
 public virtual TReturn EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result); 

💡注意:建议尽量使用 FCL 预定义的泛型 ActionFunc 委托。这些委托的详情将在 17.6 节 “委托定义不要太多 (泛型委托)” 讲述。

💡小结:CLR 支持泛型委托,目的是保证任何类型的对象都能以类型安全的方式传给回调方法。此外,泛型委托允许值类型实例在传给回调方法时不进行任何装箱。

# Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments

Each of a delegate’s generic type parameters can be marked as covariant or contra-variant. This feature allows you to cast a variable of a generic delegate type to the same delegate type where the generic parameter types differ. A generic type parameter can be any one of the following:

  • Invariant Meaning that the generic type parameter cannot be changed. I have shown only invariant generic type parameters so far in this chapter.

  • Contra-variant Meaning that the generic type parameter can change from a class to a class derived from it. In C#, you indicate contra-variant generic type parameters with the in keyword. Contra-variant generic type parameters can appear only in input positions such as a method’s argument.

  • Covariant Meaning that the generic type argument can change from a class to one of its base classes. In C#, you indicate covariant generic type parameters with the out keyword. Covariant generic type parameters can appear only in output positions such as a method’s return type.

For example, let’s say that the following delegate type definition exists (which, by the way, it does).

public delegate TResult Func<in T, out TResult>(T arg);

Here, the generic type parameter T is marked with the in keyword, making it contra-variant; and the generic type parameter TResult is marked with the out keyword, making it covariant.

So now, if I have a variable declared as follows.

Func<Object, ArgumentException> fn1 = null;

I can cast it to another Func type, where the generic type parameters are different.

Func<String, Exception>fn2 = fn1; // No explicit cast is required here
Exception e = fn2("");

What this is saying is that fn1 refers to a function that accepts an Object and returns an ArgumentException. The fn2 variable wants to refer to a method that takes a String and returns an Exception. Because you can pass a String to a method that wants an Object (because String is derived from Object), and because you can take the result of a method that returns an ArgumentException and treat it as an Exception (because Exception is a base class of ArgumentException), the code above compiles and is known at compile time to preserve type safety.


void ProcessCollection(IEnumerable<Object> collection) { ... }

我不能在调用它时传递一个 List<DateTime> 对象引用,因为 DateTime 值类型和 Object 之间不存在引用转换 —— 虽然 DateTime 是从 Object 派生的,为了解决这个问题,可像下面这样声明 ProcessCollection :

void ProcessCollection<T>(IEnumerable<Object> collection) { ... }

另外, ProcessColleciton(IEnumerable<Object> collection) 最大的好处是 JIT 编译得到的代码只有一个版本。但如果使用 ProcessCollection<T>(IEnumerable<T> collection) ,那么只有在 T 是引用类型的前提下,才可共享同一个版本的 JIT 编译代码;不过,起码能在调用方法时传递一个值类型结合了。

另外,对于泛型类型参数,如果要将该类型的实参传给使用 outref 关键字的方法,便不允许可变性。例如,以下代码会造成编译器报告错误消息: 无效的可变性:类型参数“T”在“SomeDelegate<T>.Invoke(ref T)”中必须是不变量。现在的“T“是逆变量。

delegate void SomeDelegate<in T>(ref T t);

When using delegates that take generic arguments and return types, it is recommended to always specify the in and out keywords for contra-variance and covariance whenever possible, because doing this has no ill effects and enables your delegate to be used in more scenarios.

Like delegates, an interface with generic type parameters can have its type parameters be contravariant or covariant. Here is an example of an interface with a covariant generic type parameter.

public interface IEnumerator<out T> : IEnumerator {
 Boolean MoveNext();
 T Current { get; }

Because T is covariant, it is possible to have the following code compile and run successfully.

