# Chapter 7 Constants and Fields

# Constants

A constant is a symbol that has a never-changing value. When defining a constant symbol, its value must be determinable at compile time. The compiler then saves the constant’s value in the assembly’s metadata. This means that you can define a constant only for types that your compiler considers primitive types. In C#, the following types are primitives and can be used to define constants: Boolean, Char, Byte, SByte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Single, Double, Decimal, and String. However, C# also allows you to define a constant variable of a non-primitive type if you set the value to null.

using System; 
public sealed class SomeType { 
 // SomeType is not a primitive type but C# does allow
 // a constant variable of this type to be set to 'null'. 
 public const SomeType Empty = null; 

Because a constant value never changes, constants are always considered to be part of the defining type. In other words, constants are always considered to be static members, not instance members. Defining a constant causes the creation of metadata.

When code refers to a constant symbol, compilers look up the symbol in the metadata of the assembly that defines the constant, extract the constant’s value, and embed the value in the emitted Intermediate Language (IL) code. Because a constant’s value is embedded directly in code, constants don’t require any memory to be allocated for them at run time. In addition, you can’t get the address of a constant and you can’t pass a constant by reference. These constraints also mean that constants don’t have a good cross-assembly versioning story, so you should use them only when you know that the value of a symbol will never change. (Defining MaxInt16 as 32767 is a good example.) Let me demonstrate exactly what I mean. First, take the following code and compile it into a DLL assembly.

using System; 
public sealed class SomeLibraryType { 
 // NOTE: C# doesn't allow you to specify static for constants 
 // because constants are always implicitly static. 
 public const Int32 MaxEntriesInList = 50; 

Then use the following code to build an application assembly.

using System; 
public sealed class Program { 
 public static void Main() { 
 Console.WriteLine("Max entries supported in list: " 
 + SomeLibraryType.MaxEntriesInList); 

You’ll notice that this application code references the MaxEntriesInList constant defined in the SomeLibraryType class. When the compiler builds the application code, it sees that MaxEntriesInList is a constant literal with a value of 50 and embeds the Int32 value of 50 right inside the application’s IL code, as you can see in the following IL code. In fact, after building the application assembly, the DLL assembly isn’t even loaded at run time and can be deleted from the disk because the compiler does not even add a reference to the DLL assembly in the application's metadata.

.method public hidebysig static void Main() cil managed
 // Code size 25 (0x19)
 .maxstack 8
 IL_0000: nop
 IL_0001: ldstr "Max entries supported in list: "
 IL_0006: ldc.i4.s 50 
 IL_0008: box [mscorlib]System.Int32
 IL_000d: call string [mscorlib]System.String::Concat(object, object)
 IL_0012: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
 IL_0017: nop
 IL_0018: ret
} // end of method Program::Main

This example should make the versioning problem obvious to you. If the developer changes the MaxEntriesInList constant to 1000 and only rebuilds the DLL assembly, the application assembly is not affected. For the application to pick up the new value, it will have to be recompiled as well. You can’t use constants if you need to have a value in one assembly picked up by another assembly at run time (instead of compile time). Instead, you can use readonly fields, which I’ll discuss next.

💡小结:常量是值从不变化的符号,它的值必须能在编译时确定。确定后,编译器将常量值保存到程序集元数据中。这意味着只能定义编译器识别的基元类型的常量。C# 也允许定义非基元类型的常量变量(constant variable),前提是把值设为 null。由于常量值从不变化,所以常量总是被视为类型定义的一部分。换言之,常量总是被视为静态成员,而不是实例成员。定义常量将导致创建元数据。代码引用常量符号时,编译器在定义常量的程序集的元数据中查找该符号,提取常量的值,将值嵌入生成的 IL 代码中。由于常量的值直接嵌入代码,所以在运行时不需要为常量分配任何内存。除此之外,不能获取常量的地址,也不能以传引用的方式传递常量。这些限制意味着常量不能很好地支持跨程序集的版本控制。如果希望在运行时从一个程序集中提取另一个程序集中的值,那么不应该使用常量,而应该使用 readonly 字段。

# Fields

A field is a data member that holds an instance of a value type or a reference to a reference type. Table 7-1 shows the modifiers that can be applied to a field.


As Table 7-1 shows, the common language run time (CLR) supports both type (static) and instance (nonstatic) fields. For type fields, the dynamic memory required to hold the field’s data is allocated inside the type object, which is created when the type is loaded into an AppDomain (see Chapter 22, “CLR Hosting and AppDomains”), which typically happens the first time any method that references the type is just-in-time (JIT)–compiled. For instance fields, the dynamic memory to hold the field is allocated when an instance of the type is constructed.