// This method accepts an IEnumerable of any reference type
Int32 Count(IEnumerable<Object> collection) { ... }
// The call below passes an IEnumerable<String> to Count
Int32 c = Count(new[] { "Grant" });

💡重要提示:开发人员有时会问:” 为什么必须显式用 inout 标记泛型类型参数?“他们认为编译器应该能检查委托或接口声明,并自动检测哪些泛型类型参数能够逆变和协变。虽然编译器确实能,但 C# 团队认为必须由你订立协定 (contract),明确说明想允许什么。例如,假定编译器判断一个泛型类型参数是逆变量 (用在输入位置),但你将来向某个接口添加了成员,并将类型参数用在了输出位置。下次编译时,编译器将认为该类型参数是不变量。但在引用了其他成员的所有地方,只要还以为” 类型参数是逆变量 “就可能出错。

因此,编译器团队决定,在声明泛型类型参数时,必须由你显使用 inout 来标记可变性。以后使用这个类型参数时,假如用法与声明时指定的不符,编译器就会报错,提醒你违反了自己订立的协定。如果为泛型类型参数添加 inout 来打破原来的协定,就必须修改使用旧协定的代码。

💡小结:委托的每个泛型类型参数都可标记为协变量或逆变量。利用这个功能,可将泛型委托类型的变量转换为相同的委托类型(但泛型参数类型不同)。泛型类型参数可以是不变量(invariant),意味着泛型类型参数不能更改;逆变量(contravariant),意味着泛型类型参数可以从一个类更改为它的某个派生类。在 C# 是用 in 关键字标记逆变量形式的泛型类型参数。逆变量泛型类型参数只出现在输入位置,比如作为方法的参数;协变量(convariant)意味着泛型类型参数可以从一个类更改为它的某个基类。C# 是用 out 关键字标记协变量形式的泛型类型参数。协变量泛型类型参数只能出现在输出位置,比如作为方法的返回类型。假定 A 可以转换为 B,如果 X<A> 可以转换为 X<B>,那么称 X 有一个协变类型参数。而逆变的转换方向正好相反,即从 X<B > 转换到 X<A>。由于 C# 有协变(covariance)和逆变(contravariant)的概念,所以 “可转换” 意味着可以通过隐式引用转化进行类型转换。使用要获取泛型参数和返回值的委托时,建议尽量为逆变量和协变量指定 in 和 out 关键字。这样做不会有不良反应,并使你的委托能在更多的情形中使用。和委托相似,具有泛型类型参数的接口也可将类型参数标记为逆变量和协变量。简而言之,协变性指定返回类型的兼容性,而逆变性指定参数的兼容性。

# Generic Methods

When you define a generic class, struct, or interface, any methods defined in these types can refer to a type parameter specified by the type. A type parameter can be used as a method’s parameter, a method’s return type, or as a local variable defined inside the method. However, the CLR also supports the ability for a method to specify its very own type parameters. And these type parameters can also be used for parameters, return types, or local variables.

Here is a somewhat contrived example of a type that defines a type parameter and a method that has its very own type parameter.

internal sealed class GenericType<T> { 
 private T m_value; 
 public GenericType(T value) { m_value = value; } 
 public TOutput Converter<TOutput>() { 
 TOutput result = (TOutput) Convert.ChangeType(m_value, typeof(TOutput)); 
 return result; 

In this example, you can see that the GenericType class defines its own type parameter (T), and the Converter method defines its own type parameter (TOutput). This allows a GenericType to be constructed to work with any type. The Converter method can convert the object referred to by the m_value field to various types depending on what type argument is passed to it when called. The ability to have type parameters and method parameters allows for phenomenal flexibility.

A reasonably good example of a generic method is the Swap method.

private static void Swap<T>(ref T o1, ref T o2) { 
 T temp = o1; 
 o1 = o2; 
 o2 = temp; 

Code can now call Swap like as follows.

private static void CallingSwap() { 
 Int32 n1 = 1, n2 = 2; 
 Console.WriteLine("n1={0}, n2={1}", n1, n2); 
 Swap<Int32>(ref n1, ref n2); 
 Console.WriteLine("n1={0}, n2={1}", n1, n2); 
 String s1 = "Aidan", s2 = "Grant"; 
 Console.WriteLine("s1={0}, s2={1}", s1, s2); 
 Swap<String>(ref s1, ref s2); 
 Console.WriteLine("s1={0}, s2={1}", s1, s2); 

Using generic types with methods that take out and ref parameters can be particularly interesting because the variable you pass as an out/ref argument must be the same type as the method’s parameter to avoid a potential type safety exploit. This issue related to out/ref parameters is discussed toward the end of the “Passing Parameters by Reference to a Method” section in Chapter 9, “Parameters.” In fact, the Interlocked class’s Exchange and CompareExchange methods offer generic overloads for precisely this reason.

public static class Interlocked { 
 public static T Exchange<T>(ref T location1, T value) where T: class; 
 public static T CompareExchange<T>( 
 ref T location1, T value, T comparand) where T: class; 

# Generic Methods and Type Inference

For many developers, the C# generic syntax can be confusing with all of its less-than and greaterthan signs. To help improve code creation, readability, and maintainability, the C# compiler offers type inference when calling a generic method. Type inference means that the compiler attempts to determine (or infer) the type to use automatically when calling a generic method. Here is some code that demonstrates type inference.

private static void CallingSwapUsingInference() { 
 Int32 n1 = 1, n2 = 2; 
 Swap(ref n1, ref n2);// Calls Swap<Int32>
 String s1 = "Aidan"; 
 Object s2 = "Grant"; 
 Swap(ref s1, ref s2);// Error, type can't be inferred 

In this code, notice that the calls to Swap do not specify type arguments in less-than/greater-than signs. In the first call to Swap, the C# compiler was able to infer that n1 and n2 are Int32s, and therefore, it should call Swap by using an Int32 type argument.

When performing type inference, C# uses the variable’s data type, not the actual type of the object referred to by the variable. So in the second call to Swap, C# sees that s1 is a String and s2 is an Object (even though it happens to refer to a String). Because s1 and s2 are variables of different data types, the compiler can’t accurately infer the type to use for Swap’s type argument, and it issues the following message: error CS0411: The type arguments for method 'Program. Swap(ref T, ref T)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.

A type can define multiple methods with one of its methods taking a specific data type and another taking a generic type parameter, as in the following example.

private static void Display(String s) { 
private static void Display<T>(T o) { 
 Display(o.ToString()); // Calls Display(String) 
Here are some ways to call the Display method.
Display("Jeff"); // Calls Display(String) 
Display(123); // Calls Display<T>(T) 
Display<String>("Aidan"); // Calls Display<T>(T)

n the first call, the compiler could actually call either the Display method that takes a String or the generic Display method (replacing T with String). However, the C# compiler always prefers a more explicit match over a generic match, and therefore, it generates a call to the nongeneric Display method that takes a String. For the second call, the compiler can’t call the non-generic Display method that takes a String, so it must call the generic Display method. By the way, it is fortunate that the compiler always prefers the more explicit match; if the compiler had preferred the generic method, because the generic Display method calls Display again (but with a String returned by ToString), there would have been infinite recursion.

The third call to Display specifies a generic type argument, String. This tells the compiler not to try to infer type arguments but instead to use the type arguments that I explicitly specified. In this case, the compiler also assumes that I must really want to call the generic Display method, so the generic Display will be called. Internally, the generic Display method will call ToString on the passed-in string, which results in a string that is then passed to the non-generic Display method.

💡小结:定义泛型类、结构或接口时,类型中定义的任何方法都可引用类型指定的类型参数。类型参数可作为方法参数、方法返回值或方法内部定义的局部变量的类型使用。然而,CLR 还允许方法定义它自己的类型参数。这些参数也可作为参数、返回值或局部变量的类型使用。为了改进代码的创建,增强可读性和可维护性,C# 编译器支持在调用泛型方法时进行类型推断。这意味着编译器会在调用泛型方法时自动判断(或者说推断)要使用的类型。推断类型时,C# 使用变量的数据类型,而不是变量引用的对象的实际类型。类型可定义多个方法,让其中一个方法接受具体数据类型,让另一个接受泛型类型参数。C# 编译器的策略是先考虑较明确的匹配,再考虑泛型匹配。

# Generics and Other Members

In C#, properties, indexers, events, operator methods, constructors, and finalizers cannot themselves have type parameters. However, they can be defined within a generic type, and the code in these members can use the type’s type parameters.

C# doesn’t allow these members to specify their own generic type parameters because Microsoft’s C# team believes that developers would rarely have a need to use these members as generic. Furthermore, the cost of adding generic support to these members would be quite high in terms of designing adequate syntax into the language. For example, when you use a + operator in code, the compiler could call an operator overload method. There is no way to indicate any type arguments in your code along with the + operator.