Because fields are stored in dynamic memory, their value can be obtained at run time only. Fields also solve the versioning problem that exists with constants. In addition, a field can be of any data type, so you don’t have to restrict yourself to your compiler’s built-in primitive types (as you do for constants).

The CLR supports readonly fields and read/write fields. Most fields are read/write fields, meaning the field’s value might change multiple times as the code executes. However, readonly fields can be written to only within a constructor method (which is called only once, when an object is first created). Compilers and verification ensure that readonly fields are not written to by any method other than a constructor. Note that reflection can be used to modify a readonly field.

Let’s take the example from the “Constants” section and fix the versioning problem by using a static readonly field. Here’s the new version of the DLL assembly’s code.

using System; 
public sealed class SomeLibraryType { 
 // The static is required to associate the field with the type. 
 public static readonly Int32 MaxEntriesInList = 50; 

This is the only change you have to make; the application code doesn’t have to change at all, although you must rebuild it to see the new behavior. Now when the application’s Main method runs, the CLR will load the DLL assembly (so this assembly is now required at run time) and grab the value of the MaxEntriesInList field out of the dynamic memory allocated for it. Of course, the value will be 50.

Let’s say that the developer of the DLL assembly changes the 50 to 1000 and rebuilds the assembly. When the application code is re-executed, it will automatically pick up the new value: 1000. In this case, the application code doesn’t have to be rebuilt—it just works (although its performance is adversely affected). A caveat: this scenario assumes that the new version of the DLL assembly is not strongly named and the versioning policy of the application is such that the CLR loads this new version.

The following example shows how to define a readonly static field that is associated with the type itself, as well as read/write static fields and readonly and read/write instance fields, as shown here.

public sealed class SomeType { 
 // This is a static read-only field; its value is calculated and 
 // stored in memory when this class is initialized at run time. 
 public static readonly Random s_random = new Random(); 
 // This is a static read/write field. 
 private static Int32 s_numberOfWrites = 0; 
 // This is an instance read-only field. 
 public readonly String Pathname = "Untitled"; 
 // This is an instance read/write field. 
 private System.IO.FileStream m_fs; 
 public SomeType(String pathname) { 
 // This line changes a read-only field. 
 // This is OK because the code is in a constructor. 
 this.Pathname = pathname; 
 public String DoSomething() { 
 // This line reads and writes to the static read/write field. 
 s_numberOfWrites = s_numberOfWrites + 1; 
 // This line reads the read-only instance field. 
 return Pathname; 

In this code, many of the fields are initialized inline. C# allows you to use this convenient inline initialization syntax to initialize a class’s constants and read/write and readonly fields. As you’ll see in Chapter 8, “Methods,” C# treats initializing a field inline as shorthand syntax for initializing the field in a constructor. Also, in C#, there are some performance issues to consider when initializing fields by using inline syntax versus assignment syntax in a constructor. These performance issues are discussed in Chapter 8 as well.

💡重要提示:当某个字段是引用类型,并且该字段被标记为 readonly 时,不可改变的是引用,而非字段引用的对象。以下代码对此进行了演示:

public sealed class AType {
    // InvalidChars 总是引用同一个数组对象
    public static readonly Char[] InvalidChars = new Char[] { 'A', 'B', 'C' };
public sealed class AnotherType {
    public static void M() {
        // 下面三行代码是合法的,可通过编译,并可成功
        // 修改 InvalidChars 数组中的字符
        AType.InvalidChars[0] = 'X';
        AType.InvalidChars[1] = 'Y';
        AType.InvalidChars[2] = 'Z';
        // 下一行代码是非法的,无法通过编译,
        // 因为不能让 InvalidChars 引用别的什么东西
        // A static readonly field cannot be assigned to(except in a static constructor or a variable initializer)
        AType.InvalidChars = new Char[] { 'X', 'Y', 'Z' };

💡小结:字段是一种数据成员,其中容纳了一个值类型的实例或者对一个引用类型的引用。CLR 支持类型(静态)字段和实例(非静态)字段。如果是类型字段,容纳字段数据所需的动态内存是在类型对象中分配的,而类型对象是在类型加载到一个 AppDomain 时创建的,类型通常在引用了该类型的任何方法首次进行 JIT 编译的时候被加载到一个 AppDomain 中。由于字段存储在动态内存中,所以它们的值在运行时才能获取。字段还解决了常量存在的版本控制问题。此外,字段可以是任何数据类型,不像常量那样仅仅局限于编译器内置的基元类型。大多数字段都是 read/write 字段,意味着在代码执行过程中,字段值可多次改变。但 readonly 字段只能在构造器方法中写入。编译器和验证机制确保 readonly 字段不会被构造器以外的任何方法写入。注意,可利用反射来修改 readonly 字段。第 8 章 “方法” 会讲到,C# 实际是在构造器中对字段进行初始化的,字段的内联初始化只是一种语法上的简化。