💡小结:在 C# 中,属性、索引器、事件、操作符方法、构造器和终结器本身不能有类型参数。但它们能在泛型类型中定义,而且这些成员中的代码能使用类型的类型参数。

# Verifiability and Constraints

When compiling generic code, the C# compiler analyzes it and ensures that the code will work for any type that exists today or that may be defined in the future. Let’s look at the following method.

private static Boolean MethodTakingAnyType<T>(T o) { 
 T temp = o; 
 Boolean b = temp.Equals(o); 
 return b; 

This method declares a temporary variable (temp) of type T, and then the method performs a couple of variable assignments and a few method calls. This method works for any type. If T is a reference type, it works. If T is a value or enumeration type, it works. If T is an interface or delegate type, it works. This method works for all types that exist today or that will be defined tomorrow because every type supports assignment and calls to methods defined by Object (such as ToString and Equals).

Now look at the following method.

private static T Min<T>(T o1, T o2) { 
 if (o1.CompareTo(o2) < 0) return o1; 
 return o2; 

The Min method attempts to use the o1 variable to call the CompareTo method. But there are lots of types that do not offer a CompareTo method, and therefore, the C# compiler can’t compile this code and guarantee that this method would work for all types. If you attempt to compile the above code, the compiler issues the following message: error CS1061: 'T' does not contain a definition for 'CompareTo' accepting a first argument of type 'T' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

So it would seem that when using generics, you can declare variables of a generic type, perform some variable assignments, call methods defined by Object, and that’s about it! This makes generics practically useless. Fortunately, compilers and the CLR support a mechanism called constraints that you can take advantage of to make generics useful again.

A constraint is a way to limit the number of types that can be specified for a generic argument. Limiting the number of types allows you to do more with those types. Here is a new version of the Min method that specifies a constraint (in bold).

public static T Min<T>(T o1, T o2) where T : IComparable<T> { 
 if (o1.CompareTo(o2) < 0) return o1; 
 return o2; 

The C# where token tells the compiler that any type specified for T must implement the generic IComparable interface of the same type (T). Because of this constraint, the compiler now allows the method to call the CompareTo method because this method is defined by the IComparable interface.

Now, when code references a generic type or method, the compiler is responsible for ensuring that a type argument that meets the constraints is specified. For example, the following code causes the compiler to issue the following message: error CS0311: The type 'object' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'SomeType.Min(T, T)'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'object' to 'System. IComparable'.

private static void CallMin() { 
 Object o1 = "Jeff", o2 = "Richter"; 
 Object oMin = Min<Object>(o1, o2); // Error CS0311

The compiler issues the error because System.Object doesn’t implement the IComparable­ interface. In fact, System.Object doesn’t implement any interfaces at all.

Now that you have a sense of what constraints are and how they work, we’ll start to look a little deeper into them. Constraints can be applied to a generic type’s type parameters as well as to a generic method’s type parameters (as shown in the Min method). The CLR doesn’t allow overloading based on type parameter names or constraints; you can overload types or methods based only on arity. The following examples show what I mean.

// It is OK to define the following types: 
internal sealed class AType {} 
internal sealed class AType<T> {} 
internal sealed class AType<T1, T2> {} 
// Error: conflicts with AType<T> that has no constraints 
internal sealed class AType<T> where T : IComparable<T> {} 
// Error: conflicts with AType<T1, T2>
internal sealed class AType<T3, T4> {} 
internal sealed class AnotherType { 
 // It is OK to define the following methods: 
 private static void M() {} 
 private static void M<T>() {} 
 private static void M<T1, T2>() {} 
 // Error: conflicts with M<T> that has no constraints 
 private static void M<T>() where T : IComparable<T> {} 
 // Error: conflicts with M<T1, T2>
 private static void M<T3, T4>() {} 

When overriding a virtual generic method, the overriding method must specify the same number of type parameters, and these type parameters will inherit the constraints specified on them by the base class’s method. In fact, the overriding method is not allowed to specify any constraints on its type parameters at all. However, it can change the names of the type parameters. Similarly, when implementing an interface method, the method must specify the same number of type parameters as the interface method, and these type parameters will inherit the constraints specified on them by the interface’s method. Here is an example that demonstrates this rule by using virtual methods.

internal class Base { 
 public virtual void M<T1, T2>() 
 where T1 : struct 
 where T2 : class { 
internal sealed class Derived : Base { 
 public override void M<T3, T4>() 
 where T3 : EventArgs // Error 
 where T4 : class // Error 
 { } 

Attempting to compile the preceding code causes the compiler to issue the following message: error CS0460: Constraints for override and explicit interface implementation methods are inherited from the base method, so they cannot be specified directly. If we remove the two where lines from the Derived class’s M method, the code will compile just fine. Notice that you can change the names of the type parameters (as in the example: from T1 to T3 and T2 to T4); however, you cannot change (or even specify) constraints.

Now let’s talk about the different kinds of constraints the compiler/CLR allows you to apply to a type parameter. A type parameter can be constrained by using a primary constraint, a secondary constraint, and/or a constructor constraint. I’ll talk about these three kinds of constraints in the next three sections.

# Primary Constraints

A type parameter can specify zero primary constraints or one primary constraint. A primary constraint can be a reference type that identifies a class that is not sealed. You cannot specify one of the following special reference types: System.Object, System.Array, System.Delegate, System.MulticastDelegate, System.ValueType, System.Enum, or System.Void.

When specifying a reference type constraint, you are promising the compiler that a specified type argument will either be of the same type or of a type derived from the constraint type. For example, see the following generic class.

internal sealed class PrimaryConstraintOfStream<T> where T : Stream { 
 public void M(T stream) { 
 stream.Close();// OK 

In this class definition, the type parameter T has a primary constraint of Stream (defined in the System.IO namespace). This tells the compiler that code using PrimaryConstraintOfStream must specify a type argument of Stream or a type derived from Stream (such as FileStream). If a type parameter doesn’t specify a primary constraint, System.Object is assumed. However, the C# compiler issues an error message (error CS0702: Constraint cannot be special class 'object') if you explicitly specify System.Object in your source code.

There are two special primary constraints: class and struct. The class constraint promises the compiler that a specified type argument will be a reference type. Any class type, interface type, delegate type, or array type satisfies this constraint. For example, see the following generic class.

internal sealed class PrimaryConstraintOfClass<T> where T : class { 
 public void M() { 
 T temp = null;// Allowed because T must be a reference type 

In this example, setting temp to null is legal because T is known to be a reference type, and all reference type variables can be set to null. If T were unconstrained, the preceding code would not compile because T could be a value type, and value type variables cannot be set to null.

The struct constraint promises the compiler that a specified type argument will be a value type. Any value type, including enumerations, satisfies this constraint. However, the compiler and the CLR treat any System.Nullable value type as a special type, and nullable types do not satisfy this constraint. The reason is because the Nullable type constrains its type parameter to struct, and the CLR wants to prohibit a recursive type such as Nullable>. Nullable types are discussed in Chapter 19, “Nullable Value Types.”

Here is an example class that constrains its type parameter by using the struct constraint.

internal sealed class PrimaryConstraintOfStruct<T> where T : struct { 
 public static T Factory() { 
 // Allowed because all value types implicitly 
 // have a public, parameterless constructor 
 return new T(); 

In this example, newing up a T is legal because T is known to be a value type, and all value types implicitly have a public, parameterless constructor. If T were unconstrained, constrained to a reference type, or constrained to class, the above code would not compile because some reference types do not have public, parameterless constructors.

# Secondary Constraints

A type parameter can specify zero or more secondary constraints where a secondary constraint represents an interface type. When specifying an interface type constraint, you are promising the compiler that a specified type argument will be a type that implements the interface. And because you can specify multiple interface constraints, the type argument must specify a type that implements all of the interface constraints (and all of the primary constraints too, if specified). Chapter 13 discusses interface constraints in detail.

There is another kind of secondary constraint called a type parameter constraint (sometimes referred to as a naked type constraint). This kind of constraint is used much less often than an interface constraint. It allows a generic type or method to indicate that there must be a relationship between specified type arguments. A type parameter can have zero or more type constraints applied to it. Here is a generic method that demonstrates the use of a type parameter constraint.

private static List<TBase> ConvertIList<T, TBase>(IList<T> list) 
 where T : TBase { 
 List<TBase> baseList = new List<TBase>(list.Count); 
 for (Int32 index = 0; index < list.Count; index++) { 
 return baseList; 

The ConvertIList method specifies two type parameters in which the T parameter is constrained by the TBase type parameter. This means that whatever type argument is specified for T, the type argument must be compatible with whatever type argument is specified for TBase . Here is a method showing some legal and illegal calls to ConvertIList .

private static void CallingConvertIList() { 
 // Construct and initialize a List<String> (which implements IList<String>) 
 IList<String> ls = new List<String>(); 
 ls.Add("A String"); 
 // Convert the IList<String> to an IList<Object>
 IList<Object> lo = ConvertIList<String, Object>(ls); 
 // Convert the IList<String> to an IList<IComparable>
 IList<IComparable> lc = ConvertIList<String, IComparable>(ls); 
 // Convert the IList<String> to an IList<IComparable<String>>
 IList<IComparable<String>> lcs = 
 ConvertIList<String, IComparable<String>>(ls); 
 // Convert the IList<String> to an IList<String>
 IList<String> ls2 = ConvertIList<String, String>(ls); 
 // Convert the IList<String> to an IList<Exception>
 IList<Exception> le = ConvertIList<String, Exception>(ls);// Error 

In the first call to ConvertIList , the compiler ensures that String is compatible with Object. Because String is derived from Object, the first call adheres to the type parameter constraint. In the second call to ConvertIList , the compiler ensures that String is compatible with IComparable . Because String implements the IComparable interface, the second call adheres to the type parameter constraint. In the third call to ConvertIList , the compiler ensures that String is compatible with IComparable . Because String implements the IComparable interface, the third call adheres to the type parameter constraint. In the fourth call to ConvertIList , the compiler knows that String is compatible with itself. In the fifth call to ConvertIList , the compiler ensures that String is compatible with Exception. Because String is not compatible with Exception, the fifth call doesn’t adhere to the type parameter constraint, and the compiler issues the following message: error CS0311: The type 'string' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method Program.ConvertIList(System.Collections.Generic.IList) '. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'string' to ' System.Exception '.

# Constructor Constraints

A type parameter can specify zero constructor constraints or one constructor constraint. When specifying a constructor constraint, you are promising the compiler that a specified type argument will be a non-abstract type that implements a public, parameterless constructor. Note that the C# compiler considers it an error to specify a constructor constraint with the struct constraint because it is redundant; all value types implicitly offer a public, parameterless constructor. Here is an example class that constrains its type parameter by using the constructor constraint.

internal sealed class ConstructorConstraint<T> where T : new() { 
 public static T Factory() { 
 // Allowed because all value types implicitly 
 // have a public, parameterless constructor and because 
 // the constraint requires that any specified reference 
 // type also have a public, parameterless constructor 
 return new T(); 

In this example, newing up a T is legal because T is known to be a type that has a public, parameterless constructor. This is certainly true of all value types, and the constructor constraint requires that it be true of any reference type specified as a type argument.

Sometimes developers would like to declare a type parameter by using a constructor constraint whereby the constructor takes various parameters itself. As of now, the CLR (and therefore the C# compiler) supports only parameterless constructors. Microsoft feels that this will be good enough for almost all scenarios, and I agree.

# Other Verifiability Issues

In the remainder of this section, I’d like to point out a few other code constructs that have unexpected behavior when used with generics due to verifiability issues and how constraints can be used to make the code verifiable again.

# Casting a Generic Type Variable

Casting a generic type variable to another type is illegal unless you are casting to a type compatible with a constraint.

private static void CastingAGenericTypeVariable1<T>(T obj) { 
 Int32 x = (Int32) obj; // Error 
 String s = (String) obj; // Error 

The compiler issues an error on both lines above because T could be any type, and there is no guarantee that the casts will succeed. You can modify this code to get it to compile by casting to Object first.

private static void CastingAGenericTypeVariable2<T>(T obj) { 
 Int32 x = (Int32) (Object) obj; // No error 
 String s = (String) (Object) obj; // No error 

Although this code will now compile, it is still possible for the CLR to throw an InvalidCastException at run time.

If you are trying to cast to a reference type, you can also use the C# as operator. Here is code modified to use the as operator with String (because Int32 is a value type).

private static void CastingAGenericTypeVariable3<T>(T obj) { 
 String s = obj as String; // No error 

# Setting a Generic Type Variable to a Default Value

Setting a generic type variable to null is illegal unless the generic type is constrained to a reference type.

private static void SettingAGenericTypeVariableToNull<T>() { 
 T temp = null; // CS0403 – Cannot convert null to type parameter 'T' because it could
 // be a non-nullable value type. Consider using 'default(T)' instead

Because T is unconstrained, it could be a value type, and setting a variable of a value type to null is not possible. If T were constrained to a reference type, setting temp to null would compile and run just fine.

Microsoft’s C# team felt that it would be useful to give developers the ability to set a variable to a default value. So the C# compiler allows you to use the default keyword to accomplish this.

private static void SettingAGenericTypeVariableToDefaultValue<T>() { 
 T temp = default(T); // OK 

The use of the default keyword above tells the C# compiler and the CLR’s JIT compiler to produce code to set temp to null if T is a reference type and to set temp to all-bits-zero if T is a value type.

# Comparing a Generic Type Variable with null

Comparing a generic type variable to null by using the == or != operator is legal regardless of whether the generic type is constrained.

private static void ComparingAGenericTypeVariableWithNull<T>(T obj) { 
 if (obj == null) { /* Never executes for a value type */ } 

Because T is unconstrained, it could be a reference type or a value type. If T is a value type, obj can never be null. Normally, you’d expect the C# compiler to issue an error because of this. However, the C# compiler does not issue an error; instead, it compiles the code just fine. When this method is called using a type argument that is a value type, the JIT compiler sees that the if statement can never be true, and the JIT compiler will not emit the native code for the if test or the code in the braces. If I had used the != operator, the JIT compiler would not emit the code for the if test (because it is always true), and it will emit the code inside the if’s braces.

By the way, if T had been constrained to a struct, the C# compiler would issue an error because you shouldn’t be writing code that compares a value type variable with null because the result is always the same.

# Comparing Two Generic Type Variables with Each Other

Comparing two variables of the same generic type is illegal if the generic type parameter is not known to be a reference type.

private static void ComparingTwoGenericTypeVariables<T>(T o1, T o2) { 
 if (o1 == o2) { } // Error 

In this example, T is unconstrained, and whereas it is legal to compare two reference type variables with one another, it is not legal to compare two value type variables with one another unless the value type overloads the == operator. If T were constrained to class, this code would compile, and the == operator would return true if the variables referred to the same object, checking for exact identity. Note that if T were constrained to a reference type that overloaded the operator == method, the compiler would emit calls to this method when it sees the == operator. Obviously, this whole discussion applies to uses of the != operator too.

When you write code to compare the primitive value types—Byte, Int32, Single, Decimal, etc.—the C# compiler knows how to emit the right code. However, for non-primitive value types, the C# compiler doesn’t know how to emit the code to do comparisons. So if ComparingTwoGenericTypeVariables method’s T were constrained to struct, the compiler would issue an error. And you’re not allowed to constrain a type parameter to a specific value type because it is implicitly sealed, and therefore no types exist that are derived from the value type. Allowing this would make the generic method constrained to a specific type, and the C# compiler doesn’t allow this because it is more efficient to just make a non-generic method.

# Using Generic Type Variables as Operands

Finally, it should be noted that there are a lot of issues about using operators with generic type operands. In Chapter 5, I talked about C# and how it handles its primitive types: Byte, Int16, Int32, Int64, Decimal, and so on. In particular, I mentioned that C# knows how to interpret operators (such as +, -, *, and /) when applied to the primitive types. Well, these operators can’t be applied to variables of a generic type because the compiler doesn’t know the type at compile time. This means that you can’t use any of these operators with variables of a generic type. So it is impossible to write a mathematical algorithm that works on an arbitrary numeric data type. Here is an example of a generic method that I’d like to write.

private static T Sum<T>(T num) where T : struct { 
 T sum = default(T) ; 
 for (T n = default(T) ; n < num ; n++) 
 sum += n; 
 return sum; 

I’ve done everything possible to try to get this method to compile. I’ve constrained T to struct, and I’m using default(T) to initialize sum and n to 0. But when I compile this code, I get the following three errors.

  • error CS0019: Operator '<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'T' and 'T'

  • error CS0023: Operator '++' cannot be applied to operand of type 'T'

  • error CS0019: Operator '+=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'T' and 'T'

This is a severe limitation on the CLR’s generic support, and many developers (especially in the scientific, financial, and mathematical world) are very disappointed by this limitation. Many people have tried to come up with techniques to work around this limitation by using reflection (see Chapter 23, “Assembly Loading and Reflection”), the dynamic primitive type (see Chapter 5), operator overloading, and so on. But all of these cause a severe performance penalty or hurt readability of the code substantially. Hopefully, this is an area that Microsoft will address in a future version of the CLR and the compilers.

💡小结:C# 的泛型和 C++ 的模板在应用程序中很相似,但是它们的工作原理却大不相同。两者都发生了生产者和消费者的关联,且生产者的占位符将被消费者填充。但是在 C# 泛型中,生产者的类型(开放类型,如 List)可以编译到程序库(如 mscorlib.dll)中。这是因为生产者和消费者进行关联生成封闭类型是在运行时发生的。而 C++ 模板中,这一关联是在编译时进行的。这意味着 C++ 不能将模板库部署为 .dll,它们只存在于源代码中。回到 C#,从表面看,使用泛型似乎做不了太多事情。只能声明泛型类型的变量,执行变量赋值,在调用 Object 定义的方法。假如泛型只能这么用,可以说它几乎没有任何用。编译器和 CLR 支持称为约束的机制,可通过它使泛型变得真正有用。C# 的 where 关键字告诉编译器,为 T 指定的任何类型都必须实现满足相应的约束。约束可应用于泛型类型的类型参数,也可应用于泛型方法的类型参数。CLR 不允许基于类型参数名称或约束进行重载;只能基于元数(类型参数个数)对类型或方法进行重载。重载虚泛型方法时,重写的方法必须指定相同数量的类型参数,而且这些类型参数会继承在基类方法上指定的约束。事实上,根本不允许为重写方法的类型参数指定任何约束。但类型参数的名称是可以改变的。类似地,实现接口方法时,方法必须指定与接口方法等量的类型参数,这些类型参数将继承由接口方法指定的约束。编译器 / CLR 允许向类型参数应用各种约束。可用一个主要约束、一个次要约束以及 / 或者一个构造器约束来约束类型参数。类型参数可以指定零个或者一个主要约束。主要约束可以是代表非密封类的一个引用类型。但有些特殊引用类型不能指定。指定引用类型约束时,相当于向编译器承诺:一个指定的类型实参要么是与约束类型相同的类型,要么是从约束类型派生的类型。如果类型参数没有指定主要约束,就默认为 System.Object 。但如果在源代码中显式指定 System.Object ,C# 会报错。有两个特殊的主要约束:class 和 struct。其中,class 约束向编译器承诺类型实参是引用类型。任何类类型、接口类型、委托类型或者数组类型都满足这个约束。struct 约束项编译器承诺类型实参是值类型。但编译器和 CLR 将 System.Nullable<T> 值类型视为特殊类型,不满足这个 struct 约束。原因是 Nullable<T> 类型将它的类型参数约束为 struct,而 CLR 希望禁止像 Nullable<Nullable<T>> 这样的递归类型。类型参数可以指定零个或者多个次要约束,次要约束代表接口类型。如果能指定多个接口约束,所以类型实参必须实现了所有接口约束(以及主要约束,如果有的话)。还有一种次要约束称为类型参数约束,又是也称为裸类型约束。还有一种次要约束称为类型参数约束,有时也称为裸类型约束。它允许一个泛型类型或方法规定:指定的类型实参要么就是约束的类型,要么是约束的类型的派生类。类型参数可指定零个或一个构造器约束,它项构造器承诺类型实参是实现了公共无参构造器的非抽象类型。注意,如果同时使用构造器约束和 struct 约束,C# 编译器会认为这是一个错误,认为这是多余的;所有值类型都隐式提供了公共无参构造器(CLR(以及 C# 编译器)只支持无参构造器)。将泛型类型的变量转型为其他类型是非法的,除非转型为与约束兼容的类型。Microsoft 的 C# 团队认为有必要允许开发人员将变量设为它的默认值,并专门为此提供了 default 关键字。default 关键字告诉 C# 编译器和 CLR 的 JIT 编译器,如果 T 是引用类型,就将变量设为 null;如果是值类型,就将变量的所有位设为 0。无论泛型类型是否被约束,使用 == 或!= 操作符将泛型类型变量与 null 进行比较都是合法的。如果泛型变量参数不能肯定是引用类型,对同一个泛型类型的两个变量进行比较是非法的。虽然两个引用类型的变量相互比较是合法的,但两个值类型的变量互相比较是非法的,除非值类型重载了 == 操作符。不允许将类型参数约束成具体的值类型,因为值类型隐式密封,不可能存在从值类型派生的类型。最后要注意,将操作符应用于泛型类型的操作数会出现大量问题。编译器在编译时确定不了类型,所以不能向泛型类型的变量应用任何操作符。这是 CLR 的泛型支持体系的一个严重限制,许多人尝试用各种技术来避开这一限制,其中包括反射、dynamic 基元类型和操作符重载等。但所有这些技术都会严重损害性能或者影响代码的可读性。